Part 21 Report - 1997-631
ACCESSION #: 9708210028
FACILITY NAME: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station PAGE: 1 OF 9
Unit 2
TITLE: Charging Subsystem Check Valve Failure
EVENT DATE: 06/26/97 LER #: 97-010-01 REPORT DATE: 08/13/97
50.73(a)(2)(i), 50.73(a)(2)(vii), & Other: Part 21
NAME: R.W. Krieger, Vice President, TELEPHONE: (714) 368-6255
Nuclear Generation
On 6/26/97 while Unit 3 was shutdown for refueling, an investigation of
the cause of high auxiliary spray flow found a check valve in the
Charging Subsystem that would not open completely. This would cause the
charging flow distribution to the Reactor Coolant System to be different
than that assumed in the safety analysis. Because of the similarity of
the Unit 2 Charging Subsystem, Edison immediately entered the Technical
Specification action statement for one or more trains of Emergency Core
Cooling System (ECCS) inoperable, but 100 percent of the ECCS equivalent
flow to a single operable ECCS train available. As a conservative
action, Edison also reduced Unit 2's power to about 90 percent, where
charging flow is not required for accident mitigation. On 6/28/97,
Edison tested Unit 2 and found that a similar check valve also would not
open completely. As required by the Technical Specifications, Edison
shutdown Unit 2 to repair the valve. Completion of that shutdown is
being reported as required by 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i). Because this valve
failure was caused by a design defect, Edison is including 10CFR21
information in this report.
Edison replaced the faulty design valves in the charging injection lines
and auxiliary spray line in each unit with another type valve. Edison's
evaluation of the cause(s) is on-going. This LER will be revised if the
evaluation determines a cause other than faulty design.
The 1979 computer model requires charging system flow for mitigation of
some small break loss of coolant accidents. However, this model assumes
plant conditions that are not allowed by the Technical Specifications.
Using an EPRI analysis program and actual, allowed, plant parameters,
Edison concluded that the condition resulted in a negligible increase in
plant risk and had no actual safety significance.
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Plant: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3
Reactor Vendor: Combustion Engineering
Event Date: June 26, 1997
Event Time: 1413 PDT
Unit 2 Unit 3
Mode: Mode 1 (Power operation) Mode 5 (Cold shutdown)
Power: 100 percent 000 percent
Temperature: NOT 93 degrees F
Pressure: NOP Atmospheric
This LER reports Edison's discovery of a design defect in Kerotest [K085]
2 inch Y-type Series 1513 check valves [V]. This design defect was not
known by the vendor and caused two check valves (one in each unit) in the
Charging Subsystem [CV] to be able to open only a small fraction of their
full stroke. This increased flow resistance and caused the charging flow
distribution to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) [AB] to be different
than that assumed in the safety analysis.
As discussed below, to resolve this issue, Edison:
o Proactively evaluated vendor supplied valve information to determine
the impact on the charging subsystem and is continuing its
evaluation of the design defect.
o Immediately discussed the issue with the NRC Staff.
o Tested both units to determine the impact on actual plant
o Shut down Unit 2 and delayed startup of Unit 3 to effect system
o Identified and is correcting deficiencies in the In-Service Testing
(IST) and Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance Requirements
(SR) testing which prevented earlier detection.
Because Edison determined that the valve failure was caused by a design
defect, 10CFR21 information is being included in this report.
The Charging Subsystem (Figure 1) is part of the Chemical and Volume
Control System (CVCS) [CB]. During normal plant transients, the CVCS
maintains RCS inventory. Following a Safety Injection Actuation Signal
(SIAS), charging is used to supplement the Emergency Core Cooling System
(ECCS) flow.
The three charging pumps (Train A, Train B, and a swing pump) discharge
to a common header. A single line from the header enters containment and
splits into three lines; one charging line to each of RCS loops 1A and
2A, and one auxiliary pressurizer spray line. Each charging line has a
check valve (2(3)MU020 and 2(3)MU021) and a normally open motor operated
block valve. The auxiliary spray line has a check valve (2(3)MU019) and
a normally closed motor operated block valve. These check valves isolate
the RCS from the CVCS in the event of a pipe break in the CVCS or when
charging is not running.
The limiting licensing basis Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident
(SBLOCA) assumes only one charging pump is providing flow, and that the
flow from only one charging line is discharged into the RCS (see the
Safety Significance section, below). To maintain these two assumptions,
the flow through the two charging lines must be balanced (at least 15.8
gpm per line with one pump operating).
