Part 21 Report - 1998-173
ACCESSION #: 9804150225
Illinois Power Company
Clinton Power Station
P.O. Box 678
Clinton IL 61727
Tel 217 935-5623
Fax 217 935-4632
Walter G. MacFarland IV
Senior Vice President
and Chief Nuclear Officer
An Illinova Company 4F. 140
April 7, 1998
Docket No. 40-561
Document Control Desk
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555
Subject: 10CFR21 Final Report 21-97-059: Refurbished Circuit Breakers
Returned From Nuclear Logistics Incorporated with Various
Document Control Desk:
On December 19, 1997, a Condition Report was initiated to
investigate several discrepancies found during receipt inspection of
three refurbished safety-related Westinghouse DHP circuit breakers at
Clinton Power Station (CPS). The circuit breakers had been sent to
Nuclear Logistics Incorporated (NLI) for refurbishment. Examples of
discrepancies included: Loose nut on puffer diaphragm, trip latch
clearance out of specification, main contact clearance out of
specification, and main contact separation out of specification.
Illinois Power (IP) initially decided to attempt to resolve these
discrepancies under the Maintenance Work Request Program. However, once
work had started, IEP personnel determined that the discrepancies were
more complicated than originally thought and discontinued work on
investigating and correcting the discrepancies. Subsequently, IP
returned the circuit breakers to NLI to resolve the identified
discrepancies. NLI was also requested to assist with determining the
impact of the discrepancies on breaker performance and the reportability
determination under 10CFR21. IP notified the NRC in letter U-602932
dated February 13, 1998, that the evaluation of this issue under 10CFR21
was not complete.
IP has now completed the evaluation of this issue under 10CFR21 and
concludes that it is not reportable. The discrepancies were evaluated by
the supplier and found to have no adverse impact on the safety functions
of the breakers; therefore, had the discrepancies gone uncorrected, they
would not have created a substantial safety hazard. IP reviewed and
concurs with the supplier evaluation. In addition, the discrepancies
were identified during a material receipt inspection; the breakers were
found unacceptable and, on that basis, could not have been installed.
Page 2
Additional information about this issue may be obtained by
contacting F. D. Chenoweth, Nuclear Station Engineering Department, (217)
935-8881 extension 3658.
Sincerely yours,
W. G. MacFarland
Senior Vice President
cc: NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager
NRC Resident Office, V-690
Regional Administrator, Region III,
USNRC Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety
INPO Records Center
Nuclear Logistics Incorporated
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021