Part 21 Report - 1998-135

ACCESSION #: 9805190074

The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 April 30, 1998 G-1151-SJA-98-213 Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Reference: a) Boeing Letter G-1151-RSO-92-365 dated August 31, 1992; R. S. Orr to the NRC Operations Center BOEING b) NRC Letter Docket No. 99901227 dated August 12, 1992; L. J. Norrholm to R. S. Orr; Subject: Response to 10 CFR 21 Inquiry Dear Sir or Madam: In accordance with the reference correspondence and 10 CFR 21, Boeing is sending the NRC the attached error notice(s) received from our former software suppliers. Because of unknown current addresses, the following former customers were not notified: Reactor Controls, Inc. Echo Energy Consultants, Inc. Nuclear Applications and Systems Analysis Company (Japan) Nuclear Power Services Error notices have been sent to our other former customers. Very truly yours, Sandra J. Andrews Nuclear Administrator Phone: (425) 865-6248 FAX: (425) 865-4851 Mail Stop: 7A-33, or e-mail: Enclosure(s): ANSYS Class 3 Error Reports 98-01 thru 98-12 ;95-07 R2, 97-50 R1 and 98-01 R1. ANSYS QA Notices QA 98-01 thru QA98-06 ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletins SCB 98-01 and SCB 98-02 ANSYS [REGISTERED COPY] ANSYS, Inc. Southpointe 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 APR 29 1998 April 13, 1998 Dear Class3 Error Recipient: Enclosed you will find ANSYS Class3 Error Reports 98-01 through 98-12 as well as 95-07 R2, 97-50 R1 and 98-01 R1, ANSYS QA Notices QA98-01 through QA98-06, and ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletins SCB 98-01 and SCB 98-02. These reports have been issued in the first quarter of 1998. Also included with this Class3 Error mailing are two separate letters. One letter announces the availability of our Interim Product Releases. The second letter discusses the Hardware and System Support which will be available with the release of ANSYS 5.5. Revised Class3 Error Reports o Class3 Error Report 95-07 R2 has been issued to clarify the version of ANSYSPro/ENGINEER the error was corrected in and give the sequence of commands for the workaround. o Class3 Error Report 97-50 R1 has been issued to give a more complete description of the VMESH error. o Class3 Error Report 98-01 R1 has been issued to expand the scope of the error. This error affects all target nodes, not just boundary conditions at target nodes. QA Notices o QA Notices QA98-01 and QA98-02 have been issued to inform users of possible inaccurate results when using second-order triangular thermal elements and 3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Thermal Solid and Tetrahedral Coupled-Field Solid elements. However, these elements behave as documented in our Elements Manual. o QA Notice QA98-03 discusses the operation of the GET command for large deflection analysis. o QA Notice QA98-04 has been issued to inform users of a possible input error for dialog box settings of keyopts greater than 9. o QA Notice QA98-05 has been issued to alert users that Revision 5.0 of ANSYS and all prior releases will not run after December 31, 1999. o QA Notice QA98-06 has been issued to alert users of an ANSYS 5.4 Interim Release (UP19980310). Support Coordinator Bulletins o ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB 98-01 has been issued to inform users of the existence of an undocumented form of the MP command with Lab = EMIS and prevent potential confusion or misuse when generating a radiation matrix in AUX 12. o ANSYS Support Coordinator Bulletin SCB 98-02 has been issued to inform users of an occasional and apparently random error occurring on the Sun version of ANSYS Release 5.4 which causes ANSYS to run indefinitely. I would like to remind you of the various ways that you can receive Class3 error information. Quarterly, Class3 errors will be delivered by mail to the ANSYS Support Coordinator listed on your ANSYS license agreement. Please notify your ASD of any personnel or address changes that should be incorporated into our records for your ANSYS agreement in order to avoid any interruptions in receiving your Class3 Error Report mailings. For users desiring access to Class3 errors on a more timely basis you can be added to our email distribution list. To register for email notification of reports, simply send an email request including your email address, company name/address and ANSYS agreement number to If you are a current subscriber to email distribution, please keep us informed of any changes in your email address by emailing After two failed transmissions of reports, your name will be removed from the distribution list. Finally, Class3 Errors and QA Notices are posted on ANSYS's Internet HomePage. The address is They are located in the ANSYS Zones sections of the HomePage under Customer. The username to enter this area is "customer" and the password is "ain1fm" (ANSYS is number 1 for me). For your convenience, also enclosed with this mailing you will find ANSYS Class3 Error Summary Reports sorted both by error number and keyword for Release 5.3 and Release 5.4. Sincerely, William J. Bryan Quality Assurance Manager ANSYS Release Identifier Description ANSYS release identifiers consist of a major release level, a minor release level, a correction and a build date. An example of how this is constructed is shown below: 5.3 UP030797 <--- build date (form - UPmmddyy) major release level -- -- minor release level Major release level changes indicate that new features have been added to the program and that some level of program architecture change and/or file