Part 21 Report - 1997-763

ACCESSION #: 9801080190 FOXBORO The Foxboro Company Foxboro, MA 02035-2099 United States of America Telephone +1 508 543 8750 December 18, 1997 Facsimile +1 508 549 6750 Internet http: // Mr. Steve Saidan U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Events Assessment 1155 Rockville Heights Rockville, MD 02852 Subject: Progress report on Event Number 33081 Dear Mr. Saidan, I am pleased to report that Foxboro has completed the nuclear seismic qualification testing of the electronics module design for the pressure transmitters which we inadvertently shipped to two nuclear utility customers: Consolidated Edison of New York and Vermont Yankee. Attached for your information is an internal memo signed by Jack Sears, the Principal Engineer of our Product Assurance Laboratories, documenting the fact that the seismic qualification tests have been completed. We expect to have a final formal report issued by the 20th of January, 1998. By December 31, 1997, we will provide to both of these customers a report of our investigation of the root cause for our inadvertent shipment of the incorrect electronic modules, along with corrective and preventive action. Attached for information are copies of letters to the two utilities informing them of the qualification test results. We will continue to keep you updated and provide confirmation that the nuclear seismic qualification report has been issued. Sincerely, Truman L. King Director Corporate and Product Safety Encl: 3 TLK/baa SIEBE A Siebe Group Company FOXBORO The Foxboro Company Foxboro, MA 02035-2099 United States of America December 18,1997 Telephone +1 508 543 8750 Facsimile +1 508 549 6750 Internet http: // Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station #2 4 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 Attention: Mr. Frank Simone, Purchasing Supervisor Subject: Your P.O. order #617927, serial #'s 97030077 for nuclear qualified pressure transmitters shipped 3/11/97. Dear Mr. Simone, I am pleased to report that Foxboro has completed the nuclear seismic qualification testing of the electronics module design for the pressure transmitters which we shipped to you on the subject purchase order. Attached for your information is an internal memo signed by Jack Sears, the Principal Engineer of our Product Assurance Laboratories, documenting the fact that the seismic qualification tests have been completed. We expect to have a final formal report issued and transmitted to you by the 20th of January, 1998. By December 31, 1997, we will provide you with a report of our investigation of the root cause for our inadvertent shipment of the incorrect electronic modules, along with corrective and preventive action. Please advise us if the radiation capability of 4700 rads total integrated dose (TID) meets your application life requirements. If not, we will supply you with an identical replacement electronics module for later installation as dosage accumulates toward the 4700 rads capability. Please contact the undersigned at (508) 549-6797, Fax (508) 549-4639 or Richard Anderson at (508) 549-3889, Fax (508) 549-4458 if you have any questions or would like additional information. Foxboro sincerely regrets this incident and trusts that our actions will completely resolve this matter to your satisfaction. Sincerely, Truman L. King Director Corporate Quality and Product Safety CC: Mr. Alan Budnick, General Manager Quality Assurance Oversight Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. TLK/baa SIEBE A Siebe Group Company FOXBORO The Foxboro Company Foxboro, MA 02035-2099 United States of America December 18, 1997 Telephone +1 508 543 8750 Facsimile +1 508 549 6750 Internet http: // www, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation P.O. Box 157 Vernon, VT 05354 Attention: Mr. David Bauer Purchasing Supervisor Subject: Your P.O. order #96-14056-00 serial #'s 96190560, 96190561, 96190562, 96190563 and 96190564 for nuclear qualified pressure transmitters shipped 7/26/96. Dear Mr. Bauer, I am pleased to report that Foxboro has completed the nuclear seismic qualification testing of the electronics module design for the pressure transmitters which we shipped to you on the subject purchase order. Attached for your information