Part 21 Reports - 2008

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Log No Notifier Description Report Date Event No. / Accession No.
2008-01-00 Nutherm Power Supply Limited Output at Elevated Temperature 02/09/2008 EN 43973
2008-01-01 Nutherm Nutherm Power Supply Limited Output at Elevated Temperature 04/09/2008 EN 43973
2008-02-00 Areva Potentially Damaged Fuel Assembly Spacer Side Plates 02/13/2008 ML080500446
2008-03-00 Nuclear Logistics Cracking in Safety-Related Battery Terminal Posts 02/21/2008 ML080580130
2008-04-00 Palisades ALCO EDG Snubber Valve Material Incorrectly Heat-Treated 03/13/2008 EN 44059
2008-04-01 Fairbanks Morse Engine ALCO EDG Snubber Valve Material Incorrectly Heat-Treated 04/29/2008 ML081270499
2008-05-0 Rosemount Nuclear Instruments Decreased Insulation Resistance in Certain Model 3051N Pressure Transmitters 03/20/2008 ML080810431
2008-06-00 Shaw Areva MOX Reinforcing Bars Not Meeting ACI Standards 04/04/2008 ML080990635
2008-07-00 Underwater Engineering on Carboline Substrate Does Not Meet Certain Acceptance Criteria 04/09/2008 ML081070172
2008-08-00 Engine Systems Haynes fuel injector pump barrels manufactured with insufficient number of ports 04/15/2008 ML081130777
2008-09-00 Hatch Hydrogen Embrittlement of Wire Clamps in CR120A Relays 04/29/2008 ML081330284
2008-10-01 TMI Joslyn Clark Controls NC Contacts 07/09/2008 ML081960118
2008-10-00 TMI Joslyn Clark Relay Contact Configuration 06/13/2008 ML081700094
2008-11-00 Oconee Replacment Breaker Charging Motors Failed Minimum Voltage Test 06/23/2008 ML081760330
2008-12-00 Fisher 3-Inch Valves Provided with Incorrect Seal Rings 06/26/2008 ML081830523
2008-13-00 ABB Transient Suppression of 59 D/H Overvoltage Relay 07/09/2008 ML081960457
2008-14-00 Flowserve Butterfly Valve Failed in Test 07/15/2008 ML081990210
2008-15-00 GE Hitachi Failure of Safety-Related Switch in AK-2A-50 Circuit Breaker 08/25/2008 ML082390106
2008-16-00 Fisher Fisher Valve Actuator Nitrile/Nylon Diaphragms (Part No. 1R6375X0072) Inadequately Cured and Inappropriately Overstressed 08/28/2008 ML082460801

Spectrum Technologies

Siemens Model 353 Process Controller Transformer Failure 09/19/2008 ML082671066

Applied Analysis

Software Error Giving Incorrect Flow Rates for Highly Throttled Flow Control Valves 09/23/2008 ML082760159
2008-18-01 Applied Analysis Update - Software Error Giving Incorrect Flow Rates for Highly Throttled Flow Control Valves 04/06/2009 ML090980044
2008-19-00 Namco Controls Namco Supplied Clear Thread Sealant Instead of White Thread Sealant 10/03/2008 ML082800337
2008-20-00 Carboline Carboline Paint Batch Makes Poor Quality Film Because of Improper Curing 10/09/2008 ML082880534
2008-21-00 Baldor Actuator Motor Endring Deformation and Cracking 10/21/2008 ML083030182
2008-21-01 Baldor Actuator Motor End Ring Crack 12/17/2008 ML083660039
2008-22-00 Scientech Safety-Related Power Supplies Have Wrong Capacitor 10/21/2008 ML083030181
2008-23-00 Engine Systems Certain Engine Systems Air Start Motors Incorrectly Assembled 10/30/2008 ML083030141
2008-24-00 Cooper Defective Fuses Installed in Safety-Related Circuits 11/06/2008 ML083150521
2008-24-01 Cooper Defective Fuses Installed in Safety-Related Circuits 12/02/2008 ML083430310
2008-25-00 Fisher Dimensionally Verified Commercial Grade Items 11/12/2008 ML083190017
2008-26-00 Fisher Supplied 18-inch Valve Parts Not Dedicated for Safety Services 11/26/2008 ML083290502
2008-27-00 Tyco Electronics Tyco Relay Fails to Actuate Because Incorrect Spring Installed 11/25/2008 ML083330187
2008-28-00 Duke Energy Defective E-Max Brand Optical Isolators 12/17/2008 ML083590346

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021