structure may have occurred. Minor release level changes also indicate that new features have been added to the program, but files are upwardly compatible. All known error fixes are include in both minor and major releases. The build date corresponds to the date the program was created. Special versions may be provided to circumvent an error and are identified by build date. Special versions am not general releases to all ANSYS licensees, since they typically represent error corrections occurring only on one system, a subset of our customers who have specific graphics devices, etc. When a release identifier on a Class3 Error Report does not include a build date, all build dates for the indicated release level are included. When a release identifier for FIRST INCORRECT VERSION explicitly includes a build date, the release level with the indicated build date as well as all earlier build dates for that release level are affected. When a release identifier for CORRECTED IN explicitly includes a build date, the release level with the indicated build date as well as all subsequent build dates contain the correction. For example, a Class3 Error Report with "5.3 UP100396" for FIRST INCORRECT VERSION and "5.5 UP063098" for "CORRECTED IN" would apply to all 5.3 releases with a build date UP100396 or later all 5.4 releases (regardless of build date) and all 5.5 releases with a build date earlier than UP063098. The ANSYS release identifier(s) shown under "corrected in" on the front side of Class3 Error Reports indicates the first possible release that contains the correction. An identifier indicated under "corrected in" does not guarantee that a general distribution of that release of ANSYS will occur. It does indicate that the correction is known and implemented in that or any subsequent release. Product Applicability The ANSYS family of component products occasionally undergoes name changes between releases and/or changes in the functionality of derived products (such as ANSYS-PC/LINEAR). To minimize the potential for confusion in these area, unless otherwise noted on the front side of the Class3 Error Report, the error report applies to all ANSYS family products (including standalone component products) that contain the described feature(s) in the designated release(s). ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-01 KEYWORDS: TARGE169 TARGE170 ELEM169 ELEM170 CONTACT DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Use of a nodal coordinate system other than global Cartesian system (CSYS,0) is not supported for specification of boundary conditions on target nodes (i.e., nodes associated with element types TARGE169 and TARGE170). TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>To Active CS Main Menu>Preprocessor>Move/Modify>To Active CS Main Menu>Solution/Preprocessor>Loads>Apply FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Before assigning boundary conditions, rotate all the target nodes into the global Cartesian coordinate system (NROT command). COMMENTS: Transfer of solid model B.C.'s (DA, DL) may automatically rotate nodes into a non-Cartesian coordinate system. Do not use DL or DA to apply constraints to target nodes. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Yongyi, Zhu REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse.side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-02 KEYWORDS: PREP7 SHPP, WARN SHAPE CHECKING DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: If SHPP,WARN is used to allow the storage of an element that would otherwise produce a shape ERROR and normal shape testing is then restored via SHPP,ON, then an incorrect WARNING message can be produced at SOLVE that could lead to accepting poorly shaped elements. <<<<<< TYPICAL WARNING PRODUCED >>>>>> Previous testing revealed that 1 of the 1 selected elements violate shape warning limits. To review warning messages, please see the output or error file, or issue the CHECK command. <<<<<< SHOULD GET THIS TYPE OF WARNING >>>>>> *** WARNING *** No shape testing has been performed on 1 of the 1 selected elements. To perform shape testing on these elements and see any warning messages about the others, please issue the CHECK command. Note that solution with "error" elements selected would ordinarily not be allowed. The SHPP,WARN/SHPP,ON combination can permit solution to progress with such elements, unless CHECK is done between SHPP,ON and SOLVE. The effect of this error is that the user is not sufficiently warned of this possibility. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor>Checking Ctrls>Shape Checking... "On w/Warning msg", then ..."On w/Error msg" FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Issue the CHECK command after SHPP,ON. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Stan Kelley REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse.side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO; 98-03 KEYWORDS: SHELL63 ELEM63 WARPED ELEMENT THERMAL LOAD DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: For SHELL63, the elastic shell element, all results are incorrect if: 1. the element is warped (all four nodes do not lie in a flat plane): and 2. the element is loaded with thermal membrane load (i.e., any point on the center plane has a temperature other than the reference temperature): and 3. the solution uses the nonlinear Newton-Raphson logic (e.g., large deflections, plasticity, or contact elements are in use). The magnitude of the error increases as the warping increases. