Part 21 Report - 1997-556

ACCESSION #: 9711120091 NOTE: This text document was processed from a scanned version or an electronic submittal and has been processed as received. Some tables, figures, strikeouts, redlines, and enclosures may not have been included with this submittal, or have been omitted due to ASCII text conversion limitations. In order to view this document in its entirety, you may wish to use the NUDOCS microfiche in addition to the electronic text. The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 November 3, 1997 G-1151-SJA-97-503 Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Reference: a) Boeing Letter G-1151-RSO-92-365 dated August 31, 1992; R. S. Orr to the NRC Operations Center b) NRC Letter Docket No. 99901227 dated August 12, 1992; L. J. Norrholm to R. S. Orr; Subject: Response to 10 CFR 21 Inquiry Dear Sir or Madam: In accordance with the reference correspondence and 10 CFR 21, Boeing is sending the NRC the attached error notice(s) received from our former software suppliers. Because of unknown current addresses, the following former customers were not notified: Reactor Controls, Inc. Echo Energy Consultants, Inc. Nuclear Applications and Systems Analysis Company (Japan) Nuclear Power Services Error notices have been sent to our other former customers. Very truly yours, Sandra J. Andrews Nuclear Administrator Phone: (206) 865-6248 FAX: (206) 865-4851 Mail Stop: 7A-33, or e-mail: Enclosure(s): ANSYS Class3 Error Reports 97-35 thru 97-49, 97-02R1, 96- 50R1, 96-38R1, ANSYS QA Notice QA-97-02, ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB97-02 and ANSYS Class3 Error Summary Reports for Rev 5.3 ANSYS, Inc. Southpointe 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 October 24, 1997 Dear Class3 Error Recipient: Enclosed you will find ANSYS Class3 Error Reports 97-35 through 97- 49 along with 97-02 R1, 96-50 R1, 96-38 R1 and ANSYS QA Notice QA-97-02. Also attached is ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB97-02. Class3 Error Report 97-02 has been revised to expand the scope of the error to include nonlinear permeable regions. The originally issued Class3 Error Report 97-02 erroneously stated "the energy in nonlinear regions is correct". Class3 Error Report 96-50 R1 has been issued to include an additional case of curved element edges and to narrow the scope of the error for SOLID92 and PLANE2. Class3 Error Report 96-38 has been revised to include the undocumenting of the SEPO field on the ASBL command at Release 5.4. ANSYS QA Notice QA97-02 was issued to inform customers of an error in the Microsoft Fortran compiler which may result in memory becoming unusable. The ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin (SCB97-02) contains information pertaining to ANSYS Release 5.4. It provides information about known, non-Class3 errors In the ANSYS program and workarounds. I would like to remind you of the various ways that ANSYS Inc. provides Class3 error information. Quarterly, Class3 errors are delivered by mail to the ANSYS Support Coordinator listed on your ANSYS license agreement. Please forward any personnel or address changes to your local ANSYS Support Distributor (ASD) promptly to that these reports can be delivered. For users desiring access to Class3 errors on a more timely basis you can be added to our email distribution list. To register for email notification of reports, simply send an email request including your email address, company name/address and ANSYS agreement number to If you are a subscriber to email distribution, please keep us informed of any changes in your email address by emailing Finally, Class3 Errors and QA Notices are posted on ANSYS's Internet HomePage. The address is They are located in the ANSYS Zones section of the HomePage under Customer. The username to enter this area is "customer" and the password is "ain1fm" (the acronym for ANSYS is number 1 for me). For your convenience, also enclosed you will find Release 5.3 ANSYS Class3 Error Summary Reports sorted both by error number and keyword and a description of ANSYS Service Packs which are available on ANSYS's Internet HomePage. Sincerely, William J. Brian Quality Assurance Manager ANSYS, Inc. Southpointe 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 ANSYS SERVICE PACKS In keeping with the tradition of a strong commitment to our customers, ANSYS, Inc. has developed a strategy to provide timely corrections to ANSYS software product releases. ANSYS Service Packs (ASPs) are created when an important product correction is needed to provide improved ANSYS software product functionality. Currently, ASPs are available for the second release of ANSYS 5.3 and will be available for subsequent releases. Within a typical ANSYS Service Pack, users will find a description of the product improvement and the method of providing the improvement, which may be object file(s) relinkable into ANSYS, or they may contain non- relinkable improvements such as a macro, a UIDL function, or a script. This method enables delivery of an ANSYS product correction in a timely manner without having to wait for the next ANSYS software release. In addition, the ASP may contain input and output files for checking proper installation of the ASP. To access the currently available ANSYS Service Packs, users must possess a valid Technical Enhancement and Customer Support agreement (TECS). ANSYS, Inc. or an ANSYS Support Distributor (ASD) can provide customers with a TECS agreement. To obtain additional information regarding ASPs, access the ANSYS web at and click on the Software Update Manager area found under the Service, Support link. There, users will find answers to questions such as "What are ASPs?," or most importantly, "How can I obtain an ASP?" Additional information located at the Software Update Manager area includes Version Information for ANSYS 5.3 and subsequent releases, descriptions of the currently available ASPs, instructions on how to install and implement an ASP, and how to obtain ASP Technical Support. ANSYS Release Identifier Description ANSYS release identifiers consist of a major release level, a minor release level, a correction and a build date. An example of how this is constructed is shown below: 5.3 UP030797 <--- build date (form = UPmmddyy) ^ ^ | | | | major