Part 21 Report - 1997-461

ACCESSION #: 9706110118 NOTE: This text document was processed from a scanned version or an electronic submittal and has been processed as received. Some tables, figures, strikeouts, redlines, and enclosures may not have been included with this submittal, or have been omitted due to ASCII text conversion limitations. In order to view this document in its entirety, you may wish to use the NUDOCS microfiche in addition to the electronic text. USEC United States Enrichment Corporation 2 Democracy Center 6903 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20817 Tel: (301) 564-3200 Fax: (301) 564-3201 JAMES H. MILLER Dir: (301) 564-3309 VICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCTION Fax: (301) 571-8279 June 6, 1997 SERIAL: GDP 97-0076 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) Docket No. 70-7002 Written Notification of 10 CFR 21 Report The purpose of this letter is to provide written notification to the NRC of a reportable (see below) defect that has been identified at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS), in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21. The NRC was verbally notified of this situation on June 6, 1997. The defect involves probable inadequate fusion of lifting lug welds found on new model 48G cylinders supplied by Westerman Inc., 245 North Broad St., P.O. Box 125, Bremen, Ohio 43107. Portions of the lug welds on four cylinders from a lot of 32 cylinders were found to have weld defects known as overlap. Assuming all other factors are equal, a weld pattern with overlap is more likely to fail at a lower load than an otherwise identical weld pattern without overlap. Therefore, the margin of safety could have been reduced if the cylinders had been placed in service. While PORTS has not performed a full engineering evaluation to determine if the lug welds would actually have failed, the situation is being conservatively reported due to its potential significance to the GDPs and other users of 48G cylinders. The condition was initially discovered on April 7, 1997 during receipt inspections as required by the associated Engineering Specification Data Sheet (ESDS), which require 100% external visual inspection of each cylinder, and has been under evaluation since that time. The four cylinders with the observed defects were returned to the vendor. The remaining cylinders, which were all determined to be acceptable, were placed in stock. It has been determined that the weld defects were restricted to a single lot, according to information provided by Westerman, and that the problem has been corrected. Offices in Livermore, California Paducah, Kentucky Portsmouth, Ohio Washington, DC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk June 6, 1997 GDP 97-0076 Page 2 The Paducah plant has been apprised of this situation, and has implemented a parallel action plan. The associated PORTS 10 CFR 21 evaluation checklist and a copy of pertinent PORTS problem report is enclosed. Any questions related to this subject should be directed to me at (301) 564-3309 or Mark Lombard at (301) 564-3248. Sincerely, James H. Miller Vice President, Production Enclosures: As stated cc: NRC Region III Office NRC Resident Inspector - PGDP NRC Resident Inspector - PORTS ENCLOSURES PORTS PART 21 CHECKLIST AND RELATED PROBLEM REPORT UE-141 (11-22-96) 97-0004 10 CFR PART 21 EVALUATION CHECKLIST Page 1 of 2 The following questions provide the criteria for evaluation of 10 CFR Part 21 reportability: A.1 No X Yes Has the NRC already been informed of this condition pursuant to 10 CFR 21 (for example, by a supplier)? A.2 No Yes If yes, has USEC or LMUS been named as a recipient of the defective item? A.3 No X Yes Has the condition been reported to the NRC in accordance with procedure UE2-MC-RE1030? If the answer to Questions A.1 and A.2 are "Yes", or the answer to Question A.3 is "Yes", the condition need not be reported under 10 CFR 21. Attach objective evidence of notification of the NRC and complete Part E. If the answers to Questions A.1, A.2, and A.3 are "No", continue with the evaluation. B.1 No Yes X Is the identified condition a deviation or failure to comply associated with a basic component (including design, analysis, inspection, testing, fabrication, replacement parts, or consulting services)? If the answer to Question B.1 is "No", the condition is not reportable under 10 CFR 21; attach basis for conclusions and proceed to Section E. If the answer to Question B.1 is "Yes", continue the evaluation. B.2 No X Yes If the answer to Question B.1 is "Yes", has the basic component been delivered to USEC/LMUS and accepted for use in the plant or in an activity (includes USEC-dedicated commercial grade items)? If the answer to Question B.2 is "no", the condition is not reportable under 10 CFR 21; attach basis for conclusions and proceed to Section E. If the answer to Question B.2 is "Yes", condition is potentially reportable. Continue with the evaluation. See Remarks in Section E. C. Further, does the activity or basic component contain any of the following types of conditions? (Deviation means a departure from the technical requirements included in a procurement document.) No X Yes 1) The installation, use, or operation of a basic component containing a deviation? No Yes X 2) A condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to exceeding a safety limit as defined in the GDPs Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs)? No X Yes 3) A failure to comply with any applicable regulation, order, or certificate issued by the NRC? If all of the answers in this section are "No", the condition is not reportable; attach basis for conclusion and proceed to Section E. If any answers are "Yes", continue with the evaluation. Page 2 of 2 D. Could the deviation or failure to comply create a substantial safety hazard resulting in any of the following (assume there are no redundant or back-up systems): No X Yes 1) Exposure in excess of 10 CFR 20.1201 limits. No X Yes 2) Exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area to more than 0.5 rem in one calendar year (10 CFR 20.1301(c)). No Yes X 3) Release of radioactive material to an unrestricted area in excess of the limits in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table 2. No Yes X 4) A deficiency which seriously compromised the ability of a UF sub 6 containment system to perform its designated function. No Yes 5) Other (explain) If all of the answers in this section are "No", the condition is not reportable; complete Part E. If any answer is "Yes", condition is reportable. Continue with evaluation. E. Evaluation results and recommendation. Recommend condition be reported? No Yes X If answer is "Yes", sign this part and continue to follow procedure UE2-EG-GE1039. Sign the evaluation checklist and forward to the Manager, NRA. If answer is "No", evaluation is complete. Sign the evaluation check list and forward to Commitment Management for closure of Problem Report. Summary of evaluation and basis for conclusions. References: A. PR-PTS-97-3501, Problem Report for Rejected Cylinders B. DR-QA-97-0133, Disposition of Non-Conforming Item C. UE2-EG-GE1039, 10CFR21 Evaluation and Reporting D. 10CFR Part 21, Reporting of Defects and Non-Compliances E. NUREG-0302, 10CFR21 Q & A Remarks B.2) Marking part B no would normally screen out a Part 21 notification; however, this section assumes that the supplier would be required by law (Reference E) to make this notification. Discussions with Central Procurement (J. Mahoney) indicated that the affected Purchase Orders are several years old and do not invoke Part 21 on the supplier. For this reason the screening review will continue. The bases for TSRs and are to prevent the dropping of a liquid cylinder during lifting and to maintain the UF6 containment barrier. An attachment weld that has a structural flaw reduces the margin of safety available for lifting of the cylinder. Furthermore, a problem is indicated in the suppliers QA program that allowed the shipment of these cylinders. Because this deviation creates a condition in a basic component that could affect a UF6 containment system or cause an unacceptable release of UF6 it has been determined to be reportable under the notification requirements of 10CFR Part 21. Investigator Name Signature Date Independent Reviewer: Name Signature Date NRA Name Signature Date Attachment "PROBLEM REPORT" omitted. *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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