Part 21 Report - 1998-452

ACCESSION #: 9808030076 150 Lincoln Avenue Grove City, PA 16127-1898 Tel 412 458 8000 Fax 412 458 3574 Ajax [Registered Trademark] Coberra [Registered Trademark] COOPER Cooper-Bessemer [Registered Trademark] ENERGY SERVICES Enterprise [Trademark] En-Tronic [Registered Trademark] Penn [Trademark] Superior [Registered Trademark July 29, 1998 Our reference: QCG-10496 (K5fb69) Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Subject: QCG 10483 (K5fa43) 10 CFR Notification, Enterprise DSR-4 and DSRV-4 Emergency Diesel Generators Dear Sir, In accordance with the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, Cooper Energy Services (CES), a division of Cooper Cameron Corporation, provides a final status report of the 10 CFR Part 21 evaluation associated with the 701 Digital Speed Control, Rev. G provided to Southern Nuclear Company's Plant Vogtle and Texas Utilities' Comanche Peak. An interim letter was sent on May 22, 1998 describing a 10 CFR Part 21 investigation concerning the use of revision level "G" Woodward 701 governing systems (Cooper Energy Services P/N 2-02G-110-001) supplied to Southern Nuclear Company's Plant Vogtle and Texas Utilities' Comanche Peak generating stations. A problem arose when the originally supplied revisions of the Woodward governor DSC (digital speed control) were removed and replaced with a revision "G" DSC. The revision "G" DSC output to the governor actuator exhibited short-term instability when generator voltage was adjusted remotely from the control room. The revision "G" DSC operated properly when in local operation from the diesel generator room. As an immediate corrective action, the revision "G" DSC's were removed, and the originally supplied DSC's were put back into service and are operating satisfactorily. Investigations revealed that the revision "G" DSC's were more susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) induced by the long runs of cable to and from the control room, specifically feeding back into the low voltage output (terminal 5) of the DSC than were the revision "A" and "B" DSC's. The short term instability was found during post installation testing and setup as part of the design modification / post work testing process. Subsequent testing verified that both the revision "B" and "G" DSC meet the EMI / RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) design specifications, MIL Standard 461 C, that the units were qualified to as per CES contractual agreements with Comanche Peak and Plant Vogtle. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is judged that the subject anomaly is not reportable from Cooper Cameron's basis under 10 CFR Part 21. The revision "G" design met all EMI/RFI design specifications, however the excess margin was reduced to where specific plant conditions (as found during post installation testing) exceeded tolerable EMI levels. Page 2 July 29, 1998 REF: QCG-10496 (K5fb69) Cooper Energy Services (CES) and Woodward in conjunction with Comanche Peak personnel were able to recreate conditions similar to those in the field in a laboratory environment producing the same governor output instability. Plant Vogtle and Comanche Peak generating stations both have multi- conductor cables from the Diesel room to the Control room with the generator voltage raise / lower conductors in the same cable as the 701 speed raise / lower conductors. These long runs of unshielded conductors allowed EMI from the generator raise / lower conductors to be induced into the 701 speed raise / lower conductors producing EMI levels greater than what the 701 revision "G" DSC is qualified to. None of the several hundred commercial 701 units utilize these long runs of multi-conductor cabling and none of the several hundred commercial units in operation have experienced this problem. Three nuclear 701 revision "G" units installed in Taiwan do not utilize the same multiconductor cable for speed and voltage raise / lower conductors from the Diesel room to the Control room and also do not experience this problem. Different methods were developed to correct the problem with the most viable option being the use of an EMI/RFI filter on terminal 5 of the DSC. Testing at Woodward substantiates elimination of the 701 DSC output spikes with the utilization of the EMI / RFI filter on terminal 5 of the DSC. CES is in the process of qualifying the filter for nuclear use and will recommend its usage on all new 701 units. CES also is providing the option of two additional filters to be used on the DSC power input and the DSC output to the governor actuator to enable the 701 Woodward governing system to meet the new EPRI EMI / RFI guidelines (EPRI 102323-R1). Anyone having any questions or concerns may contact Bob Boyles (724-458- 3446) or Terry Sintkowski (724-458-3433) at CES. Affected Sites: Southern Nuclear Company, Plant Vogtle Texas Utilities, Commanche Peak Station STP Nuclear Operating Company (Houston Light and Power Co.) Sincerely, COOPER ENERGY SERVICES Peter DeFronzo General Manager Copies to: Mr. Louis Ward, Southern Nuclear Company (Fax 205-992-7885) Page 3 July 29, 1998 REF: QCG-10496 (K5fb-69) Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Project P.O. Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Attn: Mgr., Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Mr. Stephen Alexander Nuclear Regulatory Commission QA Vendor Insp. & Maintenance Branch One White Flint North Mailstop 9A1 Washington, DC 20555 TU Electric Company P.O. Box 1002 Glen Rose, TX 76043 Attn: Group Vice President, Nuclear STP Nuclear Operating Company South Texas Project Electric P.O. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 Attn: General Manager Nuclear Assurance and Licensing *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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