On 6/19/97, while bringing Unit 3 to Mode 6, RCS pressure control did not
respond as the operators [utility, licensed] expected. When auxiliary
spray valve 3HV9201 was opened with both charging injection valves
3HV9202 and 3HV9203 open, the operators expected to be able to maintain
pressure. However, RCS pressure started to decrease. Engineering's
investigation determined that, while fewer pressurizer heaters were
available than in previous cycles, the available heaters were operating
as expected, and should have been adequate to control pressure. However,
auxiliary spray flow appeared to be higher than expected. Increased
auxiliary spray flow would likely be caused by the flow resistance of the
two parallel charging lines being higher than expected. The result would
be some charging flow would be diverted into the auxiliary spray line.
One immediate difference between the two charging lines was check valves
3MU020 and 3MU021. 3MU020 was the originally installed Kerotest valve,
while 3MU021 was a Kerotest redesigned equivalent replacement valve.
Based on vendor supplied design information, Edison decided the higher
resistance was caused by 3MU020 having a significantly higher cracking
pressure (pressure required to open the valve from its closed position)
than 3MU021. (This Kerotest information was later found to be incorrect.
See the Additional Information section, below.) With a single charging
pump running, 3MU020 was postulated not to open. All charging flow would
be divided between one charging line and auxiliary spray.
At the time of discovery (1413 on 6/26/97), Unit 2 was in Mode 1, power
operation, at 100 percent power. Unit 3 was in Mode 5, cold shutdown,
for refueling.
Realizing that unbalanced charging flow did not satisfy the assumptions
of the licensing basis SBLOCA analysis and that Unit 2 had the same valve
types, Edison immediately:
1. Entered Unit 2 into Condition A of TS 3.5.2. See the Technical
Specifications and Additional Information sections, below.
2. Conservatively reduced Unit 2 to about 90 percent power. At this
power level, charging flow is not required to mitigate the
consequences of a SBLOCA. Additional information regarding the
power reduction to 90 percent is provided in the Safety Significance
section, below.
On 6/27/97, while attempting to measure and then balance the charging
flow distribution in Unit 3, Edison discovered that the increased flow
resistance was actually caused by 3MU021 not opening completely. Edison
immediately tested Unit 2 and found that 2MU021 also would not open
completely. on 6/29/97 at 1102 PDT, in anticipation of entering
Condition B of TS 3.5.2, Edison began to shutdown Unit 2 to repair
2MU021. A 1-hour telephone report was made as required by
10CFR50.72(b)(1)(i) (NRC Operations Log #32545). Completion of that
shutdown is being reported here as required by 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i).
TS Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.5.2, ECCS-Operating, requires
two operable trains of ECCS in Modes 1 and 2, and in Mode 3 whenever the
pressurizer pressure is greater than or equal to 400 psia. If one or
more trains are inoperable, but at least 100 percent of the ECCS flow
equivalent to a single operable ECCS train is available, Condition A
requires the inoperable train(s) be restored to operable within 72 hours.
If that action is not met, Condition B requires the unit be in Mode 3
within 6 hours and pressurizer pressure reduced to less than 400 psia
within 12 hours.
The Bases of TS 3.5.2 describes an ECCS train as a train of high pressure
safety injection (HPSI) [BQ], a train of low pressure safety injection
(LPSI) [BP], and a
train of the Charging Subsystem. A charging train consists of a charging
pump with the capability of taking suction from the refueling water
storage tank or the boric acid makeup tank, and a flow path to the RCS
via the normal charging lines. Due to the single containment
penetration, the two normal charging lines are common to both Train A and
Train B.
While Edison's evaluation of the valve failures is on-going, the limited
travel of the piston assembly of 2(3)MU021 is believed to be caused by a
faulty design of the new style disc assembly. This LER will be revised
if the evaluation determines a cause other than faulty design.
With the assistance of the valve vendor, Edison attempted to repair
2MU021 with a redesigned piston assembly with a longer length-to-diameter
ratio. However, the valve still failed to open properly.
2(3)MU019 and 2(3)MU021 were replaced with 2 inch Borg-Warner "Y" type
lift check valves, either Mark #558 or #559. These valves are used
successfully in similar applications at another nuclear unit. The
hydraulic parameters of the Borg Warner valves for 2(3)MU021 were
verified to be similar to 2(3)MU020. Also, the charging line flows were
balanced by throttling HV9203 before returning the unit to service.
