Preliminary Notification (PN) Reports for 2004

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PNO-IV-04-030 12/13/2004 Ground Engineering Consultants: Lost Source from a Troxler Moisture Density Gauge

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PNO-II-04-011 11/24/2004 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Fire in Product Withdrawal Building
PNO-I-04-014 11/16/2004 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company: Fire Inside Containment Structure at Decommissioning Reactor Site
PNO-III-04-015 11/15/2004 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co./Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Inadvertent Discharge of Co2 Fire Protection System in Turbine Building
PNO-III-04-014 11/04/2004 Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Chemical Spill in Water Treatment Building

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PNO-IV-04-029 10/20/2004 Cooper Nuclear Station: Reactor Shutdown Because of Main Turbine High Vibration
PNO-II-04-010 10/18/2004 McGuire, Unit 1: Shutdown of McGuire, Unit 1 for Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-1-04-013 10/12/2004 PSEG Nuclear LLC/Hope Creek: Hope Creek Unplanned Shutdown of Greater than 72 Hours - Steam Leak Due to a Rupture of the Hope Creek "A" Moisture Separator (MS) Drain Line to the Condenser
PNO-IV-04-027 10/04/2004 River Bend Station: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours

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PNO-IV-04-026A 09/29/2004 Diablo Canyon, Units 1 & 2: Response to California Earthquake - Update
PNO-I-04-012 09/28/2004 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company: Fire in Vacant Administration Building at Decommissioning Reactor Site
PNO-IV-04-026 09/28/2004 Diablo Canyon, Units 1 & 2: Response to California Earthquake
PNO-II-04-009C 09/27/2004 Florida Power and Light: Tropical Storm/Hurricane Jeanne
PNO-II-04-009B 09/26/2004 Florida Power Corporation: Region II Response to Hurricane Jeanne
PNO-II-04-009A 09/26/2004 Florida Power and Light Co.: Region II Response to Hurricane Jeanne
PNO-II-04-009 09/25/2004 Florida Power and Light Co.: Region II Response to Hurricane Jeanne
PNO-IV-04-024A 09/20/2004 CANSPEC (USA): Updated info Concerning a Truck Fire Involving an AEA Technology Model 880D Radiography Camera
PNO-IV-04-025A 09/16/2004 River Bend & Waterford 3: Region IV Response to Hurricane Ivan
PNO-IV-04-025 09/15/2004 River Bend & Waterford 3: Region IV Response to Hurricane Ivan
PNO-IV-04-024 09/13/2004 CANSPEC (USA): Truck Fire Involving an AEA Technology Model 880 Radiography Camera
PNO-II-04-08C 09/07/2004 Florida Power & Light & Progress Energy - Florida Power Corporation: Tropical Storm Frances
PNO-II-04-008B 09/05/2004 Florida Power Corporation: RII Response to Hurricane Frances
PNO-II-04-008A 09/03/2004 Florida Power and Light Co.: Region II Response to Hurricane Frances
PNO-II-04-008 09/02/2004 Florida Power and Light Co.: Region II Response to Hurricane Frances
PNO-IV-04-021A 09/01/2004 High Mountain Inspection Service, Inc.: Updated Information on a Potentail Radiation Overexposure of a Radiographer

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PNO-III-04-012A 08/23/2004 Premcor Refining Group, Lima, OH: Radiation Exposure to Contract Workers (Update)
PNO-IV-04-023 08/19/2004 Department of Energy: Update on Report of Potential Leaking Shipping Containers
PNO-III-04-012 08/19/2004 Premcor Refining Group, Lima, OH: Radiation Exposure to Contract Workers
PNO-IV-04-017A 08/17/2004 Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3: Update of Previously Reported Missing fuel Rod Segments
PNO-II-04-007B 08/14/2004 Progress Energy: Correction - Region II Response to Hurricane Charley
PNO-II-04-007A 08/14/2004 Progress Energy: Update - Region II Response to Hurricane Charley
PNO-II-04-007 08/14/2004 Progress Energy: Region II Response to Hurricane Charley
PNO-II-04-006A 08/13/2004 Progress Energy - Florida Power Corporation: Update - Region II Response to Hurricane Charley
PNO-II-04-006 08/13/2004 Progress Energy - Florida Power Corporation: Region II Response to Hurricane Charley
PNO-III-04-011 08/12/2004 Cardinal Health, Madison, WI: Iodine-131 Spill at Nuclear Pharmacy
PNO-III-04-010 08/11/2004 Nuclear Management Company/Palisades Nuclear Plant: Palisades Shut Down to Repair Control Rod Drive Mechanism Leakage
PNO-III-04-009 08/09/2004 Detroit Edison/Fermi Nuclear Power Station: Fermi Shuts Down to Repair Emergency Diesel Generator
PNO-IV-04-022 08/06/2004 Horace Gill (owner of scrap metal yard)
Dumas, Arkansas: Discovery of Radioactive Device
PNO-IV-04-021 08/05/2004 High Mountain Inspection Service, Inc.: Potential Radiation Overexposure of a Radiographer
PNO-III-04-008 08/04/2004 FirstEnergy/Davis-Besse: Automatic Reactor Shutdown
PNO-IV-04-020 08/02/2004 Energy Northwest Columbia Generating Station: Automatic Reactor Scram with Two Control Rods Indicating Not Fully Inserted

