Part 21 Report - 1997-752

ACCESSION #: 9711260073 ABB November 20, 1997 LD-97-033 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. DC 20555 Subject: Additional Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 21 Regarding Certain Models of Potter & Brumfield Relays Reference: I. C. Rickard, "Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 21 Regarding Certain Models of Potter & Brumfield Relays," LD-97-028, October 13, 1997 Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of additional information concerning the defect pursuant to 10 CFR 21, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance," that was reported in the referenced letter. The identified "defect" is contamination of lubricant which has led to the hardening of the lubricant in certain Potter & Brumfield Products Division MDR relay models 170-1 and 7032 such that the relays could fail to function. For the applications for which ABB-CE has supplied these relays, failure to function is a failure of the relays to open when deenergized. These relays are used in the Plant Protection System (i.e., Engineered Safety Features Actuation System and Reactor Protection System). In the referenced report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, it was stated that Potter & Brumfield had verbally indicated that they believe model MDR relays potentially affected are date-coded 94XX, and that earlier (93XX) and later (95XX) date-coded relays are not affected. Potter & Brumfield's initial evaluation of the reported problem is that the lubricant hardening effect is likely due to contaminants introduced into the lubricant and potentially excessive application of lubricant which occurred during assembly of the suspect relays. During a conference call held with Potter & Brumfield on November 17, 1997, ABB-CE was informed that this lubricant contamination concern is now potentially extended to include MDR relay models manufactured with date codes 93XX through 95XX During this conference call, ABB-CE learned that Potter & Brumfield instituted a design change (non-lubricated bearings to lubricated bearings) ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Operations Combustion Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 500 7000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor, Connecticut 06095-0500 Telephone (203) 688-1911 Fax (203) 285-95[Illegible no.] LD-97-033 Page 2 in 1988. Potter & Brumfield is reviewing its bearing lubrication process and the need for bearing lubrication for the low cycle nuclear power plant applications for which ABB-CE has provided the relays. This review also includes evaluation of the affected date code period and affected models back to the time that the design change was made, Potter & Brumfield has committed to complete its root cause analysis on the failure mechanism and issue a written report which includes recommended corrective actions and detailed date code identification by December 1, 1997. ABB-CE will inform its customers of this change in applicability by copy of this letter. Very truly yours, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, Inc, Ian C. Rickard, Director Operations Licensing cc: M. F. Barnoski (ABB-CE) GENERAL INFORMATION or OTHER EVENT NUMBER: 33077 LICENSEE: ABB COMBUSTION ENGINEERING NOTIFICATION DATE: 10/13/97 CITY: WINDSOR REGION: 1 NOTIFICATION TIME: 13:42 [ET] COUNTY: STATE: CT EVENT DATE: 08/06/97 LICENSE#: AGREEMENT: N EVENT TIME: 00:00[EDT] DOCKET: LAST UPDATE DATE: 11/20/97 NOTIFICATIONS JOHN PELLET RDO NRC NOTIFIED BY: HESS VERN HODGE NRR HQ OPS OFFICER: CHAUNCEY GOULD EMERGENCY CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE 10 CFR SECTION: CCCC 21.21 UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH EVENT TEXT ABB COMBUSTION REPORTED A PART 21 ON CERTAIN MODELS OF POTTER & BRUMFIELD RELAYS. THEY HAVE IDENTIFIED THE "DEFECT" AS CONTAMINATION OF LUBRICANT WHICH HAS LEAD TO THE HARDENING OF THE LUBRICANT IN CERTAIN POTTER & BRUMFIELD PRODUCTS DIVISION MDR RELAYS (MODELS "170-1" AND "7032"). THIS "DEFECT" COULD RESULT IN RELAY FAILURE. THESE RELAYS ARE USED IN THE PLANT PROTECTION SYSTEM. THERE IS ALSO THE POTENTIAL FOR RELAY MODELS "7033" AND "7034" TO FAIL TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY. THESE RELAYS HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED TO PALO VERDE 1, 2 AND 3, ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE UNIT 2, WATERFORD 3, AND SAN ONOFRE 2 AND 3. ABB-CE IS CURRENTLY EVALUATING POTENTIAL CORRECTIVE ACTIONS WHICH WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE UTILITIES WITH ABB-CE DESIGNED NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SYSTEMS. * * * UPDATE AT 1510 BY FAX FROM HESS ENTERED BY JONES * * * POTTER & BRUMFIELD, AS OF A CONFERENCE CALL WITH ABB ON NOVEMBER 17, 1997, HAS EXTENDED THE PROBLEM TO INCLUDE ALL MDR RELAY MODELS WITH DATE CODES 93XX THROUGH 95XX. PREVIOUSLY ONLY MODELS WITH DATE CODES OF 94XX WERE THOUGHT AFFECTED. POTTER & BRUMFIELD HAS COMMITTED TO COMPLETE ITS ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS ON THE FAILURE MECHANISM, ISSUE A WRITTEN REPORT WITH DETAILED DATE CODE IDENTIFICATION, AND RECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTIONS BY DECEMBER 1, 1997. ABB-CE WILL INFORM ITS CUSTOMERS OF THIS CHANGE. THE HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS OFFICER INFORMED R4DO (JOE TAPIA) AND NRR (VERN HODGE). *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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