In 1979, Combustion Engineering's (CE) SBLOCA calculations predicted fuel
cladding temperature would exceed 10CFR50.46 limits (2200 degrees F) for
three break sizes (0.025 sq. ft., 0.05 sq. ft., and 0.075 sq. ft.)
without crediting charging flow. In response, the NRC approved analysis
credits 15.8 gpm charging flow to supplement HPSI flow, and complies with
For larger breaks (0.1 sq. ft. and 1.0 sq. ft.), charging flow is not
required because RCS depressurization is rapid enough that HPSI alone can
provide sufficient ECCS flow prior to initiation of safety injection tank
(SIT) flow. SIT flow rapidly refloods the core and maintains cladding
temperatures well below 2200 degrees F. For smaller breaks (0.01 sq.
ft.), break flow is low enough that HPSI alone is sufficient to limit or
even prevent core uncovery and maintain acceptable cladding temperatures.
The 1979 SBLOCA analysis results are overly conservative because:
o The computer model uses a positive moderator temperature coefficient
(MTC) even though TS 3.1.4 prohibits a positive MTC above 70 percent
power. A non-positive MTC would decrease or eliminate the
calculated power increase at the start of the transient. This would
result in a faster depressurization, earlier reactor trip and SIAS
on low pressure, and less RCS inventory lost.
o The computer model uses 15.0 kW/ft for the peak linear heat
generation rate (PLHGR) even though TS 3.2.1 limits PLHGR to 13.0
kW/ft. Using the lower value in the hot rod heatup analysis would
result in a lower calculated peak cladding temperature.
o The SBLOCA methodology itself contains additional conservatisms.
ABB-CE has submitted for NRC approval an improved SBLOCA model which
will demonstrate that charging is not required at San Onofre to
mitigate the consequences of any SBLOCA. (Reference letter, C. B.
Brinkman, ABB-CE, to NRC, Revision to Small Break LOCA Evaluation
Model, CENPD-137, Supplement 2-P, May 23, 1996.
Best estimate LOCA analyses performed for Edison's PRA/IPE using EPRI's
Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP) code indicate that one train of
ECCS without charging will maintain peak cladding temperatures below 1500
degrees F.
Therefore, while the current computer model predicts unacceptable results
for some SBLOCA sizes without charging flow, Edison concludes that
2(3)MU021 not completely opening resulted in a negligible increase in
plant risk and had no actual safety significance.
Different Valve Designs:
2(3)MU019, 2(3)MU020, and 2(3)MU021 originally installed in both units
were 2 inch Kerotest Y-type Series 1513 valves (See Figure 2). In 1985,
2MU021 was replaced and, because the original style valve was no longer
available, Edison used a redesigned series 1513 valve recommended by the
vendor (See Figure 3). 3MU021 and 2(3)MU019 were similarly replaced with
the new style valve.
During the investigation of the high auxiliary spray flow, Edison
obtained design information from Kerotest, including details of the
valves' closing springs. Based on that information, Edison concluded
that the cracking pressures for the old and new style valves were 20 psid
and 2.5 psid, respectively. If valves with different cracking pressures
are used in parallel flow paths, a flow imbalance can be created in low
flow conditions (i.e., when the valves are not fully open). Because the
SBLOCA analysis assumes balanced flow and low flow (one pump running),
Edison concluded this was a condition that alone could have prevented the
fulfillment of a safety function required to mitigate the consequences of
an accident. A 4-hour telephone report was made on 6/26/97 at 1803 PDT,
as required by 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iii) (NRC Log #32545).
On 7/14/97, while continuing the review of this event, Edison noticed
that the vendor-supplied design information was incorrect. The cracking
pressure for the old style valve was re-calculated to be about 3.0 psid,
essentially the same as the new style. Edison concluded that the
as-designed and built charging design did comply with the licensing basis
of the SBLOCA analysis. Therefore, this was not a condition that alone
could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function required to
mitigate the consequences of an accident and Edison is retracting the
4-hour report made on 6/26/97 (NRC Operations Log #32545).
Generic implications:
Edison reviewed other uses of the new style Kerotest check valves in the
plants. Seventeen safety related applications have been identified.
Fifteen of these, ranging in size from 1/2 inch to 1 inch, provide
pressure boundary isolation functions only and have no forward flow
safety function. Their failure to open would not prevent the fulfillment
of any safety function. The observed failures of the new style check
valve did not prevent the valves from closing.
