Part 21 Report - 1998-293

ACCESSION #: 9806080110 Form EF-066 DRESSER-RAND Rev C WELLSVILLE N.Y. Report No. 40 NNSOP 1.2.001 page 1 of 3 FINAL REPORT 10CFR PART 21 REPORT OF A POTENTIAL SAFETY HAZARD PREPARED BY: File No: Various Serial No: Various APPROVED BY: Type: GS & ZS Ref: N/A D-R Part No: pg 3 PART NAME: Governor Valve Stem DR Dwg No: pg 3 Rev Level: pg 3 1. Description of Defect or Non-Compliance Inconel 718 material was used in place of 410 stainless steel for the new spray coated valve stems. The Material selection process did not fully evaluate the impact of a higher coefficient of thermal expansion in the steam seal arrangement using carbon washers for steam seals. 2. Potential Safety Hazard or Non-Compliance: If the cold clearance is not adequate to accommodate the stem growth, control problems will result that may prevent the turbine/pump assembly from performing it's intended function. 3. Number and Location of all components A total of 28 sites have purchased these stems, 23 domestic and 5 foreign. List on page 2. 4. Corrective Action by Nuclear Product Engr. completed by 6/1/98 ECR# 10673 issued to create a new carbon spacer part number 800714- 002. This carbon spacer has an inside diameter that is .0005" larger than the original spacer p/n 800714-001. This will return the running clearance at operating temperature to the values of the original nitrided 410 SS stems. Continued on page 3 5. Advice to Effected Customer Related to This Report a. For stock parts net, Assembled in a valve body assembly. Insure the clearance between the carbon washers and the stem is at least .00150 when assembled in the valve. b. For parts installed in an operational AFW or RCIC turbine. Form EF-066 DRESSER-RAND Rev C WELLSVILLE N.Y. Report No. 40 NNSOP 1.2.001 page 2 of 3 Number and Location of all components: COUNT TURBINE S/N LOCATION 1 T35685A BROWNS FERRY 1 T35686A BROWNS FERRY 2 T35687A BROWNS FERRY 3 2 T35690A MONTICELLO 3 T35693A PILGRIM 1 4 T35939A COOPER 5 T36546A MAINE YANKEE 6 T36555A BEAVER VALLEY 1 T38492A BEAVER VALLEY 2 7 T36565A DIABLO CANYON 1 T36566A DIABLO CANYON 2 8 T36681A EDWIN I. HATCH 9 T36683A BRUNSWICK 2 10 T37008A & B PRAIRIE ISLAND 1 & 2 11 T37009A CRYSTAL RIVER 12 T37273A MILLSTONE 2 13 T37476A HANFORD 2 14 T37549A ST. LUCIE 1 T40230A ST. LUCIE 2 15 T37858A & B FARLEY 1 & 2 16 T37948A McGUIRE 1 17 T38171A NINE MILE POINT 2 18 T38677A a B WATTS BAR 1 & 2 19 T38765A SUMNER 1 20 T39622A COMANCHE PEAK 21 T41062A SEABROOK 1 T41063A SEABROOK 2 22 T41173A & B ALVIN W. VOGTLE 1 & 2 23 T41812A, B & C TURKEY POINT 3&4 24 T38174A LEIBSTADT 25 T40366A KRSKO 26 T41925A VANDELLOS 2 27 T37476C TOKAI 2 28 T38848A ANGRA 29 T36700A DC Cook Form EF-066 DRESSER-RAND Rev C WELLSVILLE N.Y. Report No. 40 NNSOP 1.2.001 page 3 of 3 Corrective Action by Nuclear Product Engr. completed by 6/1/98 The failure to adequately evaluate the Potential effects of the thermal expansion characteristic of the new material was a design oversight that occurred even though procedures for controlling the design process are currently in place. These procedures include: EA-001 Engineering Design Control Section 5 part a item number 2 places the control of Nuclear units and repair orders under Product Engineering. Section 5 part C item 4 identifies EA-025 as the Process Control Procedure for New Concepts and Development Programs. Section 8 gives guidance for Design Verification and New Drawing Approval. Section 9 gives guidance for Design Validation. EA-025 Design Control for New Concepts And Development Programs. Section 4 Project Planning and Authorization establishes objective, scope and time/cost estimates. Section 5 Execution and Control defines a project leader, review requirements and reporting format. Section 8 Verification 4 Completion gives guidance for Design review and verification. Section 9 Final Report defines minimum requirements for the documentation in the report, required signatures and storage location. NNSOP 1.2.004 Drawing Approval referenced in EA-001 Section 4.0 states design engineering must satisfy all the requirements of ED-1-018. Section 4.1.2 requires checker to verify all interface requirements and have drawing reviewed by other groups if necessary. Section 4.1.3 requires a Supervisor to review drawing against ALL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. Section 4.1.4 requires the Nuclear Product Engineer to review drawing against ALL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS and proper material and processing. Per our procedure NNSOP 1.1.001 a Corrective Action Request (form QC-5), CAP, No.: 0953 has been initiated to address this design oversight issue. In response to this Corrective Action Request existing procedures will be thoroughly reviewed with special focus an paragraphs with potential relevance to this design oversight experience. Then procedures will be revised and/or supplemented, e.g. by check lists and/or personnel training, as judged necessary to maximize the probability that all potentially relevant factors will be considered and adequately evaluated in future executions of our design process. Similar design projects performed since the formation of Dresser-Rand will also be reviewed for compliance to these design requirements. As noted above this Corrective Action will be defined and fully implemented by June 1, 1998. D-R Part Numbers and Drawing for Governor valve Stems: 800743-001 800743 rev n/a 800744-001 800744 rev n/a 800745-001 800745 rev n/a 800746-001 800746 rev n/a 800768-001 800768 rev n/a 800768-002 800768 rev n/a 800777-001 800768 rev n/a *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021