Part 21 Report - 2002-180
1220 S Washington St, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Telephone: 252/977-2720
P.O. Box 1928 Rocky Mount, NC 27802-1928 Fax: 252/446-1134
July 31, 2002
U.S. Nuclear Regulator Commission
Document Control Desk
Mail Stop OP1-17
Washington, DC 20555
Subject: 10CFR21 Reporting of Defects and Non-Compliance -
Engine Systems, Inc. Report No. 10CFR21-0084, Rev. 0
Norgren R18 relieving style pressure regulating valves
Dear Sir:
The enclosed report addresses a reportable notification about Norgren R18 relieving style pressure regulating valves.
A copy of the report has also been sent to the NRC.
Please sign below, acknowledging receipt of this report, and return a copy to the attention of Document Control at the address above (or, fax to number 252/446-1134) within 10 working days after receipt.
Yours very truly,
Susan Woolard
Document Control
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