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete Solution>Apply>Temperature>On Nodes: Fnc_BF_temp FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Consider using triangular elements or SHELL181. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Peter Kohnke REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse.side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-04 KEYWORDS: HARMONIC RESPONSE MODE SUPERPOSITION DAMPING DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: The Structural Analysis Guide erroneously states that there is a default damping value of 0.005 when using Harmonic Response (ANTYPE,harm) using the mode superposition option (HROPT,msup). The actual default value is 0.0. The value of 0.005 is used ONLY for the computation of the frequency points at which to calculate response in a mode superposition harmonic analysis when using the cluster option (HROUT,, on), as described in the Theory Manual. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Solution>Analysis Options:Fnc_An_Opts FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.1 Release 5.5 Structural Analysis Guide SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Use the DMPRAT command to select the desired amount of damping. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: February 5, 1998 Peter Kohnke REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 5, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 5, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-05 KEYWORDS: SPECTRUM DAMPING SV DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: When groups of spectrum values are input on the SV commands, with each group having a different value of DAMP (damping ratio), the program linearly interpolates between the groups, even though the documentation states that the interpolation should be logarithmic. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Solution>Spectrum>Spectr Values FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 4.0 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Choose damping ratios on the SV command to minimize the amount of interpolation required. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 3, 1998 Peter Kohnke REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 3, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-06 KEYWORDS: MODAL CYCLIC SYMMETRY CYCSOL DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Mode shapes obtained in POST1 are incorrect for modal cyclic symmetry analyses (CYCSOL command) when both of the following are true: 1. The model being analyzed has only 3 DOFs per node (e.g., a model consisting of only SOLID45 elements); and 2. Results for nodal diameters other than zero (either NDMIN or NDMAX in the CYCSOL command is not equal to zero) are requested. Note that results for the displacement component UZ will be correct and the other components will be zero. Frequencies and modal stresses are also correct. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Solution>Modal Cyclic Sym FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Released 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Set the ANGLE field of the SET command to "NONE". COMMENTS: The error is due to POST1 interpreting the number of nodal diameters as the symmetry condition for harmonic elements and subsequently processing the displacements as though they were being evaluated at the circumferential angle of 0.0 degrees. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 John A. Swanson REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature In the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-07 KEYWORDS: SPECTRUM PSD PSDFRQ PSDVAL DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: If PSD solutions erroneously produce negative numbers for the diagonal terms of modal covariance matrix (i.e., where mode i = mode j), the input PSD curve with a slope of between 1 and 8 is improperly represented. Consequently, the 1 sigma results will be incorrect. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Solution>Spectrum>PSD vs Freq FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Verify that there are no negative diagonal terms in the modal covariance matrix, and if not, the calculation was performed as documented. COMMENTS: The diagonal terms of modal covariance matrix must be positive numbers. The error can be seen directly from the output. It is difficult to predict the error from the input because the input PSD curve is transformed into polynomials by internal implementation. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 Mu-Tsang Chen REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-08 KEYWORDS: PLANE25 NEWTON RAPHSON DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: All results are incorrect for PLANE25, the 4-node axisymmetric- harmonic structural solid element if: 1. the previous load step had a different value of MODE or ISYM (MODE command) than the present load step; and 2. the Newton-Raphson option is active. Examples of when the Newton-Raphson option is active are when stress stiffening or element birth and death is present or when a gap element type has been included. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Solution>Other>ForHarmonicEle FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Released 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Consider using PLANE83, the 8-node axisymmetric structural solid element. COMMENTS: An error message will appear at Release 5.5 for this condition. The use of axisymmetric-harmonic elements for nonlinear problems is very limited, as these elements presume that the entire model is linear. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 19, 1998 Peter Kohnke REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 19, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 19, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-09 KEYWORDS: *VOPER APDL DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Results of the *VOPER command (which operates on two array parameters in the form ParR=Par1 o Par2) are incorrect if either of the array parameters in the operation (Par1 or Par2) is a scalar (rather than an array) and all of the following are true: 1. the scalar is defined using a parametric expression, e.g., par_ name+3 and 2. the scalar parameter name is exactly 8 characters long and 4. the array name occurs first in the expression and 5. the expression is not enclosed in parentheses TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector Operations FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Enclose the parametric expression in parentheses, e.g., (par_name+3). COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 John A. Swanson REVIEWED By QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature In the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-10 KEYWORDS: MODAL CYCLIC SYMMETRY CYCSOL EXPAND DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: In a Modal Cyclic Symmetry analysis (CYCSOL command), if a base sector does not have all of its nodes rotated into the global cylindrical system (NROT,ALL), the expanded displacement solution is incorrect (EXPAND command in POST1). Stresses and the UZ component of displacement are correct. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Modal Cyclic Sym FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Rotate all the nodes into the global cylindrical system (CSYS,1 followed by NROT,ALL) before issuing the CYCGEN command. COMMENTS: AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 John A. Swanson REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-11 KEYWORDS: DA KMODIF SBCTRAN DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: If an area has symmetry (or anti-symmetry) boundary conditions applied to it [DA command] and one of its keypoints is subsequently modified [KMODIF command], then the area symmetry (or anti-symmetry) boundary condition will not be transferred to the corresponding finite element model by a subsequent solid model boundary condition transfer [SBCTRAN command]. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Apply>On Areas Main Menu>Preprocessor>Move/Modify>Set of KPs FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.3 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: COMMENTS: Apply area symmetry (or anti-symmetry) boundary conditions [DA command] after modifying the area's keypoint(s) [KMODIF command]. Note that initiation of a solution [SOLVE command] automatically performs the SBCTRAN operation. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 Wa Kwok REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the Indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-12 KEYWORDS: LAYER POST1 PRNSOL POWERGRAPHICS DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: The PRNSOL command does not output the correct LAYER results when PowerGraphics is enabled. (i.e. SOLID46, SHELL91, and SHELL99). TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): General PostProc/List Results/Nodal Solution FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Rev. 5.0A Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: Issue /GRAPH,FULL before listing PRNSOL "layer" results. COMMENTS: In the corrected release, the PRNSOL command will output results in FULL graphics mode when the LAYER command has been issued. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 Paul Tallon REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 95-07 R2 KEYWORDS: PRO/ENGINEER THERMAL STRESS REFERENCE TEMPERATURE DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Results from any thermal-stress solution run from within the ANSYS- Pro/ENGINEER environment will be incorrect unless the intended thermal expansion reference temperature for the thermal strain calculation is 0 degrees. FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* ANSYS-Pro/ENGINEER 9345 ANSYS-Pro/ENGINEER [Strikeout 9738] SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: The following two steps should be done: 1. Select the proper constraint case via the "Sel Cons Case" item under the "Run Study" menu (required only if more than 1 constraint case was defined). and 2. Include the proper Reference Temperature via the "Use inp File" item under the "Run Study" menu using the following sequence of commands (temp should be the numerical value of the required Reference Temperature): [Strikeout: /PREP7 TREF, temp LSWR.1 FINISH] COMMENTS: The thermal expansion reference temperature may be specified in the Pro/ENGINEER material file. However, this value is not included in the list of material properties given to the ANSYS program unless a structural temperature is defined in Pro/MESH. [Strikeout Number following product name is the version number] AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 Robert W. Gorman REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect am and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT Page 1 of 2 ERROR NO: 97-50 R1 KEYWORDS: VMESH VDRAG VEXT VOFFST VROTAT ACCAT DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: [Strikeout: VMESH fails to form pyramids at the interface between volumes containing hex and tet elements if: 1. the hex elements were generated using VDRAG, VEXT, VOFFST or VRDT or 2. the set of