There are two similar 2 inch check valves, 3MU067 and 2MU017, which have
a forward flow safety function (see Figure 4). The use of these valves
in the charging pump discharge piping has been evaluated as acceptable
for the following reasons:
o The application is in a single line so that a failure to open
completely does not affect the flow distribution in the charging
o The valves have been and continue to be tested quarterly by the IST
Program. Both valves have passed their IST by passing full flow at
normal pump discharge pressure. One of these valves (3MU067) has
been in service since 1987 without incident. Some seat back leakage
has been observed. This is acceptable
because the back flow requirement is to assist in isolating the
charging pump for on-line maintenance and does not affect charging
pump operation.
o The charging pumps are positive displacement pumps and will deliver
their required flow up to the piping system's relief valve set point
(2735 psig). The observed check valve failures were the valves not
opening enough to maintain balanced flow. If these valves failed to
fully open (as 2(3)MU021 failed), the affected pump would still have
adequate pressure margin to deliver full flow (about 40 gpm) through
the partially open valve. In addition, in the SBLOCA analysis which
credits charging flow, the RCS pressure is substantially below
normal operating pressure, providing additional pressure margin.
o The charging pumps themselves are protected from overpressure by a
relief valve in the unlikely event these valves should fail to open.
The resultant low charging system flow alarm would immediately alert
plant operators in the control room. Excessive discharge pressure
is also indicated in the control room.
o These two valves will be replaced during the next unit outage of
sufficient duration, currently expected to be the scheduled
mid-cycle outages.
Entry into TS 3.5.2 Condition A:
On 6/26/97, Edison management was briefed on the status of the charging
subsystem check valves and the impact on the plant. At that meeting,
Edison management concluded that only one train of charging was
inoperable (cognitive personnel error) and that entry into TS 3.5.2
Condition A was the appropriate action. That action was taken at 1413
PDT that day. The following day, operations determined that, due to the
balanced flow requirement, both trains of charging should have been
declared inoperable. Nevertheless, because the TS 3.5.2 Condition A
applies for one or two trains of ECCS inoperable, the actions already
taken by Operations were in compliance with the TS and no further actions
were required.
To ensure a correct understanding of TS 3.5.2, Edison will clarify its
Bases to address charging flow considerations and will review this
information with appropriate personnel.
Preoperational Testing, Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements
and In-Service Testing Program: It is not known when the check valves
first failed to open.
During preoperational testing in the early 1980s, the minimum charging
pump flow was verified. However, the flow split between the two charging
lines was determined by analysis only, and was never tested. The flow
split would be tested only if design changes were made to the lines which
would alter the flow split. Because the replacement of MU021 was with a
"like-for-like" valve, the flow distribution was not tested at that time.
The surveillance requirements of TS 3.5.2 specifies the correct positions
and surveillance frequency of numerous ECCS valves. Although not
specifically named, HV9202 and HV9203 are included in TS SR,
which verifies that "each ECCS manual, power operated, and automatic
valve ... is in the correct position." MU020 and MU021 have no specific
TS SR requirements, and there is no specific SR in section 3.5.2 for the
charging flow split. However, the Bases section does identify the
charging flow commitment of 44 percent of 36.2 gpm (15.9 gpm) to each
TS 3.1.9, Boration Systems - Operating, requires two RCS boron injection
flow paths (one path via the charging system and one path via the HPSI
header) to be operable, primarily for shutdown margin (SDM)
considerations. TS SR requires that each boration flow path be
verified operable each 31 days. Although Edison had been
complying with the literal requirements of TS SR for a boration
flow path, the TS SR did not ensure that the required ECCS flow balance
was maintained. One of
these two SR sections (3.5.2 or 3.1.9) should include verification that
each charging line is operable.
TS SR requires each charging pump develop at least 40 gpm. The
IST program performs this test. Because the two parallel flow paths are
tested together during the pump IST, a closed check valve in one line
could not cause a test failure (opening the pump discharge safety valve
thereby reducing charging flow). The test for the open function does not
specify the differential pressure for developing the acceptance flow.
Because the charging pumps are positive displacement pumps and the
testing is normally completed at an RCS pressure of 350 psia, adequate
pump discharge pressure (up to the discharge safety valve set point) is
available to pass the acceptance flow through a partially open valve.
The IST Program and TS SR procedure will be revised to ensure these check
valves operate as intended and that the charging line is operable.
Similar previously reported conditions:
In the past three years, Edison has not reported the failure of an ECCS
system because of the failure of a single component or component design
Figure 1 "Charging Subsystem:" omitted.
Figure 2 "Original Style Check Valve:" omitted.
Figure 3 "New Style Check Valve:" omitted.
Figure 4 "Charging Pump Diagram (typical of each unit):" omitted.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021