is an internal memo signed by Jack Sears, the Principal Engineer of our Product Assurance Laboratories, documenting the fact that the seismic qualification tests have been completed. We expect to have a final formal report issued and transmitted to you by the 20th of January, 1998. By December 31, 1997, we will provide you with a report of our investigation of the root cause for our inadvertent shipment of the incorrect electronic modules, along with corrective and preventive action. Please contact the undersigned at (508) 549-6797, Fax (508) 549-4639 or Richard Anderson at (508) 549-3889, Fax (508) 549-4458 if you have any questions or would like additional information. Foxboro sincerely regrets this incident and trusts that our qualification of the electronics module and our corrective and preventive actions will completely resolve this matter to your satisfaction. Sincerely, Truman L. King Director Corporate Quality and Product Safety TLK/baa SIEBE A Siebe Group Company FOXBORO The Foxboro Company Foxboro, MA U.S.A. 02035-2099 Telephone: 508-543-8750 Telex: 927-602 or MCI-6817560 Fax: 508-549-6770 To: R. Porter Neponset QC Engineering Issued: 11/18/97 NOTICE OF N-820 SERIES INTELLIGENT TRANSMITTER SEISMIC REQUALIFICATION This is a preliminary notice that the seismic requalification tests of the N-820 Series intelligent Transmitters with the 2 Board electronics modules has been successfully completed. Test results were well within the +/-5% acceptance criteria" and there was no failure of mountings nor of hardware. Digital measurements and communications were unaffected during the seismic tests. The new 2 board intelligent electronics modules qualified by the seismic retest are Pt. Nos. LO121GS and LO121GT. The N-820 Series Intelligent Transmitters with the 2 Board intelligent electronics modules will now be documented as qualified for Class 1E, Mild Environment and for Class II Structural Integrity. N-820 Intelligent models not seismic tested will he qualified by similarity. The new qualification documentation will be issued within the next several weeks and is as follows:. New Qualification Documents - QOAAD07 Test Program for Seismic Requalification of N-820 Series Intelligent Transmitters with 2 Board Electronics Module - QOAAD08 Test Results of the Seismic Requalification of N-820 Series Intelligent Transmitters with 2 Board Electronics Module - QOAAD09 Seismic Requalification of N-820 Series Intelligent Transmitters with 2 Board Electronics Module by Similarity Notification by: Jack Sears Principal Engineer Product Assurance Laboratory D303 SIEBE GENERAL INFORMATION or OTHER EVENT NUMBER: 33081 LICENSEE: FOXBORO COMPANY NOTIFICATION DATE: 10/14/97 CITY: FOXBORO REGION: 1 NOTIFICATION TIME: 11:36 [ET] COUNTY: STATE: MA EVENT DATE: 10/14/97 LICENSE#: AGREEMENT: Y EVENT TIME: 00:00[EDT] DOCKET: LAST UPDATE DATE: 10/14/97 NOTIFICATIONS JOHN WHITE RDO NRC NOTIFIED BY: TRUMAN KING VERN HODGE NRR HQ OPS OFFICER: STEVE SANDIN EMERGENCY CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE 10 CFR SECTION: CCCC 21.21 UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH EVENT TEXT PART 21 NOTIFICATION FOXBORO COMPANY LOCATED IN FOXBORO, MA. SUPPLIED A TOTAL OF SIX NUCLEAR QUALIFIED PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS CONTAINING THE INCORRECT ELECTRONIC MODULES. THE ELECTRONIC MODULES, ALTHOUGH FROM THE SAME FAMILY, WERE NOT SEISMICALLY QUALIFIED AS SPECIFIED ON THE PURCHASE ORDERS. THESE SIX UNITS WERE SUPPLIED TO: QTY: 5 MODEL # N-823DP-D3SH1 SHIPPED: 7/26/96 INSTALLED AT VERMONT YANKEE QTY: 1 MODEL # N-823DP-D3SH2-F SHIPPED: 3/11/97 INSTALLED AT INDIAN POINT 2 ALSO, THE PURCHASE ORDER FROM INDIAN POINT 2 SPECIFIED A CUMULATIVE EXPOSURE OF 6,000 RADS FOR SERVICE LIFE CONSIDERATION. FOXBORO DETERMINED THAT, THROUGH AN OVERSIGHT ON THEIR PART, THIS REQUIREMENT HAD NOT BEEN TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. FOXBORO HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH BOTH UTILITIES. AT THIS TIME, NEITHER UTILITY HAS INDICATED AN OPERABILITY CONCERN FOR THESE INSTALLED PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS. FOXBORO WILL FORMALIZE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REPORT. *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021