all areas belonging to the hex meshed are concatenated (ACCAT) and one of the concatenated areas belongs to a volume that is subsequently meshed with tetrahedra. or 3. the volume being meshed with tetrahedra was previously meshed with an element type not supporting the pyramid shape, then cleared (this was observed only when the area shared between the volumes was meshed with quadrilaterals). Failure to form pyramids at the interface results in discontinuities between the two volumes where two tetrahedron elements triangular faces are attached to a single quadrilateral face of a hexahedron element. This is likely to reduce solution accuracy near the interface.] TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocess>Mesh>Volumes-Free FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: [Strikeout: For Case 1.] Prior to performing the VMESH, perform AMESH command on interface areas to generate quadrilateral elements. VMESH will then correctly generate pyramids interfacing the quads. Delete the interface quad elements afterwards. [Strikeout: For Case 2. Delete area concatenations (ADEL) after creating the brick mesh, but before creating the tetrahedron mesh for Case 3. Clear quadrilateral elements, if any, from the area shared between the affected volumes.] ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT Page 2 of 2 ERROR NO: 97-50 R1 COMMENTS: [Strikeout: (If output has not been suppressed) the following type of NOTE will appear in the output window whenever a pyramid transition is formed:] [Strikeout: *** NOTE *** CP= 23.750 TIME= 13:12:18] AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 F. S. Kelley REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS [Registered Copy] CLASS3 ERROR REPORT ERROR NO: 98-01 R1 KEYWORDS: TARGE169 TARGE170 ELEM169 ELEM170 CONTACT DESCRIPTION OF ERROR: Use of a nodal coordinate system other than global Cartesian s stem (CSYS, 0) is not supported for [Strikeout: specification of boundary conditions on] target nodes (i.e., nodes associated with element types TARGE169 and TARGE170). TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>To Active CS Main Menu>Preprocessor>Move/Modify>To Active CS [Strikeout: Main>Solution/Preprocessor>Loads>Apply FIRST INCORRECT VERSION(S):* CORRECTED IN:* Release 5.4 Release 5.5 SUGGESTED USER ACTION FOR RUNNING ON UNCORRECTED VERSION: [Strikeout: Before assigning boundary conditions,] Rotate all the target nodes into the global Cartesian coordinate system, (NROT command). COMMENTS: Transfer of solid model B.C.'s (DA, DL) may automatically rotate nodes into a non-Cartesian coordinate system. Do not use DL or DA to apply constraints to target nodes. AUTHOR/CORRECTOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 Yongyi Zhu REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover * Unless noted otherwise, this report applies to all ANSYS family products which contain the described feature in the indicated Release(s). See the reverse side for details regarding product applicability. Unless noted otherwise, this error report also applies to all releases after the first incorrect one and prior to the corrected release. All releases after "corrected in" are corrected. Manual corrections are included in on-line documentation as appropriate. Please see the reverse side of this sheet for additional information on ANSYS release identifiers. ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA98-01 SUBJECT: THERMAL ANALYSIS TRIANGULAR ELEMENTS TRANSIENT DESCRIPTION: Transient thermal results using second-order triangular thermal elements may be inaccurate due to an under-integrated specific heat matrix. Second-order triangular thermal elements include PLANE35, PLANE77, and PLANE78. These elements behave as documented in our Elements Manual. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete[Add][Thermal Solid] Solution > New Analysis > Transient Preprocessor > Mesher Opts > [MSHAPE][2D Shape Key][Tri] AFFECTED VERSIONS: Rev. 4.2 - Release 5.3 ANSYS/Thermal Rev. 4.2 through ANSYS/Thermal Release 5.3 OTHER COMMENTS: Use quadrilateral shaped elements (PLANE77, PLANE78) or first order triangular elements (PLANE55, PLANE75) for transient thermal analyses. The inaccuracy is more pronounced for problems with slow transient behavior. AUTHOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Subhasish Roy Choudhury REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA98-02 SUBJECT: SOLID87 SOLID98 THERMAL ANALYSIS TRANSIENT ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION: SOLID87 (3-D 10-Node Tetrahedral Thermal Solid) elements with curved sides and SOLID98 (Tetrahedral Coupled-Field Solid) elements (with straight or curved sides) produce inaccurate results in a thermal transient analysis. Before 5.3, any SOLID87 element (even one with straight sides) exhibited this inaccurate behavior. However, they behave as documented in our Elements Manual. TYPICAL GUI PATH(S): Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete [Add][Coupled Field][Scalar Tet 98] Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete [Add][Thermal Solid] [Tet 10 node 87] Solution > New Analysis > Transient AFFECTED VERSIONS: Rev. 4.2 through Release 5.3 ANSYS/Thermal Rev. 4.2 through ANSYS/Thermal Release 5.3 OTHER COMMENTS: For a transient analysis with SOLID87 elements, use SOLID87 elements with straight edges only. Note that issuing the ESHAPE (ELSIZE prior to Rev. 5.0) with KSTR = 1 command (Main Menu > Preprocessor > Shape & Size > Element Shape in the GUI) will force the SOLID87 (or any other mid-side node elements) to have straight edges in