Part 21 Reports - 2002

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Log No Notifier Description Report Date Access No
2002-01-0 Boeing GTSTRUDL rigid body incidences command 10/31/2001 ML020090019
2002-01-1 Boeing GTSTRUDL calculate resultant command 11/28/2001 ML020090080
2002-01-2 Boeing GTSTRUDL print member properties command 12/20/2001 ML020220325
2002-02-0 U.S. Geological Survey dosimetry at Triga reactor 11/21/2001 ML020110184
2002-03-0 ASCO Valve Hydramotor® actuator limit switch 12/21/2001 ML020240230
2002-03-1 ASCO Valve Hydramotor® actuator limit switch 01/14/2002 ML020420376
2002-04-0 Automatic Valve air operated valve leakage 01/25/2002 ML021200032
2002-05-0 General Electric cutoff switch in AK-15, AK-25, and AKR-30S circuit breakers 02/18/2002 ML020650058
2002-06-0 ABB weight balance on CV-2 and CV-22 relays 03/19/2002 Event Notification 38781
2002-06-1 ABB weight balance on CV-2 and CV-22 relays 05/08/2002 ML021440028
2002-07-0 General Electric offset in instantaneous (magnetic) trip current on certain J-core molded case circuit breakers 04/03/2002 ML020990033
2002-08-0 Wyle incorrect irradiation dose units in hot cell work 04/12/2002 ML021060181
2002-08-1 Wyle incorrect irradiation dose units in hot cell work 05/22/2002 ML021570176
2002-09-0 General Electric missing lock washer on CR105X contactors 04/12/2002 ML021150567
2002-10-0 Rockwell Automation inadequate electric motor winding slot fill 05/09/2002 ML021360406
2002-10-1 Rockwell inadequate electric motor winding slot fill 05/16/2002 ML021790469
2002-10-2 Rockwell Automation inadequate electric motor winding slot fill 06/07/2002 ML021830510
2002-11-0 General Electric undersized washer in switch plate locking mechanism on differential pressure indicating switches 05/10/2002 ML021360140
2002-12-0 ABB failure of K-Line circuit breakers to charge at San Onofre 05/14/2002 Event Notification 38919
2002-13-0 Solid State Controls potential for loose fan blade in uninterruptible power systems 05/15/2002 ML021510295
2002-14-0 Consumers Energy lack of quality assurance maintenance on Midland Unit 2 reactor pressure vessel head 05/23/2002 ML021550411
2002-15-0 Rotork Controls potential for electric valve actuator control switches to reset or fail to operate 06/10/2002 ML021790313
2002-16-0 ASCO excessive recycling of pump needed to maintain valve actuator shaft in powered position during testing 06/19/2002 ML021830047
2002-16-1 ASCO excessive recycling of pump needed to maintain valve actuator shaft in powered position during testing 07/19/2002 ML022070455
2002-16-2 ASCO potential operational difficulties with certain pumps supplied in pump kits and intended for installation in NH95 Model B Hydramotor® actuators 08/02/2002 ML022210232
2002-16-3 ASCO Valve Inc. Excessive recycling of pump needed to maintain valve actuator shaft in powered position during testing 12/17/2002 ML023600354
2002-17-0 Rosemount inaccurate advice to Rochester Gas and Electric concerning calibration of Models 1152 and 1154 pressure transmitters with high line pressure 07/24/2002 Event Notification 39086
2002-18-0 Engine Systems EMD emergency diesel generator air start system pressure regulating valve may stick open 07/30/2002 ML022190534
2002-19-0 Engine Systems potential bearing cooling oil blockage from loose flashing material used in manufacture of EMD 645 engine pistons 08/01/2002 ML022200286
2002-20-0 Rockbestos incorrect lacquer applied to electrical cable could contribute to flame propagation 08/09/2002 ML022260608
2002-20-1 Rockbestos Cable failed to comely with the vertical tray flame test when subjected to the requirements 08/09/2002 ML022900277
2002-21-0 General Electric inadequate vibratory loads on main steam isolation valves with one main steam isolation valve out of service 08/23/2002 ML022380417
2002-21-1 General Electric Main Steam Line Valve Out-of-Service Final Report 08/23/2002 ML022810290
2002-22-0 ABB test failure of a power shield trip device manufactured before March 1991 08/26/2002 ML022410017
2002-22-1 ABB Power Shield Transformer Saturation 08/26/2002 ML022740451
2002-23-0 Rosemount failures of capacitors in damping circuits of certain Models 1153 and 1154 08/30/2002 ML022620057
2002-24-0 Rosemount certain Model 1153 differential pressure transmitters and space sensor modules may not meet the published temperature effect specification 09/09/2002 ML022620059
2002-25-0 ALCo (Fairbanks Morse) Fuel injector pump found to be leaking excessively through a nameplate rivet hole 09/18/2002 Event Notification 39197
2002-25-1 ALCo (Fairbanks Morse) Fuel injector pump found to be leaking excessively through a nameplage rivet hole 10/11/2002 ML022960351
2002-26-0 Fitzpatrick Trip device over current sensor failed during bench testing 09/26/2002 Event Notification 39218
2002-26-1 Fitzpatrick Trip device over current sensor failed during bench testing 10/02/2002 ML022890175
2002-27-0 General Electric Potentially delayed reactor scram because of the period based detection algorithm (PBDA) 10/04/2002 ML022830278
2002-27-1 General Electric Final Report, Stability Option III: Possible Successive COnfirmation Count Resets 11/18/2002 ML023290162
2002-28-0 General Electric Technical Specification safety limit for minimum critical power ratio (MCPR) may be exceeded in BWR/6 plant using newer fuel designs 10/04/2002 ML022820162
2002-29-0 C & D Technologies A series of welds for a fuel rack joining horizontal cross beams were not welded correctly during fabrication and may effect seismic qualifications 10/11/2002 ML022900283
2002-30-0 Engineer Systems Seal within engine driven water pump assembly failed prematurely resulting in leakage of primary cooling water and lubricating oil from weep hole in EDG 10/04/2002 ML022900613
2002-31-0 General Electric Stability Option III Period Based Detection Algorithm T-min Specification Has a Defect 11/22/2002 ML023310569
2002-32-0 Framatome The MCPR calculation using the SPCB correlation in the MICROBURN-B2 and MICROBURN-B codes and associated POWERPLEX monitoring software contains an erroPower Shield Transformer Saturation 11/22/2002 ML023310566
2002-33-0 Spectrum Technologies Class 1E safety related Cutler-hammer A200 NEMA Size 1 starter found to be faulty 11/25/2002 ML023330442
2002-33-1 Spectrum Technologies Class 1E safety related Cutler-hammer A200 NEMA Size 1 starter found to be faulty 12/20/2002 ML023600023
2002-35-0 ABB Broken solder joints (crack in solder joint) on some pins on the tap blocks of Power shield trip devices 11/20/2002 ML030160169
2002-36-0 Caboline Premature gellation or significant thickening prior to the end of the 12-month shelf life expiration date of Carbonize 11 SG 12/06/2002 ML023500215
2002-37-0 Framatome Location of fuel assemblies in BWR/6 reactors with the POWRPLEX incore monitoring system may affect their orifice pressure loss coefficients 12/10/2002 ML023470352
2002-38-0 Boeing Company Errors associated with the computer codes "ANSYS" and "GTSTRUDL" 11/19/2002 ML023360088

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021