Part 21 Report - 1998-491

ACCESSION #: 9806150059 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 June 9, 1998 To Whom It May Concern: Entek IRD International Corp. is a supplier of calibration services for NIST traceability of vibration measurements for portable vibration measurement equipment to a number of licensees under 10CFR50, Appendix B. These licensees impose 10CFR50, Appendix B and 10CFR 21 on purchase orders for these calibration services. In the case of vibration transducers, the traceability is established by shaking them on equipment that is calibrated using a NIST calibrated transducer with an accuracy of +/- 1%. The calibrated accuracy of the shaker system (Unholtz-Dickie Model MA351) is +/- 1.25% or better. In November of 1995, Pacific Gas and Electric audited IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. (Entek Scientific Corp. merged with IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. in July, 1996 to form Entek IRD International Corp.) against 10CFR50, Appendix B. During the course of resolving the audit findings, it was determined that the system accuracy of the Unholtz-Dickie shaker tables was actually +/- 1.6%, or the root-sum-square of the 1 % NIST accuracy with the 1.25% shaker table accuracy. IRD Mechanalysis, Inc, had been providing calibration certificates indicating +/-5% accuracy for transducers calibrated on its Unholtz- Dickie shaker tables with a 4:1 accuracy ratio (5% to 1.25%) when it had actually been providing +/-5% accuracy with a 3.125:1 accuracy ratio (5% to 1.6%). On December 20, 1996 my predecessor, Rodger T. Harvey (deceased), received a letter from Michael J. Jacobson of Pacific Gas and Electric informing him of the potential for reportability of this condition under 10CFR21. Rochester Gas and Electric brought the letter from Michael J. Jacobson to my attention during an audit in January 1998. I have analyzed the condition and consulted with various metrology experts regarding the impact of a difference between a 4:1 accuracy ratio and a 3.125:1 accuracy ratio on a calibrated accuracy of 5%. Using the strictest interpretation, it is possible that the final calibrated accuracy should be assumed to be 6.4% if the 4:1 accuracy ratio is required from the 1.6% accuracy of the Unholtz-Dickie shaker tables. This could cause a revision of absolute test limits in an extreme case. E.g. if equipment must be shut down at a 1g vibration level, the test limit should be set at 0.950 g's to assure that the 1 g limit is not exceeded due to +/- 5% accuracy of the equipment; if the calibrated accuracy of the equipment is changed to +/- 6,4% then the test limit should be revised to 0.936 g's. ENTEK IRD INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION The accuracy ratio listed on calibration certificates was changed to 2:1 to insure an accurate certificate but I can only assure that such a change was in effect since April 10, 1997, when my tenure as Quality Assurance Manager began. All Entek IRD International Corp. calibration certificates now carry the statement of calibrated Unholtz-Dickie accuracy and NIST reference accuracy that works out to 3.125:1. I advise that individual licensees evaluate the impact of a change from a 4:1 accuracy ratio to a 3.125:1 accuracy ratio at +/-5% accuracy for any instruments or transducers calibrated by Entek IRD International Corp. or IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. on its Unholtz-Dickie Model MA351 shaker tables prior to April 10, 1997. Sincerely, John Humphries Quality Assurance Manager ENTEK IRD INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION GENERAL INFORMATION or OTHER EVENT NUMBER: 34371 LICENSEE: ENTEK IRD INTERNATIONAL CORP. NOTIFICATION DATE: 06/09/98 CITY: COLUMBUS REGION: 3 NOTIFICATION TIME: 13:48 [ET] COUNTY: STATE: OH EVENT DATE: 06/09/98 LICENSE#: AGREEMENT: N EVENT TIME: 00:00[EDT] DOCKET: LAST UPDATE DATE: 06/09/98 NOTIFICATIONS NRC NOTIFIED BY: HUMPHRIES HQ OPS OFFICER: CHAUNCEY GOULD EMERGENCY CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE 10 CFR SECTION: CCCC 21.21 UNSPECIFIED PARAGRAPH EVENT TEXT ENTEK IRD INTERNATIONAL CORP. IS THE SUPPLIER OF CALIBRATION SERVICES FOR LAST TRACEABILITY OF VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS FOR PORTABLE VIBRATION - MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT. PRIOR TO A MERGER BETWEEN ENTEK SCIENTIFIC AND IRD MECHANALYSIS, INC IN 1996, AUDITS WERE PERFORMED BY PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC AGAINST 10CFR50, APPENDIX B AND THERE WAS A QUESTION OF THE ACCURACY OF THE CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES BEING PROVIDED BY IRD MECHANALYSIS. IRD MECHANALYSIS INC. HAD BEEN PROVIDING CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES INDICATING ACCURACY FOR TRANSDUCERS CALIBRATED ON ITS UNHOLTZ-DICKIE SHAKER TABLES WITH A 4:1 ACCURACY RATIO WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAD A 3.125:1 ACCURACY RATIO. THE COMPANY IS ADVISING THE LICENSEES TO EVALUATE THE IMPACT OF A CHANGE FROM A 4:1 ACCURACY RATIO TO A 3.125:1 ACCURACY RATIO. 6150 Huntley Road ENTEK IRD Columbus, OH 43229 Phone:(614) 885-5376 FAX (614) 885-7668 The Machinery Information Company FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE: June 9, 1998 Copies: TO: NRC Operations Center By FAX: COMPANY: NRC TEL #: 301-816-5100 By Mail: FAX #: 301-816-5151 FROM: John Humphries RE: 10CFR21 Notification PAGE COUNT (including this page): 3 MESSAGE: To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find a 10CFR21 notification. This document is also being sent via U.S. mail to the address listed. Thank you, John Humphries Quality Assurance Manager ENTEK IRD *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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