Part 21 Report - 2003-003-00



20 Bradley Park Road
East Granby CT 06026 USA
Tel: 860-653-830O
Fax: 860-653-8420

January 14, 2003

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Operafions Center
Facsirnile No.: 301
Telephone No: 301

Subject: Initial Notification of 1OCFR Part 21 Defect/Fai1ure to Comply

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter shall serve as the initial notification by Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corp. that a basic component supplied for use in nuclear power plants may contain a defect or fail to comply, which is reportable under the requirements of 10 CFR 21.

Written notification shall be provided by February 13, 2003.

The following information is supplied in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 21,

I. Name and address of individual informing the Commission:

Richard C. Brown - Quality Assurance Manager
The Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corp.
20 Bradley Park Road
East Granby, CT 06026

II. Identification of the basic component supplied which fails to comply or contains a defect:

The KXL 760D inulation system (chemically crosslinked only) provided in some of the Firewall III cables manufactured from January 1992 thru June 1995 may include an alternate resin which was not part of the baseline qualification testing.

III. Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which falls to comply or contains a defect:

The Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corp., East Granby, CT facility

IV. Nature of tile defect or failure to comply and the safety h~ard which is created.~

Nature of Defect: An alternate resin material may have been substituted in the insulation system for Firewall III cables (chemically crosslinked cables only)

Potential Hazard: The chemically cured insulation system utilizing KXL 760D for cables manufactured from January 1992 thru June 1995 may not be
enveloped by qualificatlon report QR5804.

V. The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained:

On the basis of our evaluation it was determined on January 14, 2003 that a defect or failure to comply as defined by 10 CFR 21 existed.

VI. The number and location of all bask components which contain a defect or fails to comply:

The number and location of all basic components which may contain a defect or fail to comply is yet to be determined.

VII. The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the aetlon; and the length of time that has been or will be taicen to complete the action:

Based on testing and analysis, both resin suppliers indicated that both resins were quite similar and they were not able to disti~~guish or identify one resin from the other. Documented evidence of their conclusion has been requested. Rockbestos- Surprenant has instituted a similarity analysis program on both resins that is expected to be completed by March l4, 2003. Preliminary test results indicate that the two resins are indistinguishable. A full report will be available upon completion of the similarity analysis program.

VIII. Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers:

Purchasers will be advised not to install any Firewall III cables that employ the chemically cured insulation rnaterial that were manufactured from January 1992 thru June 1995 until the results of the similarity prograrn are known. Further advice will be provided at that time.

The following personnel may be contacted regarding the preceding notification:

James Morganelli
Senior Quality Engineer
(860) 653-8319

Richard Brown
Quality Assurance Manager
(860) 653-8322

Robert Konnik
Director of Applications Engineering
(86O) 653-8340


Richard Brown
Quality Assurance Manager

cc: R.Konnik
M. Mennone
J. Morganelli
J. Notarftancesco
F. Schwelm



Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021