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PNO-IV-04-019 07/28/2004 Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado: Stuck Irradiator Source
PNO-IV-04-018 07/27/2004 Department of Energy: Leak of Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acide Gas Contained in Overpack Near NRC Licensed Facility
PNO-III-04-007 07/20/2004 Perry: Alert Declared Because of Malfunctioning Radiation Monitor
PNO-IV-04-016 07/19/2004 Schlumberger Technology Corporation: Potential Overexposure to Members of Public
PNO-IV-04-017 07/16/2004 Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Humbolt Bay Power Plant Unit 3: Notification of Fuel Inventory Discrepancy at Humbolt Bay

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PNO-IV-04-015 06/30/2004 Baker Hughes Oil Field Operations: Truck Fire Involving Byproduct Material
PNO-IV-04-014 06/25/2004 Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office: Leak of Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid Gas Cylinder near NRC Licensed Facility
PNO-IV-04-013 06/24/2004 Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 & 2: Fire in Protected Area Generated Media Interest
PNO-IV-04-012B 06/18/2004 Palo Verde Generating Station, Units 1, 2, 3: Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) to Finish at Palo Verde
PNO-II-04-004A 06/14/2004 Global Nuclear Fuels - Americas, LLC: Additional Information on the Transportation Accident Involving Shipment of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies
PNO-IV-04-012 06/14/2004 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station: Complete Loss of Offsite Power
PNO-IV-04-012A 06/14/2004 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station: Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) Dispatched to Palo Verde
PNO-II-04-004 06/08/2004 Global Nuclear Fuels - Americas, LLC: Transportation Accident Involving Shipment of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies

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PNO-II-04-003 05/24/2004 Virginia Electric and Power Company: Surry Unit 2 Reactor Trip and Auxiliary Feedwater System Issues Causing a Unit Shutdown to Cold Shutdown
PNO-IV-04-011 05/20/2004 Scela, Inc. d/b/a Radiopharmacy of Boise: Contamination Events Due to Spill of Iodine-131
PNO-I-04-011B 05/11/2004 Baxter Healthcare Corporation: Augmented Inspection Team Onsite to Review Baxter Healthcare Event
PN0-III-04-006 05/06/2004 The Timken Company: Melted Cesium-137 Source at Steel Manufacturing Plant

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PNO-I-04-011A 04/30/2004 Baxter Healthcare Corporation: Update to Unshielded Source Rack at Irradiator in Puerto Rico and Formation of an Augmented Inspection Team (AIT)
PNO-III-04-005 04/23/2004 Missouri Baptist Medical Center: Brachytherapy Medical Event
PNO-I-04-011 04/23/2004 Baxter Healthcare Corporation: Unshielded Source Rack at Irradiator in Puerto Rico
PNO-II-04-001 04/14/2004 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Media Interest in Small Uranium Hexafluoride Leak
PNO-I-04-010 04/14/2004 Yankee Atomic Electric Company: Notification of Unusual Event

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PNO-III-04-004 03/30/2004 D. C. Cook: Shutdown of D.C. Cook Unit 1 for Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-III-04-003 03/17/2004 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant: Shutdown of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Plant for Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-I-04-008A 03/12/2004 St. Mary Hospital: Update to Potential Medical Event Involving a Prostate Seed Implant
PNO-IV-04-009 03/02/2004 Palo Verde Unit 3: Shutdown of Unit 3 for Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-I-04-009 03/02/2004 Yankee Atomic Electric Company: Spill of Low Level Radioactive Waste from Package While in Transit

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PNO-IV-04-008 02/27/2004 Altru Health System: Medical Event- Radiation Dose to an Unintended Site
PNO-I-04-008 02/27/2004 St. Mary Hospital: Potential Medical Event Involving a Prostate Seed Implant
PNO-III-04-002 02/24/2004 Joseph M. Keyzers: Damaged Gauge Caused by Fire
PNO-I-04-007 02/24/2004 University of Virginia: Lost Brachytherapy Source
PNO-IV-04-007 02/20/2004 Arizona Public Service Co., Palo Verde 2: Palo Verde Unplanned Reactor Shutdown to Exceed 72 Hours
PNO-I-04-006 02/10/2004 PMK Group, Inc.: Missing Sources from Damaged Portable Gauge
PNO-I-04-005A 02/10/2004 Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital: Update to Medical Event Reported Following Identification of Leaking Iodine-125 Source(s)
PNO-IV-04-006 02/05/2004 Callaway Plant: Callaway Shutdown
PNO-IV-04-005 02/04/2004 Arizona Public Service Co.: Technical Specification Required Shutdown to Exceed 72 Hours
PNO-I-04-005 02/02/2004 Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital: Medical Event Reported Following Identification of Leaking Iodine-125 Source

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PNO-IV-04-004 01/28/2004 Taylor Forge Engineered Systems, Inc.: Potential Radiation Overexposure of a Radiographer
PNO-IV-04-003 01/27/2004 Southern California Edison: Unit 3 Shutdown to Repair a Letdown System Piping Leak
PNO-I-04-004 01/27/2004 Bowling Green Medical Center: Potential Occupational Extremity Overexposure During Intravascular Brachytherapy Treatment
PNO-I-04-003 01/27/2004 Industrial Services of America: Damaged Gauge Found at Scrap Yard
PNO-III-04-001 01/20/2004 Kewaunee Nuclear Station: Plant Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours and Initiation of NRC Special Inspection to Look into Plant Shutdown Due to Both Trains of Safety Injection System Declared Inoperable
PNO-I-04-002 01/16/2004 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot): Accident Involving Moisture/Density Gauge
PNO-I-04-01A 01/13/2004 Onyx Greentree Landfill: Identification of the Radioactive Source Found at Landfill in Kersey, Pennsylvania
PNO-I-04-01 01/12/2004 Onyx Greentree Landfill: Radioactive Source Found at Landfill in Kersey, Pennsylvania

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