Part 21 Report - 1998-104

ACCESSION #: 9803040316 Paul H. Kinkel Vice President February 17, 1998 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Indian Point Station Re: Indian Point Unit No. 2 Broadway & Bleakley Avenue Docket No. 50-247 Buchanan, NY 10511 Telephone (914) 734-5340 Fax: (914) 734-5923 Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-137 Washington, DC 20555 SUBJECT: 10 CFR Part 21 Written Notification On January 14, 1998, Con Edison provided the initial notification of a condition at Indian Point Unit No. 2 which we determined to be reportable under the requirements of 10 CFR Part 21. The reported condition involved several safety-related 480 Volt, Type DB-50 breakers that were sent to an approved 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, qualified vendor for overhaul. These breakers were returned to Indian Point Unit No. 2 and found to be outside of the manufacturer's specified tolerances. The requirements of 10 CFR 21.21(d)(4) identify specific information to be included in a written notification following the initial notice. That information is provided in the attachment to this letter. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Charles W. Jackson, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Licensing. Very truly yours, CC: Mr. Hubert J. Miller Regional Administrator - Region I US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Jefferey F. Harold, Project Manager Project Directorate I-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 14B-2 Washington, DC 20555 Senior Resident Inspector US Nuclear Regulatory Commission PO Box 38 Buchanan, NY 10511 ATTACHMENT Nuclear Logistics, Inc. 480 Volt Breaker Overhaul Work The following information is provided as required by 10 CFR 21.21 (d)(4). (i) Name and address of individual informing the Commission. Paul H. Kinkel, Vice President - Nuclear Power Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Indian Point Unit No. 2 Broadway and Bleakley Ave. Buchanan, NY 10511 (ii) Identification of the basic component which contains a defect. Component: 480 Volt Breaker Breakers - CCP 2051-002 - component cooling pump breaker AFP-CSP 2008-005 - auxiliary feedwater or containment spray pump breaker CRF 2035-004 - containment recirculation fan breaker Model: Type DB-50 (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which contains a defect. Nuclear Logistics, Inc. 7461 Airport Freeway Ft. Worth, Texas 76118 (iv) Nature of the defect and the safety hazard which could be created by such a defects. In late July 1997, three DB-50 breakers were sent by Con Edison to National Switchgear Systems, Inc. (NSSI) for overhaul under the super-vision of Nuclear Logistics, Inc. (NLI). These breakers were originally manufactured by Westinghouse. When these breakers were returned following overhaul in late September 1997, anomalies were found during the performance of Station Preventive Maintenance Procedure (PM) BRK-B-002A, Revision 12. These anomalies are described below: 1. Breaker CCP 2051-002 had a jumper missing that prevented the breaker alarm switch from being reset from the Central Control Room (CCR). This jumper was missed when it was disconnected during the final check of the auxiliary switches and was not reconnected. This missing jumper would not have prevented the breaker from performing its intended functions, but it would not have permitted resetting the alarm switch from the CCR to re-establish the breaker closing circuit. An operator would have to be dispatched to the 480 VAC Room to manually reset the alarm switch for the breaker to close upon the next close signal. 1 Nuclear Logistics, Inc. 480 Volt Breaker Overhaul Work 2. While manually closing Breakers AFP-CSP 2008-005 and CRT 2035-004, intermittent binding of the breaker roller bearing was found. The intermittent binding of the roller bearing occurred when the roller bearing jammed as the breaker was manually closed but then dropped when the breaker was tripped. This binding became more consistent as the breaker was manually exercised. The bearing outer surface was found to be scored, indicating unusual wear. Although this roller bearing anomaly did not affect the electrical operation of the breaker, this anomaly could affect the manual tripping of the breaker. 3. The left side A phase "G" gap of Breaker AFP-CSP 2008-005 was measured at 0.100", which was greater than the 0.050" to 0.093 " tolerance as specified by the breaker manufacturer. The right side A phase "G" gap was measured at 0.065", which was within specified tolerance. When this breaker was inspected at NLI, the "as-left" measurement was 0.082" for both the right and the left side, which was within specification. This excessive gap would have resulted in an increased force being exerted on the arc and main contacts in closing the breaker. However, the breaker manufacturer indicated that the gap would have to be significantly higher to prevent the breaker from closing. Although the "G" gaps can vary slightly with cycling of the breaker, this variation can not account for a 0.018 change. A Con Edison Quality Assurance surveillance report, performed after the anomalies were discovered during the Station PM's, identified several discrepancies (missing signatures) in NLI's inspection documentation that may have compromised the NLI independent review and led to the discovered breaker anomalies. 2 *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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