Part 21 Report - 1999-102
ACCESSION #: 9903160153
29500 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139-3492 U.S.A.
February 25, 1999
Document Control Desk
Office of Reactor Regulation
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
Subject: Defects Potentially Reportable under 10CFR21
We are writing further to our notification of January 29, 1999 about a possible defect in a Swagelok pipe fitting tee, part number SS-6-T.
The two utilities to whom we have sold these parts are repeated in the appendix to this letter, along with a drawing of the affected part.
As we reported earlier, the possible defect is a crack in the center of the forging. We have determined that the crack occurred because the heated bar was not properly located in the first station of the die, which is when the bar is flattened to assure correct fill of the die. At this time we have only found one part out of the 7396 pieces in the forging lot that was cracked.
When this part was forged in 1996, our procedure was to visually inspect suspect lots for this condition. Since 1998, we have implemented 100% dye penetrant on suspect lots. We are also investigating an error free system for this process.
There was no defect in the forging material.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
| Sincerely, Kennan J. Malec Vice President & General Manager |
Telephone: 440-248-4600 Fax: 440-349-5970

29500 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139-3492 U.S.A.
Public Service Electric & Gas Hancocks Bridge, NJ Nuclear Dept Material Center | P.O. #P2 0965486 1000 | 20 Pcs | SS-6-T | Product ID R27GE0123B |
S.C. Electric & Gas Co. VC Summer Station Highway 215 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 | P.O.# SR 702966 | 3 Pcs. | SS-6-T | Product ID R27GE0123B |
Telephone: 440-248-4600 Fax: 440-349-5970
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021