release level __ __ minor release level Major release level changes indicate that new features have been added to the program and that some level of program architecture change and/or file structure may have occurred. Minor release level changes also indicate that new features have been added to the program, but files are upwardly compatible. All known error fixes are included in both minor and major releases. The build date corresponds to the date the program was created. Special versions may be provided to circumvent an error and are identified by build date. Special versions are not general releases to all ANSYS licensees, since they typically represent error corrections occurring only on one system, a subset of our customers who have specific graphics devices, etc. When a release identifier on a Class3 Error Report does not include a build date, all build dates for the indicated release level are included. When a release identifier for FIRST INCORRECT VERSION explicitly includes a build date, the release level with the indicated build date as well as all earlier build dates for that release level are affected. When a release identifier for CORRECTED IN explicitly includes a build date, the release level with the indicated build date as well as all subsequent build dates contain the correction. For example, a Class3 Error Report with "5.3 UP100396" for FIRST INCORRECT VERSION and "5.5 UP063098" for "CORRECTED IN" would apply to all 5.3 releases with a build date UP 100396 or later, all 5.4 releases (regardless of build date) and all 5.5 releases with a build date earlier than UP063098. The ANSYS release identifier(s) shown under "corrected in" on the front side of Class3 Error Reports indicates the first possible release that contains the correction. An identifier indicated under "corrected in" does not guarantee that a general distribution of that release of ANSYS will occur. It does indicate that the correction is known and implemented in that or any subsequent release. Product Applicability The ANSYS family of component products occasionally undergoes name changes between releases and/or changes in the functionality of derived products (such as ANSYS-PC/LINEAR). To minimize the potential for confusion in these areas, unless otherwise noted on the front side of the Class3 Error Report, the error report applies to all ANSYS family products (including standalone component products) that contain the described feature(s) in the designated release(s). ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-35 KEYWORDS: SYSTEM CRAY DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Incorrect results may be produced intermittently for any analysis executed on CRAY T90 computer systems if the system is run with bidirectional memory (default). According to Cray Research's Field Notice #2389, the error may occur during "memory intensive" activity such as ANSYS usage. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): N/A FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0A Release 5.3 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Turn off bidirectional memory by inserting the following command before the ANSYS command line. /etc/cpu -m bdmoff Specifically, edit the /ansys52/bin/ansys52 script, and make the following change: Replace: $ANSYS52_DIR/bin/ansys.e52 $* With: /etc/cpu -m bdmoff $ANSYS52_DIR/bin/ansys.e52 $* COMMENTS: According to Cray Research, the likelihood of an error or an abort to occur correlates with increased system load and memory activity. Please see Cray Research Field Notice #2389 for a detailed description. Cray Research Field Notices are available to all Cray customers who have access to the CRInform system. Field Notice #2389 can also be viewed online at the following URL: To date, ANSYS, Inc. has not experienced or had reported to us a case of incorrect results from this error. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: August 13, 1997 Lou Muccioli REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: August 13, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: August 13, 1997 John A. Swanson * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-36 KEYWORDS: SOLID87 PCG XG DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: When the preconditioned or Jacobi Conjugate Gradient solver [EQSLV, PCG or EQSLV,JCG] is used with SOLID87, the 3-D 10-Node Tetrahedral Thermal Solid element, automatic time-stepping based on response eigenvalues is not invoked, which can cause larger time steps than necessary to accurately capture transient thermal response. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete[Add]Thermal Solid[Tet 10 node 87] Solution>New Analysis>Transient Solution>Analysis Options>Solution Method[Full]>Equation Solver>[Jacobi Conj Grad/Precondition CG/Iter auto select] Solution>Load Step Opts - Time/Frequency>Time & Time Step>Automatic Time Stepping FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.4 ANSYS/Thermal Release 5.3 ANSYS/Thermal Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use the frontal, incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient or JCG out- of-core solver [EQSLV,FRONT/ICCG/JCGOUT], or use other element types (SOLID70 or SOLID90) instead. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: August 13, 1997 Subhasish Roy Choudhury REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: August 13, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: August 13, 1997 John A. Swanson * Unless noted otherwise. this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-37 KEYWORDS: BIRTH AND DEATH ELEMENT THICKNESS NLGEOM LARGE DEFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: If an element that is dead (EKILL command) undergoes significant deformation (greater than 5% strain) with large deformation turned on (NLGEOM, ON command) and is then made alive (EALIVE command), it is erroneously born with an updated thickness rather than its original thickness. Elements which are affected include SHELL43, SHELL91, SHELL93 as well as the 2-D solids when used with plane stress: PLANE2 KEYOPT(3)=0 or 3 PLANE13 KEYOPT(3)=0 PLANE42 KEYOPT(3)=0 or 3 PLANE82 KEYOPT(3)=0 or 3 TYPICAL GUI PATHS: Main Menu>Solution>Other>Kill Elements FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: If thickness change is not important, use SHELL143 or SHELL63. