Part 21 Report - 1997-731

ACCESSION #: 9804220183 COOPER NUCLEAR STATION P.O. BOX 98, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA 68321 TELEPHONE (402)825-3811 FAX (402)825-5211 Nebraska Public Power District NLS980069 April 16, 1998 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen: Subject: Follow-up to Interim Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 21.21 (a)(2) Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket 50-298, DPR-46 Reference: 1. Letter NLS970124 to Document Control Desk (USNRC) from P. D. Graham (NPPD) dated September 29, 1997, "Interim Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 21.21 (a)(2), Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket 50-298, DPR-46" 2. Letter NLS970055 to Document Control Desk (USNRC) from P. D. Graham (NPPD) dated March 27, 1997, "Reply to a Notice of Violation, NRC Inspection Report No. 50-29 8/96-24, Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket 50- 298, DPR-46" 3. Letter NLS970227 to Document Control Desk (USNRC) from P. D. Graham (NPPD) dated December 26, 1997, "Change of Commitment, Cooper Nuclear Station, NRC Docket 50-298, DPR-46" This letter provides closure to the interim 10 CFR Part 21 submitted to the Commission on September 29, 1997 (Reference 1), and establishes a new date for the completion of the Level 1 and 2 setpoint project committed to in Reference 2. In Reference 1, the Nebraska Public Power District (District) submitted an interim report to the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 21.21 (a)(2) describing a condition where safety related setpoint calculations provided to the District by General Electric Nuclear Energy (GENE) were found to contain non-conservative errors. These non-conservatisms in the Level 1 setpoint calculations (being done in support of the Improved Technical Specifications project) were primarily a result of calculation and math errors and had minimal impact on nuclear safety. Accordingly, no substantial safety hazard could have been created (i.e., the condition is not reportable pursuant to 10 CFR Part 21). Note that even if there had been a potential significant impact, the affect would have been limited to the proposed Improved Technical Specifications. There would have been no impact on the current Technical Specifications and plant operation. Powerful Pride in Nebraska NLS980069 Page 2 of 2 The Level 1 setpoint calculations for Improved Technical Specifications have been reviewed and checked by an independent third party to assure accuracy and correctness. However, the administrative processing and reformatting necessary for formal approval has yet to be completed as committed to in Reference 3. Final approval of these calculations will be completed by May 31, 1998. In addition to the Level 1 setpoint calculations being done in support of Improved Technical Specifications, the District committed by letter dated March 27, 1997 (Reference 2), to review and update all Level 2 setpoints, and their associated calculations, by December 31, 1997. However, this project could not be completed until the potential 10 CFR Part 21 issue was resolved. The District informed the Commission of this commitment change in Reference 3 and committed to providing a new completion date for the Level 1 and 2 setpoint project as part of the closure to the potential 10 CFR Part 21 issue (i.e., this letter). Accordingly, the Level 1 setpoints, which are those supporting Improved Technical Specifications, will be completed by May 31, 1998, (as discussed above) with the remainder of the project to be completed (i.e., the Level 2 setpoints) by December 31, 1998. Since this project is, in effect, a validation and reconstitution of the design basis supporting previously reviewed and approved setpoints, this delay in the project completion has no safety significance. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, J. H. Swailes Vice President of Nuclear Energy /crm cc: Regional Administrator USNRC - Region IV Senior Project Manager USNRC - NRR Project Directorate IV-1 Senior Resident Inspector USNRC NPG Distribution ATTACHMENT 3 LIST OF NRC COMMITMENTS Correspondence No: NLS980069 The following table identifies those actions committed to by the District in this document. Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by the District. They are described to the NRC for the NRC's information and are not regulatory commitments. Please notify the NLS Manager at Cooper Nuclear Station of any questions regarding this document or any associated regulatory commitments. COMMITTED DATE COMMITMENT OR OUTAGE Complete the Level 1 setpoints supporting ITS. May 31, 1998 Complete the review and updating of the Level 2 December 31, 1998 setpoints. PROCEDURE NUMBER 0.42 REVISION NUMBER 6 PAGE 9 OF 13 *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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