Part 21 Report - 1998-531
ACCESSION #: 9808200256
NAK Engineering, Inc.
TELEPHONE: (707) 542-9996 FAX: (707) 542-6666
August 14, 1998
Document Control Desk
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
Dear Sir,
In accordance with the requirements of Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 21, NAK Engineering, Inc. is hereby concluding the
investigation and issuing our report regarding the notification of the
broken diesel engine valve springs dated July 8, 1998 (see attached).
NAK Engineering, Inc. has identified and accounted for all springs
manufactured from this batch. Duke Power's McGuire Nuclear Station was the
only Nuclear - Safety Related application where any of these springs have
been supplied or installed. All other springs from this batch are either
in use in Non-Safety Related applications or have been tested and found to
be non-defective. Duke Power's McGuire Nuclear Station and Carolina Power
& Light's Brunswick have both been notified of this condition.
Therefore, there being no further possibility of any defective springs in
any Safety-Related applications there is no further safety hazard.
NAK Engineering, Inc has conducted an extensive investigation to determine
how any of the defective springs could have been supplied without
detection. We have been unable to determine the exact source. We have
therefore developed and adopted additional test procedures and requirements
that will identify defective springs, in the finished condition, before
they are dedicated for safet-related service. This additional testing will
verify material content and surface condition of the valve spring. This
testing is in addition to all other established testing that we already
Should anyone have any questions regarding this condition or corrective
action please contact:
Norman E. Nelson
NAK Engineering, Inc.
420 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95403
phone: 707-542-9996
fax: 707-542-6666
A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the affected site as referenced
in paragraph 2 of this letter.
Norman E. Nelson
Manager, Quality Assurance
July 08, 1998
Document Control Desk
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
Dear Sir,
In accordance with the requirements of Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 21, NAK Engineering, Inc. hereby notifies the Commission
of a non-conformance and potential defect or condition in a component of
the Nordberg model FS1316HSC Standby Diesel Generator. A non-conforming
defect was discovered in four (4) of the outer valve springs supplied to
Duke Power Co.'s McGuire Nuclear Station during the rebuilding of their
cylinder heads. There exists a potential problem with the springs as it
has been discovered that four (4) of the 132 springs furnished to Duke
Power's McGuire Nuclear Station were manufactured from material that did
not meet the specifications.
NAK Engineering, Inc. has supplied these springs to the following sites:
Duke Power Co McGuire 1030-1270/1273 FS 1316 HSC 132
On or about June 4, 1998, we were advised of a broken valve spring that
occurred on McGuire Nuclear Station's Emergency Diesel Generator Unit 2A,
Cylinder 4L. It was determined that the break was attributed to high-cycle
fatigue cracking under the effects of torsional loading. This was a result
of significant decarburized surface layer and being fabricated from a
lower-strength material than specified.
During a test run at load, engine diagnostics indicated an abnormal
condition. Inspection by McGuire's maintenance personal revealed a broken
outer valve spring on cylinder 4L. Duke Power initiated a Metallurgical
Analysis Report which detected that the valve spring was not manufactured
of Chromium-Silicon A401 material as specified by NAK Engineering, Inc.
Further investigation by Duke Power personel resulted in the discovery of
three (3) more outer springs having the same or similar condition. To this
date, a total of four (4) springs have been discovered to be defective out
of the total batch of 200 springs. All 200 springs have been accounted
Upon notification of this condition, NAK Engineering, Inc. began an
immediate investigation into possible causes as to how these
incorrect/defective springs could have been furnished and installed. We
reviewed our inspection reports, CMTR's, and laboratory verification of
material. We contacted our spring vendor and their material supplier to
verify the material content and heat certificate. We questioned their
Quality Assurance Manager as to how this could have happened. We also
questioned our vendor, who installed the springs on the cylinder heads to
see if it were possible for these spring to have been mixed during
rebuilding. As of the date of this letter, we have not concluded or
verified how these defective springs got into our system. We are
continuing our investigation by testing all the available springs from this
batch. We have 52 springs in our inventory that came from the same batch.
Should we find any of the remaining springs in our inventory to have the
same defective condition, we will conclude that they did in fact come from
our spring vendor and eliminate the possibility they were switched
The only Nuclear Site to receive any of the springs from this batch is
McGuire Nuclear Station. Sixteen (16) other springs from this batch were
furnished to a USAF generating station in Alice Springs, Australia with no
reported problems.
Although the spring did break, the Nordberg engine is fitted dual springs
per valve, an inner and outer spring, and therefore kept running. This
condition did not significantly impact on the Safety function of the
A written report with conclusions, and any corrective action, will be
furnished within the next 60 days to the affected site.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021