Part 21 Report - 1997-531

ACCESSION #: 9707220238 July 18, 1997 In response refer to: Ref. a) Elgar letter 970422.ecn, 18 July, 1997 97-01-21.21 b) G.E. Spec. 22A3153, Rev 5 c) ECN N960467A Illinois Power Company Clinton Power Station PO Box 678 Mail Code V920 Clinton, IL 61727 Attention: Mr. Joseph Sipek, Director of Licensing Fax: (217) 935-5864 Subject: Advisory Report, 10 CFR 2; UPS 103-1-189 Possible Quality Problem. The purpose of this letter is to report a possible 10 CFR 21 reportable condition for your evaluation and action as appropriate. Reference a) reported an error which occurred in an earlier Engineering Change. Specifically, R47 had been incorrectly installed on the Electric Power Assembly (EPA), which is a subassembly of UPS 103-1-189. Reference a) addresses cause and corrective action for this problem and notes that Elgar's analysis confirms that the error does not cause any degradation to Class IE systems/functions. However, based on a review of historical information regarding the evaluation which led to the incorporation of R47, it appears that the EPA board does not meet all specifications required by reference b) and therefore may cause degradation of the Reactor Protective System as defined in paragraph 4.3-5.6.3 and related paragraphs. Specifically, paragraph, revision 5 of G.E. Specification 22A3153 requires that power being supplied to the load by the UPS be disconnected if an abnormal voltage or frequency condition exists for a duration of four (4) seconds or more. The Elgar Engineering investigation, conducted at Clinton Power's request and which resulted in reference c), determined that while the under/over-frequency circuit can be calibrated to meet the four (4) second delay threshold, the under/over-voltage detection circuit cannot meet this specification due to the R-C Time Constant of the over-voltage circuit input filter components, which by themselves exceed the four (4) second threshold. Elgar recommends that Illinois Power Company evaluate the timing delay requirements applicable to the Reactor Protective System to determine if actual performance Is degraded and that Illinois Power take action as appropriate. Elgar Corporation is prepared to assist in this effort at your request. A hard copy of this correspondence will be mailed to the primary addressee. Please contact Ray Daniel or Rob Huft as the primary Elgar contacts regarding this matter: Ray Daniel Rob Huft Phone: (619) 458-0206 (619) 458-0247 Fax: (619) 458-0267 (619) 458-0267 E-mail- Sincerely, Raymond D. Daniel Director, Quality Assurance cc: NRC Operations Center [Fax (301) 816-5151]; excluding references. Illinois Power - Roger Gillenwater, Supplier Quality; Don Lukach, Engineering Elgar Corp. - Ken Kilpatrick, Pres.; Rob Huft, Quality Mgr.; Bill Gaedke, Sustaining Engineer; Tom Moshenrose, Nuclear Customer Service Mgr POWER REACTOR EVENT NUMBER: 32648 FACILITY: CLINTON REGION: 3 NOTIFICATION DATE: 07/18/97 UNIT: [1] [ ] [ ] STATE: IL NOTIFICATION TIME: 16:55 [ET) RX TYPE: [1] GE-6 EVENT DATE: 07/18/97 EVENT TIME: 12:00[CDT) NRC NOTIFIED BY: RAY DANIEL, ELGAR CORP. LAST UPDATE DATE: 07/18/97 HQ OPS OFFICER: DICK JOLLIFFE NOTIFICATIONS EMERGENCY CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE 10 CFR SECTION: JOHN MADERA RDO CCCC 21.21 UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH VERN HODGE NRR UNIT SCRAM CODE RX CRIT INIT PWR INIT RX MODE CURR PWR CURR RX MODE 1 N N 0 COLD SHUTDOWN 0 COLD SHUTDOWN EVENT TEXT -POSSIBLE 10CFR21 REPORTABLE CONDITION RE POTENTIAL DEGRADATION OF RPS UPS- GENERAL ELECTRIC SPECIFICATION #22A3153, REVISION 5, PARAGRAPH REQUIRES THAT POWER BEING SUPPLIED BY REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS) UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS) #103-1-189 BE DISCONNECTED IF AN ABNORMAL VOLTAGE OR FREQUENCY CONDITION EXISTS FOR A DURATION OF 4 SECONDS OR MORE. AN ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY ELGAR CORPORATION, SAN DIEGO, CA, AT CLINTON'S REQUEST, DETERMINED THAT WHILE THE UNDER/OVER-FREQUENCY CIRCUIT CAN BE CALIBRATED TO MEET THE 4 SECOND DELAY THRESHOLD, THE UNDER/OVER-VOLTAGE DETECTION CIRCUIT CANNOT MEET THIS SPECIFICATION DUE TO THE R-C TIME CONSTANT OF THE OVER-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT INPUT FILTER COMPONENTS, WHICH BY THEMSELVES, EXCEED THE 4 SECOND THRESHOLD AT CLINTON. ELGAR CORPORATION RECOMMENDS THAT CLINTON EVALUATE THE TIMING DELAY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM TO DETERMINE IF ACTUAL PERFORMANCE IS DEGRADED AND THAT CLINTON TAKE ACTION AS APPROPRIATE. ELGAR CORPORATION IS PREPARED TO ASSIST IN THIS EFFORT AT CLINTON'S REQUEST. ELGAR [Illegible print] 9250 Brown Door Road San Diego, Ca 92121 PHONE: (619) 460-0085 FAX: (619) 458-0267 (619) 468-0225 QA Department Fax Cover Sheet Date: 7/18/97 Fax #: 301-816-5151 To: NRC Operations Center No. of Pages to Follow: 2 From: Raymond Daniel Message: See Attached letter. *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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