any subsequent mesh. This inaccuracy is due to under-integration of the specific heat matrix. The inaccuracy is more pronounced for problems with slow transient behavior. AUTHOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Subhasish Roy Choudhury REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA98-03 SUBJECT: POST1 *GET CENTROID LARGE DEFLECTION DESCRIPTION: In POST1, following a large-deflection analysis, obtaining the element centroid by issuing *GET,par,ELEM,entnum,CENT,x (or y or z) gets the original centroid location, not the final (displaced) centroid location. The *GET command description would lead users to believe that this item, listed under POST1, would be updated for large deflections. However, the element centroid that is obtained by *GET is not updated for large deflections. Typical GUI Path(s): Utility Menu > Parameters > Get Scalar Data > Results data; Element results>Geometry;Elem loc CENTX/Y/Z AFFECTED VERSIONS: Revision 5.0 thru Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION: SOLVE, then SAVE the original database. Use UPCOORD to update the geometry, and SAVE another database with updated geometry. The updated database can be used to *GET an updated element centroid location. The original database can be used for all other postprocessing. COMMENTS: At Release 5.5, the reference to element centroid location in the POST1 section of the GET command description, as well as the corresponding items in the GUI will be removed. AUTHOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 John Dulis REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA98-04 SUBJECT: GUI *GET KEYOPT DESCRIPTION: In the GUI, any data entered for the double digit KEYOPTS (10, 11, and 12) in the Preprocessor-Element Type-Options dialog box results in subsequent dialog boxes showing the KEYOPT1 value. When this dialog box is accepted, the KEYOPT1 value is used. The initial setting however is stored correctly. This also occurs in picking model data for element types in Parameters-GetScalarData-ModelData-ElementTypes-OK-(Keyopt10, 11, or 12). Typical GUI Path(s): Parameters > Get Scalar Data > Model Data//Element Types//OK > Keyopt(10) or (11) or (12) and Preprocess-Element Type-Options AFFECTED VERSIONS: Revision 5.1 through Release 5.4 SUGGESTED USER ACTION: Do not rely on the dialog box settings for keyopts greater than 9. All double digit keyopts have this problem. Use command line input for setting the higher keyopt values. COMMENTS: AUTHOR: DATE: March 17, 1998 Ron Werkmeister REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: March 17, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: March 17, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS QA NOTICE NOTICE NO: QA98-05 SUBJECT: YEAR 2000 LEGACY DATA LICENSING DESCRIPTION: Revision 5.0 of ANSYS, released in 1992, and all prior releases have an error in the software that will prevent the software from running beyond December 31, 1999. AFFECTED VERSIONS: ANSYS Releases prior to Revision 5.0A SUGGESTED USER ACTION: If you are using these releases of the ANSYS products, you are urged to move to Release 5.4 as soon as possible. Contact your local ANSYS Support Distributor for information on making this move. For special needs regarding legacy engineering data for releases prior to 5.0A, please contact Linda Richard at via email at or by telephone at 724-514-2914 in our Customer Services Unit to find out more about the services that are available. AUTHOR: DATE: April 9, 1998 Sam Murgie REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS QA NOTICE Page 1 of 3 QA98-06 ANSYS 5.4 Interim Release Service Pack 4 Service Pack 6 An interim release of ANSYS 5.4 which allows user Fortran customization on the Intel Windows NT platform, extends university version problem limits and contains some error corrections is now available. This interim release is identified as ANSYS 5.4 UP19980310. lt is available in two forms. It maybe obtained from the ANSYS Homepage ( - Services,Support > Software Update Manager) as ANSYS Service Packs 4 and 6. It is also available on CD and may be obtained by completing a request form that is available on the ANSYS Homepage (Services,Support > Software Update Manager in the Interim Releases area). The request form is also available from your ANSYS Support Distributor. Description of ANSYS Service Packs 4 and 6 Service Pack 4 contains the most current ANSYS executable (UP19980310), the DISPLAY executable, and the XANSYS executable (UNIX only), along with a set of updated utility scripts, command macros, and graphical user interface (GUI) granules. These contents are replacements for earlier releases of these ANSYS 5.4 files. These updated files contain corrections for several errors that were detected, reported, and corrected after the initial release of ANSYS 5.4. The following corrections are in Service Pack 4. The numbers in parentheses associated with each item are reference numbers corresponding to our internal error tracking system and are listed here for your convenience in referencing a particular error. PCG Solver Corrections: o The PCG solver was corrected for non-convergence in some isolated conditions and for re-running after the Stop button was used to stop a running analysis. (10534, 10550) General Solver Corrections o SOLID95 produces correct plasticity results in POST1 for SEPL, EPEQ, and HPRES. (10170). o Wave propagation for small time delays corrected in PSD analysis. (10178) o Convergence for node-to-node contact (CONTAC12 and CONTAC52) is improved. (10752) o Substructure runs now have reduced memory