Part 21 Report - 1997-630

ACCESSION #: 9708050112 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) FACILITY NAME: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 PAGE: 1 OF 1 DOCKET NUMBER: 05000361 TITLE: Charging Subsystem Check Valve Failure EVENT DATE: 06/26/97 LER #: 97-010-00 REPORT DATE: 07/28/97 OTHER FACILITIES INVOLVED: Unit 3 DOCKET NO: 05000362 OPERATING MODE: 1 POWER LEVEL: 100 THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR SECTION: 50.73(a)(2)(i) 50.73(a)(2)(vii) Other: Part 21 LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER: NAME: R. W. Krieger, Vice President, Nuclear Generation TELEPHONE: (714) 368-6255 COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION: CAUSE: B SYSTEM: CV COMPONENT: V MANUFACTURER: K085 REPORTABLE NPRDS: SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED: YES EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE: 08/11/97 ABSTRACT: On 6/26/97 while Unit 3 was shutdown for refueling, Edison found a check valve in the Charging Subsystem that would not open completely. This would cause the charging flow distribution to the Reactor Coolant System to be different than that assumed in the safety analysis. Because of the similarity of the Unit 2 Charging Subsystem, Edison immediately entered the Technical Specification action statement. As a conservative action, Edison also reduced Unit 2's power to about 90 percent, where charging flow is not required for accident mitigation. On 6/28/97, Edison tested Unit 2 and found that a similar check valve also would not open completely. As required by the Technical Specifications, Edison shutdown Unit 2 to repair the valve. Completion of that shutdown is being reported as required by 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i). Edison believes this valve failure was caused by a design defect and is including 10CFR21 information in this report. Edison replaced the faulty design valves in the charging injection lines and auxiliary spray line in each unit with another type valve. Edison's evaluation of the cause(s) is on-going. This LER will be revised. Using an EPRI analysis program and actual, allowed, plant parameters, Edison concluded that the condition resulted in a negligible increase in plant risk and had no actual safety significance. END OF ABSTRACT *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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