Part 21 Report - 1999-423
11-18-1999 11: 3AM |
P.1 |
Swagelok Company
29500 Solon Road, Solon, OK 44139
Phone: 440-248-4600
Fax:. 440-519-7384
Date: |
November 18, 1999 |
To: |
Document Control Desk
Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
From: |
Bruce Flusche |
Total Pages: |
1 |
Subject: |
Failure to Comply |
Pursuant to our part 21 notifications of October 6; 1999 and November 4, 1999 on Swagelok part number SS-400-3-4TTM, male branch tee, we are writing on an additional safety related certification that was missed in our earlier reports.
The licensee is:
Florida Power and Light
P.O. #00029212
6 pcs. SS-4Q0-3-4TTM
Product l.D. R17KL05098
We discovered this on November 17, 1999. The licensee has already been notified.
Further details will be provided in accordance with NRC guidelines.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE. T~iú CG"t( S"tet ~ th~ doCuiflCi~~ xcoi"o~ety~ it cc~tjin ~ Enfor:~~O~ t,3t beIo5~ to th~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~Ikt~.
The ifl~~m~t!~ ~ o~'y roi- u~ ~y thc recioie~ ~ div.~wfe. copf'nf. ditt'oI,tion, or ~ of CS Co'tcC~ i'
~~hIb1ttd. If rou h~e rectI~c.d this c~~iticxion me . e òt
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021