Part 21 Report - 1997-831
ACCESSION #: 9712240065
Illinois Power Company
Clinton Power Station
P.O. Box 678
Clinton, IL 61727
Tel 217 935-5623
ILLINOIS Fax 217 935-4632
An Illinova Company John G. Cook
Senior Vice President
December 18, 1997
Docket No. 50-461 10CFR21.21
Document Control Desk
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D. C. 20555
Subject: 10CFR21 Final Report 21-97-042:
Discrepancies Between General Electric Boiling Water Reactor
Design Requirements Documents and System Vendor Manuals
Dear Madam or Sir:
Illinois Power (IP) notified the NRC in 10CFR21 Interim Report 21-
97-042 (IP letter U-602855) dated October 29, 1997, that an evaluation
under 10CFR21 was in progress regarding discrepancies between the General
Electric (GE) Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) design requirements and system
vendor manuals. The evaluation has been completed and IP has concluded
that this issue is not reportable under the provisions of 10CFR21.
The interim report stated that on August 21, 1997, IP identified a
discrepancy between the GE BWR design requirements 22A5604, "Turbine-
Generator Control Requirements GE-Nuclear Energy Division," and the field
line-up instructions contained in GE vendor manual K2804-0007C, "GEK-
64903, Volume III, Steam Turbine-Generator (EHC and TSI Section)." The
specific discrepancy identified was a difference between the GE BWR
Design Requirements document and the system vendor manual for the
specified closing rate of the turbine control valves. Condition Report
(CR) 1-97-08-183 was initiated to track an investigation of this issue.
On August 27, 1997, during investigation of CR 1-97-08-183, IP
engineers determined that conflicts may exist between other GE BWR design
requirements documents and the system vendor manuals. Condition Report
(CR) 1-97-08-303 was initiated to track an investigation of this issue.
The design document discrepancy issue was determined to be potentially
reportable under the provisions of 10CFR21 on September 2, 1997.
Page 2
The scope of the generic issue involved documents supplied by GE
under specification K2801 which define the requirements for interface
between GE supplied equipment and equipment supplied by others. The
Architect-Engineer (AE) for Clinton Power Station was responsible for
identifying specific requirement specifications and including them in
purchase specifications for the equipment suppliers.
IP has concluded that this issue is not reportable under the
provisions of 10CFR21. The basis for this conclusion is the review of
the AE's program for controlling this process. Additionally, the AE's
program was previously audited by GE. To provide further confidence of
program effectiveness, IP reviewed a sample of GE requirements for
safety-related or Technical Specification-related equipment and did not
identify any failures of vendor supplied implementing drawings to meet
the GE design requirements. The AE's program is considered to have been
effective in identifying specific requirement specifications and
including them in purchase specifications for the equipment suppliers.
Further, the specific discrepancy between the GE BWR Design Requirements
document and the system vendor manual for the specified closing rate of
the turbine control valves would have no impact on a safety function and
therefore would not create a substantial safety hazard if it had gone
Additional information about this issue may be obtained by
contacting W. L. Shurlow, Engineering Projects, at (217) 935-8881,
extension 3223.
Sincerely yours,
J. G. Cook
Senior Vice President
cc: NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager
NRC Resident Office, V-690
Regional Administrator, Region III, USNRC
Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety
INPO Records Center
General Electric
Sargent & Lundy
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021