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: August 18, 1997 David L. Conover REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: August 18, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: August 18, 1997 John A. Swanson * Unless noted otherwise. this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-38 KEYWORDS: COUPLING NDELE xCLEAR SUPERELEMENTS P-METHOD DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: If coupling is defined (CP command) and any of the nodes in the coupled set are deleted (NDEL or xCLEAR commands, where x=V, A, L, or K) and the nodes are subsequently recreated, then the following analyses which rely on the node/coupling cross-referencing are incorrect: 1. Nonlinear superelement use pass (SE command) with a non-zero imposed displacement (D command) on one of the superelement nodes that is part of the coupled set. 2. P-method analysis using either of the 3-D elements SOLID147 or SOLID148. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling/Ceqn Main Menu>Preprocessor>Delete>Nodes Main Menu>Preprocessor>Clear FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Delete and re-define the coupled sets after the nodes are recreated. COMMENTS: In the corrected release, coupled sets and constraint equations which contain a node that is deleted will also be deleted. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: August 18, 1997 David L. Conover REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: August 18, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: August 18, 1997 John A. Swanson * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-39 KEYWORDS: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS NEQIT,1 DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: For a nonlinear analysis performed with the maximum number of equilibrium set to 1 (NEQIT,1), neither is an ERROR/WARNING message produced nor is the run terminated. The results for such a solution as well as any subsequent loadstep will likely be incorrect since the ESAV file is not updated for an unconverged solution. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Solution>Nonlinear>Equilibrium Iter Main Menu>Solution>Nonlinear>Criteria to Stop FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Specify more than 1 for the maximum number of equilibrium iterations (NEQIT command) for nonlinear analysis. COMMENTS: The use of a small number equilibrium iterations for a nonlinear analysis is a non-typical use of the program and is not recommended since it will generally produce an unconverged solution. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 22, 1997 Yong-Cheng Liu REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 22, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 22, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). see the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse.side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-40 KEYWORDS: SELECT ALLSEL,BELOW DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: ALLSEL,BELOW, entity (where entity = ALL [default], VOLU, AREA, LINE or KP) can select nodes or elements that are not appropriate in the following cases: 1. An element that is not associated with the selected solid model entities is erroneously selected if all of its nodes are associated with the selected solid model entities. Typical examples are elements in "holes" or elements (non-midside node triangle or tetrahedron) located in corners that are formed by one or more selected bordering meshed entities. 2. Nodes that are associated with applicable solid model entities but are not connected to any element associated with an applicable entity are erroneously selected. For example, ALLSEL,BELOW, AREA for an area, not meshed with area elements, which is part of a meshed volume, will erroneously select the nodes associated with the area. Attributes or loads subsequently applied to selected sets of nodes or elements can cause unintended results. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Utility menu>Select>Entities FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Check the set of selected nodes and elements produced by the above noted cases. Use the node and element select capabilities (NSEL and ESEL) to remove any erroneously selected nodes or elements from the selected set. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 22, 1997 Ken Podlaszewski REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 22, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 22, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). see the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-41 KEYWORDS: THERMAL FLUID DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Flotran analyses of thermal-fluid problems at high Peclet numbers may contain energy imbalances and incorrect temperatures. Problems without flow are unaffected. The exact range of the Peclet numbers affected is problem dependent. The user can determine whether the problem exists by examining information in the jobname.pfl file and performing a heat balance. The procedure for performing a heat balance is outlined in Chapter 5 of the Flotran Analysis Guide. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): N/A FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: The user should verify the heat balance in cases with heat generation by looking at the difference between energy in and energy out and comparing it to the volumetric heat generation term (if applicable). In some cases, users specify temperatures instead of heat sources. In such cases, the energy flow into the system is from Wall Heat Transfer. This is checked against the energy flow in/out. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 15, 1997 Rich Lange REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 15, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 15, 1997 Dave Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-42 KEYWORDS: SPECTRUM PSD SPOPT,PSD DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: A PSD spectrum analysis [SPOPT,PSD] with closely spaced PSD input values (less than 0.1) produces incorrect displacement, velocity and acceleration responses. The magnitude of the error is dependent on model frequency. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Option>Spectrum>PSD Analysis FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 15, 1997 Mu-Tsang Chen REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 15, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 15, 1997 Dave Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-43 KEYWORDS: EMAG CIRCUIT CIRCU124 ELEM124 RESISTANCE DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: A zero (or unspecified) resistance value (first real constant) for CIRCU124 with KEYOPT(1)=0, is erroneously interpreted as 1 Ohm, leading to incorrect solutions. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete Preprocessor>Real Constants>Add FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use a small value (such as 1.0e-6 Ohm) rather than zero for a resistor with a small resistance. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Jian-She Wang REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-44 KEYWORDS: SELECT ELEMENT ESEL DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Selecting or unselecting elements by element surface load (ESEL with Item=SFE) will fail to select (or unselect) any element within the select criteria whose TYPE number does not equal its MAT number. For example, if an element was of type 6 and referenced material 3, this element will not be selected even if it has an applied element surface load that is within the specified select range. However, if that element was of type 6 and the referenced material number was also 6, the element would be selected. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Utility Menu>Select>Entities FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Christopher W. Aiken REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-45 KEYWORDS: *AFUN,DEG GUI PICKING ANGULAR FUNCTION DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: In the GUI, when creating nodes or keypoints on the working plane by picking (N,,P or K,,P), if degree units have been specified for angular functions (*AFUN,DEG), then any angular functions (.e.g. SIN, COS, etc.) entered directly in the input window to define a coordinate will erroneously use radian units rather than degree units. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Utility Menu>Parameters>Angular Units Preprocessor/Create/Nodes/On Working Plane+ Preprocessor/Create/Keypoints/On Working Plane+ FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use radian units for angular functions (e.g. SIN, COS, etc.) in such cases. For cases where degree units are required for input for a coordinate (cylindrical or spherical coordinate system) use the required function to define a parameter, then enter the parameter name in the input window. COMMENTS: The affected angular functions are SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ATAN2, ANGLEK and ANGLEN. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Paul Tallon REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). see the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers, ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-46 KEYWORDS: CFD FLOTRAN YPLU DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: In a FLOTRAN analysis, reported values of turbulence model parameter YPLU are incorrect for cases where near-wall nodes have been placed extremely close to the wall, in the laminar sublayer of the turbulent boundary layer. Normally for best results, near-wall nodes should be located outside the laminar sublayer, in the range of 30 < YPLU < 1000. This error only affects reported YPLU values in POST1. FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Release 5.4 ANSYS/FLOTRAN Rev. 5.1 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Mark Troscinski REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-47 KEYWORDS: CSWPLANE *GET CDWRITE ANGLES DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Any local coordinate system defined by the CSWPLA command has the following errors: 1. Values retrieved by the *GET or *VGET commands for any orientation angles of the coordinate system will always be zero. 2. CDWRITE does not write the correct orientation angles onto File.CDB. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use the LOCAL or CLOCAL command to define the coordinate system instead. COMMENTS: 1. The CSLIST command will indicate the erroneous orientation of a coordinate system restored from a File.CDB. 2. Any nodes that were rotated into the coordinate system in question prior to the CDWRITE will have correct rotations on the CDWRITE file (File.CDB). 3. A similar Class3 Error Report (#93-92) was issued for the CS and CSKP commands. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 Mark C. Imgrund * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-48 KEYWORDS: SHELL181 HYPERELASTIC DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Using the five (5) parameter Mooney-Rivlin model (TB,HYPER) with SHELL181, the finite strain shell element, produces incorrect results; the code wrongly assumes the 3rd, 4th and 5th parameters to be equal to zero. Both 2 and 9 parameter models produce correct results. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete [Add][Shell][Hyper 4 node 181] FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: An equivalent 5 parameter input would be to specify a 9 parameter model with at least one of the parameters 6 through 9 being a very small number. This will result in the 9 parameter model being invoked. The specification of a nonzero parameter (6 through 9) should be such that it does not adversely affect the results of the 5 parameter model. This workaround is very limited and we do not recommend its use without sufficient verification against established results. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Sekar M. Govindarajan REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-49 KEYWORDS: POST1 PLESOL SHELL /GRAPHICS,FULL SHELL ELEMENTS43, 63, 91, 93, 99, 143, 150, 162, 163, 181 DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: In POST1, the PLESOL command will display incorrect stress, strain, gradient and flux results for she]] elements (43, 63, 91, 93, 99, 143, 150, 162, 163, 181) when the MID or BOT location is specified by the SHELL command and full graphics displays (/GRAPHICS,FULL) are requested. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Element Solu Utility Menu>Plot>ResultsElement Solu FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN: Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use the PLNSOL command or use PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS,POWER) to display the results. COMMENTS: The results at she]] location TOP display correctly. TOP is the default location if no she]] location is specified. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Herb Mroz REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 97-02 R1 KEYWORDS: MAGNETICS SENERGY MACRO DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Stored magnetic energy calculated with the SENERGY command macro will be incorrect for the following cases: 1. Permanent magnet elements with an assigned element coordinate system (ESYS command) that is other than the global Cartesian system. or 2. Three dimensional problems using the Magnetic Scalar Potential formulation (element types SOLID96, SOLID5, SOLID98) with current sources (element type SOURC36 or currents from coupled- field element types SOLID5, LINK68, SOLID69 or SOLID98). Energy from the current source (H-S field) is neglected. or 3. Nonlinear permeable regions (defined by a B-H curve) [TB command]. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): SENERGY: Main Menu > General PostProc > Elec & mag Calc ESYS: Main Menu > Preprocessor > Attributes > Default Attribs FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.2 Release 5.4 ANSYS/EMAG Rev. 5.2 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: For Item 1: Define permanent magnet elements with the default global Cartesian element coordinate system. Revise the coercive force components (MP command, MGXX, MGYY, MGZZ material properties) to align with the global Cartesian coordinate system. MP: Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Isotropic COMMENTS: The integration limits for permanent magnet energy will be changed (see Theoretical Manual, equation 19.6-18). The zero energy level is presently defined at a value of B = 0. This will be changed in the corrected version to a zero energy level defined at B =Br, where Br is the residual induction of the permanent magnet. The new integration limit level is more in line with industry standards. In addition, absolute signs on the energy and co-energy calculations will be removed (see equations 19.6-18, 19.6-19). ANSYS users may obtain a corrected version of the macro for use in ANSYS 5.3 by installing ANSYS Service Pack No. 2. For information obtaining an ANSYS Service Pack, review the ANSYS HomePage under Service Support ( AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 15, 1997 Dale Ostergaard REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 15, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 15, 1997 Dave Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 96-50 R1 KEYWORDS: SOLID92 PLANE2 SOLID87 CURVED EDGES DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: [Redline: SOLID92 and PLANE2 will produce erroneously high stress concentrations for elements with curved edges and geometrically linear analysis and SOLID87 may produce erroneous high fluxes across element faces whose edges are curved if:] [Redline: 1. curved edge lengths are of the order 1.0e-3 or less.] [Redline: or 2. The mid node on the curved edge is located away from the mid point location of the straight line joining the end nodes of the curved edge by a distance of 1.0e-5 or less times the length of the straight line.] FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.4 Component Products Release 5.3 Component Products Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: 1. Set the undocumented KEYOPT(8)=l for SOLID92, PLANE2, or SOLID87 before solution. This will force an alternative form of element formulation producing the correct stresses and fluxes. 2. Use the straight-sided meshing option. COMMENTS: 1. Straight edges give correct results. 2. This error over predicts the stress or flux. 3. Primary solution, i.e. the displacements and temperatures are correct. 4. Unreasonably high stress concentrations or fluxes are seen when this error occurs. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: September 15, 1997 Pakal Rahulkumar REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: September 15, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: September 15, 1997 Dave Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 96-38 R1 KEYWORDS: SOLID MODELING BOOLEAN SUBTRACT ASBL DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: The "SEPO" field of the solid modeling boolean command "ASBL" does not always produce separate areas. It may produce areas with separate lines which share common keypoints. In most cases this error is obvious. However, there may be rare instances where the error could lead to unanticipated results if validation of boundary conditions and loads is bypassed before solution by the user. FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Release 5.4 Component Products Rev. 5.1 Component Products Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: In Release 5.3 or later, generate separate areas from unseparated areas by using the "AGEN" command after the "ASBL" command. COMMENTS: [Redline: ** Starting in Revision 5.2. a warning is issued for any use o the SEPO field in the ASBL command stating that separate coincident keypoints may not be produced for areas divided by curves. At 5.4 the SEPO field is no longer documented and has been removed from the ASBL command in GUI. Any use of the undocumented SEPO field on the ASBL command will produce the above noted warning.] AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: October 14, 1997 Ken Podlaszewski REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: October 14, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: October 14, 1997 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered copy] QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA97-02 SUBJECT: MEMORY LEAK PC NT 95 DESCRIPTION: Due to an error in the Microsoft Fortran compiler used for the ANSYS versions and releases noted below, each time a Fortran formatted read or write is performed by the ANSYS program a small amount of memory