Part 21 Reports - 2006

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Log No Notifier Description Report Date Access No
2006-01-00 Fairbanks Morse Engine Woodward Digital Reference Unit (DRU) 1/12/2006 EN 40699
2006-01-01 ESI Woodward DRU Controls (Manufactured between November 2000 and November 2005) 01/23/2006 ML060330345
2006-02-00 ESI Woodward 505 Controls manufactured between December 2003 and June 2004, P/N: 9903-543 02/10/2006 ML060540188
2006-03-00 Rosemount Nuclear Instruments Pressure Transmitters Models 1153 and 1154 03/21/2006 EN 42438
2006-04-00 Sulzer Pumps, Inc. Auxiliary Feed Pump Drive End Bearing Was Installed Incorrectly 03/21/2006 ML060830114
2006-05-00 Diablo Canyon Defective Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Check Valve 03/31/2006 EN 42459
2006-06-00 Whiting Corporation Crane Overstress Conditions 03/31/2006 EN 42461
2006-07-00 AREVA Control Rod Performance During LOCA 04/13/2006 ML061070297
2006-08-00 Ametek Solidstate Controls Potential Defect in Aerovox Capacitor 05/04/2006 EN 42551
2006-09-00 General Electric Company BWR Core Shroud Tie Rod Upper Support Cracking 05/12/2006 EN 42573
2006-09-01 General Electric Company Failure Analysis of Core Shroud Repair Tie Rod Upper Support Crack 08/21/2006 ML062370095
2006-10-00 Sulzer Pumps, Inc. Castings Supplied by Stainless Foundry and Engineering 05/20/2006 EN 42591
2006-11-00 Boeing GTSTRUDL listreactions command 05/31/2006 ML061590093
2006-11-01 Boeing GTSTRUDL Eigen Analysis Number of Modes 08/15/2006 ML062350146
2006-11-02 Boeing Software Error 09/27/2006 ML062780317
2006-12-00 NAK Engineering Defective Nordberg Emergency Diesel Generator Valve Seat Inserts 06/13/2006 EN 42637
2006-13-00 Callaway Barton pressure transmitter -- exposed wiring 06/21/2006 EN 42658
2006-13-01 Prime Measurement Products Advisory Letter, Design Change Acceptability, and Design Diagram 06/30/2006 ML061860324
2006-13-02 Callaway Barton pressure transmitter -- exposed wiring 07/17/2006 ML062210525
2006-14-00 Thermo Electron Potential Separation of Rechargeable Backup Battery for Safety-Related Recorder 06/30/2006 ML061860381
2006-15-00 Nuclear Logistics Power Conversion Products Battery Charger Firing Board Capacitors 07/11/2006 ML061950303
2006-16-00 Cook 2 Failure to Comply with Technical Specification 3.8.2, AC Sources - Nonconforming Materials 06/29/2006 ML061920583
2006-17-00 Crane Incorrect Disk Stop Angle on Certain Tilting Disk Check Valves 08/15/2006 ML062340084
2006-18-00 Transnuclear Identification Stickers on Boral Panels 08/31/2006 ML062500190
2006-18-01 Transnuclear Identification Stickers on Boral Panels 09/26/2006 ML062750423
2006-19-00 Tyco Improper Valve Springs in Pressure Relief Valves 09/15/2006 ML062620494
2006-19-01 Tyco Improper Valve Springs in Pressure Relief Valves 09/27/2006 ML062770224
2006-20-00 ASCO Valve, Inc Potential Non-Conformance of Plunger Tubes Used in Certain NT-Series, Hydramotor Pump and Pump Kits 09/15/2006 ML062680334
2006-20-01 ASCO Valve, Inc Potential Non-Conformance of Plunger Tubes Used in Certain NH Series Hydramotor Pump and Pump Kits 10/27/2006 ML063100449
2006-21-00 Southern Testing Services Potential for Frozen Display Processor in OTEK Panel Meters 10/05/2006 ML062850360
2006-21-01 Southern Testing Services Potential Defect in OTEK Panel Meters 11/10/2006 ML063210279
2006-22-01 Duke Energy Void in Plate Steel 11/02/2006 ML063120422
2006-23-00 Flowserve Incorrect Identification of the Material Used to Manufacture Y-Globe Valve 10/31/2006 ML063120160
2006-24-00 South Carolina Electric and Gas Potential Defective Woodward Governor for Fairbanks Morse EDG 12/05/2006 EN 43031
2006-25-00 Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc Potentially Defective Pressure Transmitters Shipped to Diablo Canyon 12/05/2006 EN 43033
2006-26-00 Scientech LLC Defect Found in Basic Components (Foxboro Replacement Modules) Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants 12/14/2006 EN 43052ML063520131
2006-27-00 V. C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant Identification of defect of Fairbanks Morse Woodward Governor 12/22/2006 ML070030009
2006-27-01 Fairbanks Morse Engine Identification of defect of Fairbanks Morse Woodward Governor 01/08/2007 ML070170460

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021