requirements. (10449) o The correct force vectors are now available for mode superposition harmonic analysis after a modal solution performed using PowerDynamics. (9766) Modeling/Meshing Corrections: o You can now use the approximate location option to create a straight line perpendicular to an existing line (LANG command). (10047) o The CEINTF command now works correctly with partial sets of DOFs. (10516) Element Corrections o Small models using large element numbers no longer require unusually high memory usage. (10269) o FLOTRAN FLUID142 now allows TEMP as a valid degree of freedom on the BFINT command. (10515) o Elements in large models that sometimes did not appear are now correctly displayed usingEXPAND and /EXPAND. (10623) o Element centroid and volume data is now available when loading geometry via the SET command (no RESUME of the database). (10831) o POST1 reaction forces for harmonic elements are correct if an ANGLE other than "none" is specified on the SET command. (10803) ANSYS QA NOTICE Page 2 of 3 QA98-06 Windows NT/95 Version Corrections: o GUI configuration in the Launcher now works correctly. (9788) o The Display program window now allows reduction to zero height or width. (10264) o The Launcher under Windows 95 now works correctly. (10251) o MIN/MAX fields on the select commands are no longer truncated to 20 characters. (10210) o The -p option can now be placed anywhere in the string of ANSYS command line options. (10625) Other Corrections: Other corrections/improvements include: o Graphics: pressure arrows, dynamic rotation/manipulation, PowerGraphics, and other plotting improvements o GUI: highlighting, missing GUI options, STOP button, and GUI data handling o Speed/Performance: Load step handling, printing nodal solutions, element modification, facet specification. Class 3 Errors Corrected: The following Class3 Errors are corrected in this release. See the ANSYS Home Page ( - ANSYS Zones> Customer) for details of the items listed 97-50, 97-51, 97-52,97-53, 97-54, 97-56, 97-57, 98-03, 98- 06, 98-07, 98-09 QA Notices: The correction for QA Notice QA98-04 is included in this release. See the ANSYS Home Page ( - ANSYS Zones> Customer) for details of QA98-04. It should be noted that QA Notice QA97-05 applies to this interim release. If a database file (Jobname.DB) created in the 5.4 UP19971021 release or any later 5.4 release (including this interim release) is used when resuming in an earlier 5.4 release such as the ANSYS, 5.4 initial release (UP19970828) or the Connection release (UP19970930), then the program will abort. If you will be sharing databases with other 5.4 installations, you can avoid this problem by making sure that all of your ANSYS 5.4 products (ANSYS, ANSYS/LS-DYNA, and ANSYS Connection) have the most current ANSYS executable (UP19980310). Additionally, Service Pack 4 contains all changes and corrections made in ANSYS Service Packs 1 and 3. See the ANSYS Service Packs area in Software Update Manager on the ANSYS Homepage for information about Service Packs 1 and 3. Service Pack 6 contains an updated ANSYS License Manager Daemon (ansys_lm). This newer daemon corrects several Elan errors, including the following Windows-specific problems: License manager corrections License files can disappear under certain circumstances. The license manager does not always restart when the system is rebooted. The license manager sometimes starts and stops for unexplained reasons. ANSYS QA NOTICE Page 3 of 3 QA98-06 Information regarding User Programmable Features and re-linking ANSYS The ANSYS 5.4 UP19980310 CD must be acquired in order to make use of user-programmable features with this interim release. Object files and scripts that are required for re-linking the ANSYS program are included on the CD but are not provided with Service Packs 4 and 6 on the ANSYS Homepage. If Service Packs 4 and 6 are obtained from the ANSYS Homepage and installed and then a re-link (for user programmable features) is subsequently performed, then the previously installed ANSYS Release will be used by the re-link. This will result in the loss of Service Pack 4 changes and corrections. Beginning with this interim release, user-programmable features are no longer supported on Intel NT 3.51 systems due to the unavailability of compilers for this platform. Also beginning with this interim release, the following compilers are required in order to use user-programmable features on Intel Windows 95 and Intel Windows NT 4.0 systems: Microsoft Visual C++ v5.0, Microsoft Service Pack 3 Digital Visual Fortran v5.0B Author: Date: April 9,1998 Ken Rodlaszewski Reviewed by QA: Date: April 9,1998 William J. Bryan Approval: Date: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS SUPPORT COORDINATOR BULLETIN SCB 98-02 Occasionally and apparently randomly, the Sun version of ANSYS 5.4 runs indefinitely, i.e. never completes, during ANSYS solution. If this occurs, we recommend that you simply try running the solution again. Our experience to date indicates that subsequent executions of the same ANSYS solution are likely to run to completion. ANSYS Inc. and Sun Microsystems are working diligently to understand and correct this problem. Any progress made will be communicated in a future Support Coordinator Bulletin. Author: Date: April 9,1998 Sam Murgie Reviewed by QA: Date: April 9, 1998 William J. Bryan Approval: Date: April 9, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS March 27, 1998 Dear Valued Customer: In an ongoing effort of providing superior level service to our customers, ANSYS is pleased to announce the availability