is made unusable. This unusable memory accumulates and is not freed up until the ANSYS program is exited. This memory leak does not affect analysis results and is not noticeable in most cases. However in some analyses, the small memory leaks can accumulate to a point where system problems occur due to a lack of available free memory. For cases where accumulated memory losses cause problems, symptoms may include: - the system complains that it is running out of resources and suggests the user shut down some applications - ANSYS appears to hang, or aborts - other running applications may be affected This compiler bug only manifests itself when a very large amount of ASCII reads/writes are being performed by the ANSYS program. Reading or writing of binary files (db, emat, rst, etc.) does not appear to produce leaks. For most analyses, the number of ASCII reads or writes is not significant enough to make the memory problem noticeable. However, the looping capability provided in the ANSYS APDL macro language can cause a large number of applicable file reads to occur and may result in a significant amount of memory becoming unusable. AFFECTED VERSIONS: ANSYS Revisions 5.2 - 5.4 for Windows 95 ANSYS Releases 5.3 - 5.4 for Windows NT (Note: ANSYS for DEC Alpha is NOT affected) SUGGESTED USER ACTION: For cases where the amount of memory made unusable causes a problem, the following practices may reduce the amount of memory affected: - In APDL macros, replace all *GO,:label and *IF,var,oper,var,place,num type branching with *DO ... *ENDDO loops - run the analysis using several separate ANSYS sessions (i.e. run pre-processing, solution load steps and post-processing each in a separate ANSYS session) - exit and restart ANSYS between CDWRITEs and CDREADs of very large models Page 2 of 2 ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA97-02 SUGGESTED USER ACTION: (continued) - after IGES import of very large models; save, exit, restart ANSYS, and resume the model from the binary .db file COMMENTS: There is currently no information available as to when a correction for this compiler error will be available. AUTHOR: DATE: August 18, 1997 Rick Reynolds REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: August 18, 1997 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: August 18, 1997 John A. Swanson SCB97-02 ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin This Support Coordinator Bulletin contains information pertaining to ANSYS Release 5.4. It provides information about known, non-Class3 errors in the ANSYS program and information regarding workarounds. SYSTEM KEYWORDS: IBM RS590 RUBY or GTX1000 GRAPHICS BOARD DESCRIPTION: On the IBM RS590 machine running under AIX 4.1.4 with the RUBY or GTX1000 Graphics Board installed, dynamic rotations in X11 mode with the triad present will leave spurious dots on the screen. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 and possibly Revisions 5.1 & 5.2 WORKAROUND: Currently none. IBM is looking into the problem and when they have developed a patch or fix we will place this information on our web site and make the patch available to the affected users. KEYWORDS: HP IBM R/S6000 ANS_ADMIN DESCRIPTION: If you are uninstalling the ANSYS 5.4 product on the HIP or IBM R/S6000 platform and using the GUI version of ANS_ADMIN, the process may hang. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: If you encounter this situation, you may kill the ANS-ADMIN processes from another window and continue. It is recommended that you use the non-GUI version of ANS-ADMIN to uninstall the product(s). KEYWORDS: IBM R/S6000 AIX 4.1.5 LARGE MEMORY INSTALLATION GUIDES DESCRIPTION: The 2 PTFs for the AIX 4.1.5 operating system listed on page 1-14 of the ANSYS 5.4 Installation Guide are not sufficient to allow a large memory request (e.g., -m of 1800 or more). AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: It is required that AIX 4.1.5 GOLD be installed. An upgrade to AIX 4.1.5 via the maintenance package and then application of the latest (September 1997) fixes will upgrade the O.S. to the 4.1.5.X level but will not correct the problem. You will not get the native AIX 4.1.5 software enhancements nor will you get native AIX 4.1.5 hardware support. The error that existed for memory allocation in AIX 4.1.4 was corrected as a native AIX 4.1.5 software enhancement. Only by installing the AIX 4.1.5 OS from the install media (migrate, preservation or complete) will this Hardware/Software support get installed and correct the swap space allocation error. SCB97-02 Page 1 of 8 KEYWORDS: SGI R8000/R10000 w/MULTIPLE PROCESSORS BLOCK LANCZOS SOLVER SPARSE SOLVER DESCRIPTION: On the SGI R8000/R10000 machine running a 64 bit operating system, a modal analysis using the Block Lanczos or Sparse solver will use the maximum number of processors that are available even though NPROC=1 (/config,nproc, 1) or NUM_PROC=1 is set in the config.ans file. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3 Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Set the system environment variable "MP_SET_NUMTHREADS" to a value of one before running the analysis. KEYWORDS: PC WIN95 NT4.0 DESCRIPTION: The side menus in the GUI may appear to be slow on certain PC platforms. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: None KEYWORDS: NT3.51 NT4.0 MATERIAL LIBRARIES DESCRIPTION: The material library shipped with ANSYS 5.4 has an extension on the files that ANSYS will not recognize when a material is requested from the library AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Globally change the material library file extensions to 3 characters or less. GRAPHICS / GUI KEYWORDS: GUI TSHAP CONTACT ELEMENTS DESCRIPTION: When contact elements are present and TSHAP is set to the CIRC option, the plot within the GUI will be off center and to the right of the screen AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use the PAN - ZOOM - ROTATE menu to position the model on the screen. SCB97-02 Page 2 of 8 CDWRITE / IGES KEYWORDS: SOLID MODELING CDWRITE CDREAD IGES DESCRIPTION: CDWRITE with the options; ALL, COMB or SOLID uses IGES transfer to write out modeling information. CDREAD with the same options uses the same IGES transfer. Since the IGES transfer does not Guarantee topological consistency, files may be produced that cannot be read back into ANSYS when the above fields are used. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use the SAVE and RESUME commands to save data, or use the DB option with the CDWRITE/CDREAD command. KEYWORDS: SOLID MODELING IGES DESCRIPTION: There may be IGES files created by the IGESOUT command in ANSYS that cannot be read back into ANSYS with the IGESIN command. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use the SAVE and RESUME commands to save data, or use the DB option with the CDWRITE/CDREAD command. KEYWORDS: CDWRITE CDREAD DESCRIPTION: A file created with CDWRITE in the 5.4 Beta release will not read in the ANSYS 5.4 released version. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Issuing a SAVE at BETA 5.4 and a RESUME at 5.4 released will allow transfer of data between the two releases. ELEMENTS KEYWORDS: SHELL99 NONLINEAR BUCKLING DESCRIPTION: In a nonlinear buckling problem SHELL99 may not converge. SHELL99 can be used with most nonlinear problems (NLGEOM,ON) but is unpredictable in nonlinear buckling problems. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use SHELL91 for nonlinear buckling problems.. SCB97-02 Page 3 of 8 KEYWORDS: CIRCU124 COUPLING COEFFICENT MUTUAL INDUCTOR DESCRIPTION: When using a coupling coefficient (k) of 1 for a CIRCU124 element defined as a mutual inductor will produce huge pivot ratios and apparently bad results. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3 WORKAROUND: Use a value of .999 for 1.0. In Release 5.4, an input value of k greater than or equal to 1.0 is redefined as having a value of .999. KEYWORDS: BEAM4 PIPE16 MODAL GYROSCOPIC MODOPT DESCRIPTION: When running a modal analysis using a BEAM4 / PIPE 16 model with the gyroscopic moment term turned on, (nonzero SPIN velocity input through real constant 11 in BEAM4, or Real Constant 13 in PIPE 16) the eigenvalue frequencies computed by the damped eigensolver may be sensitive to the value of the 'shift' used, e.g, MODOPT,DAMP,10,shift. This is due to the fact that the element matrix coefficients may become poorly conditioned, the ratio of maximum to minimum coefficient becoming too large. This is especially true when the SPIN velocity is large. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: The user can verify that his model is not becoming affected by this by verifying that the frequencies remain unchanged with two different 'shift' values. KEYWORDS: CONTA171 CONTA172 CONTA173 CONTA174 DESCRIPTION: When using CONTA171, CONTA172, CONTA173 or CONTA174 elements with an uncompressed element list, incorrect or erroneous results may be produced. An uncompressed element list is due from elements being deleted and/or from remeshing which can produce unused element numbers in the list of elements. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Issue a NUMCMP,ELEM prior to solution. This will compress the element list and correct the problem. KEYWORDS: CONTA171 CONTA172 CONTA173 CONTA174 PARALELL/MULTIPLE PROCESSORS DESCRIPTION: If running on a machine with multiple processors active (setting of num_proc greater than 2) and using the contact elements CONTA171, CONTA172, CONTA173, or CONTA174, erroneous results may be produced. An uncompressed element list is due from elements being deleted and/or from remeshing which can produce unused element numbers in the list of elements. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Set the number of processors to 1 (num_proc = 1). SCB97-02 Page 4 of 8 SOLID MODELING / MESHING KEYWORDS: SOLID MODELING BOOLEAN AFILLT DESCRIPTION: There are occasions where the AFILLT command will not cut the areas properly when sharing a common line and using a small radius. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Revision 5.2, Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: It is possible in some cases to define a line and drag it along the path desired in order to form a fillet. KEYWORDS: ELEMENT SHAPE CHECKING ESEL CHECK DESCRIPTION: The command "CHECK,ESEL,WARN" should select all elements that produce shape warnings or errors. Quadrilateral elements degenerated into triangles, or brick elements degenerated into wedges, pyramids, or tetrahedra, produce warnings about the degeneracies. However, only the element with the highest element number with those degeneracies will be selected by CHECK,ESEL,WARN in the absence of other flaws in those element(s). This error also affects the 5.4 GUI paths Preprocessor>-Meshing- Plot Bad Elms and Sel Bad Elems. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Treat the selection or plotting of 1 or 2 degenerate elements as notification that the model could contain an arbitrary number of such elements. KEYWORDS: SOLID MODELING xREFINE VIMP DESCRIPTION: The xREFINE family of commands (KREF, LREF, AREF, NREF, EREF) and the VIMP command have been shown to store an incorrect value in the database if any of the meshed lines has only one element division on it. This erroneous value can potentially impact solid modeling or meshing operations further in the analysis. This value may be incorrect when the following conditions are present: 1. When using the xREFINE commands on an area or tet mesh of linear (non mid-side noded) elements and the mesh on any of the lines on the areas or volumes affected by the refinement has only one element division on it. or 2. When using the VIMP command on linear tet elements, with the CHGBND argument set to 1 (i.e., boundary modification is allowed) and any line on the volume has only one element division on it. Note that the problem will not occur if the line with the one element division is attached to another meshed volume, or if the line has been assigned the 1 division by the LESIZE command. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: For the REFINE or VIMP commands; - use quadratic elements, or - on areas / volumes specify more than 1 division on all of the lines. For the VIMP command: - set the CHGBND field to a value of 0 (do not allow boundary modification), or - use the LESIZE command to specify 1 division instead of the ESIZE, SMRTSIZE or other sizing commands to automatically set this value to 1. SCB97-02 Page 5 of 8 SOLVER / SOLUTION KEYWORDS: NONLINEAR BUCKLING STRESS STIFFENING DESCRIPTION: Prior to Release 5.3, ANSYS would bisect and eventually terminate when a negative main diagonal was encountered. In beam and shell models, with stress stiffening turned on (SSTIF,ON), this was frequently an indication that the buckling limit had been exceeded. Beginning with Release 5.3, ANSYS solves for the negative main diagonal without bisecting due to the negative main diagonal. Instead ANSYS gives a WARNING message that small equation pivot terms have been detected by the solver. As a result of this new functionality, if compressive loads are applied quickly and produce negative stiffness values for the lateral degrees of freedom the solution will appear to skip over the instability points in loading. The attained solution may follow a different post-buckling path than expected. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: If you are interested in post-buckling behavior, use arc- length (ARCLEN,ON) in addition to stress-stiffening (SSTIF,ON) and large deflection (NLGEOM,ON). If the arc-length method does not support your load type, then small load steps must be used without auto-time stepping (AUTOTS,OFF). Also, the best form of perturbation for this type of problem is a small geometric imperfection and not a lateral force. If you are interested in obtaining buckling values and mode shapes then eigenvalue buckling may be used. KEYWORDS: PCG THERMAL EXPANSION DESCRIPTION: Convergence in a PCG solution (EQSLV,PCG) is performed by checking if the force computed from this iteration's displacements matches the applied loads within the tolerance: [symbols omitted] where [symbol omitted] is the convergence tolerance (EQSLV,PCG,toler) and [symbols omitted] is the norm of the applied force. If the norm of the applied load [Symbols omitted] is large, then the stress or reaction error will also be large. Large norms occur when a body (e.g. gravity or thermal) loads are applied. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: When the load is large, use smaller tolerance in PCG in order to have less solution errors of reaction or stress or use an alternative solver. KEYWORDS: PCG SOLVER MODAL POWERDYNAMICS DESCRIPTION: The automatic shifting strategy used in Powerdynamics (MODOPT,SUBSP and EQSLV,PCG) may cause the eigensolution to fail due to "negative diagonals" encountered.. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use Block Lanczos or Subspace with the Frontal solver in place of the PCG solver. SCB97-02 Page 6 of 8 KEYWORDS: PCG NEWTON-RAPHSON FILE.ABT DESCRIPTION: When using the PCG solver in a nonlinear problem, there may be cases where the file.abt will not abort the job as documented. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: Use a solver other than the PCG solver. Note that we document that you should not use the PCG solver for difficult nonlinear jobs. KEYWORDS: BLOCK LANCZOS SOLVER EIGENVECTOR EXTRACTION DESCRIPTION: When extracting a very large number of modes using the Block Lanczos Solver, the extracted modes beyond a certain number will all have 0.0 displacements on the results (.rst) file. At Release 5.3 the maximum number of modes that can requested in a single run is 718. At Release 5.4, the maximum number is 913. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: If you wish to extract a number of modes greater than the known limits, you must perform two analyses. For example, to extract 1000 modes you would first extract and expand 500 modes using the command MODOPT,LANB,500. For the second analysis you would issue the command MODOPT,LANB,500,FREQB, where FREQB would be the eigenvalue of 500th mode of the first analysis. This would shift the frequencies of interest in the 2nd analysis to the point that the first analysis finished extracting frequencies. KEYWORDS: AUX12 RADIATION AXISYMMETRIC FORM FACTORS DESCRIPTION: The form factors computed in an axisymmetric hidden radiation procedure in AUX12 may be incorrect when the elements involved have a very small or non-existent sight line and the mesh is coarse. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: For both hidden and non-hidden methods, the finer the mesh of the radiating surface elements, the more accurate are the form factors. However, when hidden method is used, it is particularly important to have a fairly refined mesh in order to obtain the same level of accuracy in view factor computation as the non-hidden method. Even though increasing number of rays used (controlled by NZONE argument of VTYPE command) helps in accuracy, for a coarse mesh, increasing NZONE to even its maximum limit might not yield accurate solution for the hidden method. KEYWORDS: PCG SOLVER RUNSTAT DESCRIPTION: The RUNSTAT when used with the PCG solver will produce estimates of memory and file size that are greater than what is actually needed for the job to run. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: None SCB97-02 Page 7 of 8 LS/DYNA EXPLICIT DYNAMICS KEYWORDS: POST PROCESSING NUMVAR DESCRIPTION: The default number of variables defined with the NUMVAR command is 30 for an explicit dynamics analysis. It is documented as only defining 10 by default. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: N/A KEYWORDS: EDLOAD EDCURVE /MENU DESCRIPTION: The GUI will not allow input of a 2D array for the EDCURVE or EDLOAD command. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: You must use the command input window to input the required information for the 2D array with EDCURVE or EDLOAD. FLOTRAN KEYWORDS: FLUID141 FLUID142 COMPRESSIBLE FLOW DESCRIPTION: Simulation of transient compressible, laminar, thermal problems involving moving shock waves in an enclosed region can produce source terms in the energy equation that lead to continued increase of the total temperature. AFFECTED VERSIONS: Revision 5.1, Revision 5.2, Release 5.3, Release 5.4 WORKAROUND: None Author: Date: October 21, 1997 Michael F. Michalski Reviewed by QA: Date: October 21, 1997 William J. Bryan Approval: Date: October 21, 1997 David L. Conover SCB97-02 Page 8 of 8 Attachment "ANSYS 5.3 CLASS3 ERROR SUMMARY BY REPORT NUMBER" 2 pages, omitted. Attachment "ANSYS 5.3 CLASS3 ERROR SUMMARY; KEYWORD SORT OF ALL REVISION 5.3 CLASS3 ERRORS, Date of this report: 10/16/97", 6 pages, omitted. *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021