of Interim Product Releases. Interim Releases contain product maintenance as well as changes needed to support new ANSYS products. The Interim Release will be provided to any new customer and also offered to existing customers under a valid TECS ( Maintenance ) agreement or lease agreement. To make it easy for you to request the release, we have added a new section on the ANSYS Homepage where you can down load the version at your convenience. ( Service - Software Update Manager) Our objective is to be able to offer Interim Releases three to four times a year. Existing TECS and lease customers will be notified quarterly, through the ANSYS Support Coordinator, via a QA Notice announcing availability and a summary of any new interim releases. The ANSYS Homepage (Service - Software Update Manager) is always available for more timely notification and content details. If you have any questions, please contact your local ASD for additional details or contact me at 724514-3094. Sincerely, Paul A. Chilensky Vice President, Customer Services ANSYS SUPPORT COORDINATOR BULLETIN BULLETIN NO: SCB98-01 This bulletin is being issued to inform users of the existence of an undocumented form of the MP command with Lab = EMIS and to prevent potential confusion or misuse when generating a radiation matrix in AUX12. KEYWORDS: Emissivity EMIS undocumented command AUX12 DESCRIPTION: An undocumented EMIS command exits in PREP7 and SOLUTION. It is a short form of the MP,EMIS,... command and it exists to provide upward compatibility of pre-Revision 5.0 input. Users should be aware of the difference between the undocumented PREP7/SOLUTION EMIS command and the documented AUX12 EMIS command as well as how emissivity is defined for AUX12 radiation matrix generation. The undocumented EMIS command defines the PREP7 material property emissivity as described in pre Revision 5.0 User Manual documentation. As with all material properties defined with the MP command, such a defined emissivity material property is used as described in the Elements Reference and the Theory Manual. It is not used for emissivity in AUX12. Note that only a few elements (ex. LINK31, SURF19, SURF22), as noted in the Elements Reference, make use of the emissivity material property and that these elements are not used to define radiating surfaces for AUX12. LINK32 or SHELL57 elements must be used to define radiating surfaces for AUX12. The documented AUX12 EMIS command must be used in AUX12, as described in Generating the AUX12 Radiation Matrix in chapter 4 of the ANSYS Thermal Analysis Guide (section 4.4 of the Procedures Manual prior to the 5.3 Release) to define the emissivity for radiation matrix generation. Potential Impact: If MP,EMIS or the undocumented form (EMIS) of the MP,EMIS command is mistakenly used in PREP7 or SOLUTION to define an emissivity material property value and no EMIS command is issued in AUX12 to define the emissivity for radiation matrix generation, then the default emissivity value of unity (1.0) will be used for the radiation matrix calculation in AUX12. AUTHOR: DATE: February 3, 1998 Ken Rodlaszewski REVIEWED BY QA: DATE: February 3, 1998 William J. Bryan APPROVAL: DATE: February 3, 1998 David L. Conover ANSYS March 20, 1998 Dear Valued Customer: ANSYS 5.5 is nearing beta release, with Q3 1998 availability. This upcoming release continues our commitment to provide state-of-the-art problem solving capability for a variety of Multiphysics simulations. Major enhancements are expected in the following areas. Geometry Import/Meshing: Improved geometry importation, beam meshing with orientation, a new quad surface mesher, sweep meshing in existing volumes. Structural Mechanics/Dynamics: 2D and 3D flexible to flexible contact (simplified stiffness, low and high order element support, friction models, weak springs), new lower and higher order beam elements, Beam Tool for beam section definition, new 2D and 3D finite strain solid elements. Multiphysics: Advanced thermal boundary conditions, new pipe element, new surface elements, advanced turbulence models, Petro-Galerkin formulation for CFD, nonlinear harmonic electromagnetic analysis. Prep/ Graphics/ Post/ APDL: Faster graphics, Visual GUI Builder, space ball support, support of element shapes with PowerGraphics, 2D translucency, Windows metafile (.wmf) and enhanced metafile (.emf) support. As part of our ongoing support, we are informing you of modifications to supported hardware platforms and operating system levels that are required for ANSYS 5.5. Please review the enclosed attachment describing the Hardware and System Support for ANSYS 5.5. If you have any questions, please contact your ANSYS Support Distributor. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we make improvements to the ANSYS Family of Products. We are confident that you will find much to be excited about in our upcoming release! Sincerely, Frank J. Marx, PE Hardware and System Support for ANSYS 5.5 The table below lists the hardware and the appropriate operating system level for the ANSYS 5.5 Family of Products. ANSYS/LS-DYNA runs on a limited set of these platforms as indicated in the table. The operating system levels that are new or different from ANSYS 5.4 are preceded by an asterisk

Table ANSYS 5.5 Supported Hardware

Table "ANSYS 5.4. CLASS3 ERROR SUMMARY" - Keyword Sort of All Revision 5.4

Table "ANSYS 5.4. CLASS3 ERROR SUMMARY" - Report Number Sort

Table "ANSYS 5.3. CLASS3 ERROR SUMMARY" - Report Number Sort

Table "ANSYS 5.3 ClASS3 ERROR SUMMARY" - Keyword Sort


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021