December |
PNO-III-05-016D |
03/15/2006 |
Braidwood/Exelon Generation Co.: Tritium Contamination Issues (4th Update) |
PNO-III-05-016C |
02/03/2006 |
Exelon Generation Co. Braidwood: Potential Off-Site Migration of Tritium Contamination (3rd Update) |
PNO-III-05-016B |
01/18/2006 |
Braidwood 1 and 2: Potential Off-Site Migration of Tritium Contamination (2nd Update) |
PNO-I-05-031 |
12/29/2005 |
Cardinal Health: Agreement State Report - Transportation Accident Involving Used Technetium 99M Syringes |
PNO-III-05-017 |
12/21/2005 |
Byron 1 and 2: Potential Gunshot Injury to a Site Employee |
PNO-I-05-030 |
12/20/2005 |
ABB Prospects, Inc.: Radioactive Waste Shipment Vehicle Accident (Possible Media Interest) |
PNO-IV-05-018A |
12/20/2005 |
Iris NDT: Update - Radiographer's Dose Exceeds Regulatory Limits |
PNO-IV-05- 017B |
12/20/2005 |
ProTechnics, Division of Core Laboratories: Followup on Lost or Missing Radioactive Material - Update |
PNO-II-05-013A |
12/19/2005 |
Update-Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2: Shutdown to Repair Residual Heat Removal Pipe Leak |
PNO-I-05-029A |
12/15/2005 |
Froehling & Robertson, Inc.: Portable Density Gauge Recovered and Secured |
PNO-I-05-029 |
12/12/2005 |
Froehling & Robertson, Inc.: Portable Density Gauge Reported Missing |
PNO-II-05-013 |
12/12/2005 |
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2: Shutdown to Repair RHR Pipe Leak |
PNO-III-05-016A |
12/07/2005 |
Braidwood 1 and 2: Potential Off-Site Migration of Tritium Contamination (Update) |
PNO-III-05-016 |
12/01/2005 |
Braidwood 1 and 2: Potential Off-Site Migration of Tritium Contamination |

November |
PNO-IV-05-018 |
11/23/2005 |
Iris NDT: Radiographer's Dose Exceeds Regulatory Limits |
PNO-IV-05- 017A |
11/21/2005 |
ProTechnics, Division of Core Laboratories: Followup on Lost or Missing Radioactive Material Update |
PNO-IV-05-017 |
11/15/2005 |
ProTechnics, Division of Core Laboratories: Followup on Lost or Missing Radioactive Material |
PNO-III-05-015 |
11/09/2005 |
DC Cook/Indiana Michigan Power Company: Special Inspection of Electrical Problems After Reactor Trip |
PNO-II-05-012 |
11/09/2005 |
Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.: Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Loss of All Main Control Board Annunciator Power |
PNO-I-05-028 |
11/03/2005 |
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (Haddam Neck): Haddam Neck Report of Spent Fuel Pool Leak |
PNO-II-05-011 |
11/01/2005 |
Florida Power and Light Company: Notification of Unusual Event |

October |
PNO-II-05-010 |
10/31/2005 |
Southern Nuclear Company: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-05-009A |
10/24/2005 |
Florida Power and Light Company: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-05-008A |
10/24/2005 |
Florida Power and Light Company: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-05-009 |
10/24/2005 |
Florida Power and Light Company: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-05-008 |
10/24/2005 |
Florida Power and Light Company: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-IV-05-016 |
10/13/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station - Technical Specification Required Shutdown of Palo Verde Units 2 and 3 |
PNO-IV-05-015 |
10/05/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3, Shutdown to Repair Reactor Coolant Pump Oil Seal |
PNO-IV-05-014 |
10/04/2005 |
Department of the Army, Panoramic Irradiator Sealed Source Stuck in Unshielded Position |

September |
PNO-II-05-007 |
09/27/2005 |
Framatome Advanced Nuclear Power (F-ANP), Inc.: Overturned Trailer Transporting Radioactive Material |
PNO-IV-05-013A |
09/26/2005 |
Waterford-3, River Bend Station, South Texas Project: NRC Exits Monitoring Mode for Hurricane Rita |
PNO-IV-05-013 |
09/23/2005 |
Waterford-3, River Bend Station, South Texas Project: NRC Enters Monitoring Mode Due to Hurricane Rita |
PNO-I-05-027 |
09/16/2005 |
Virginia Commonwealth University: Unplanned Contamination of an Air Handler Unit |
PNO-I-05-027 |
09/16/2005 |
Virginia Commonwealth University: Unplanned Contamination of an Air Handler Unit |
PNO-II-05-006A |
09/15/2005 |
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 & 2: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-05-006 |
09/14/2005 |
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 & 3: Region II Response to Hurricane Ophelia |
PNO-III-05-013 |
09/13/2005 |
Braidwood Power Plant: Forced Outage Due to Reactor Coolant Pump Leak-Off in excess of vendor recommendations |
PNO-IV-05-012C |
09/08/2005 |
Final Update - Exit of the Notice of Unusual Event at Waterford-3 |
PNO-II-05-005 |
09/02/2005 |
Duke Energy Corporation, Oconee Unit 3: Reactor Trip with Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Initiation, Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-IV-05-012B |
09/02/2005 |
Update - Notice of Unusual Event, Plant Shutdown, and Loss of Offsite Power at Waterford-3 |
PNO-I-05-026A |
09/01/2005 |
PSEG Nuclear, LLC/Hope Creek: Shutdown Expected to Be Greater than 72 Hours to Repair an Inoperable Drywell to Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker |
PNO-III-05-012 |
09/01/2005 |
Exelon Generation Company, Dresden: Shutdown Expected to be Greater than 72 Hours to Replace the Unit 2 Main Transformer |

August |
PNO-IV-05-012A |
08/30/2005 |
Update - Notice of Unusual Event: Plant Shutdown, and Loss of Offsite Power at Waterford-3 |
PNO-IV-05-012 |
08/29/2005 |
Notice of Unusual Event, Plant Shutdown, and Loss of Offsite Power at Waterford-3 |
PNO-I-05-026 |
08/29/2005 |
PSEG Nuclear, LLC/Hope Creek: Shutdown Expected to Be Greater than 72 Hours to Repair an Inoperable Drywell to Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker |
PNO-IV-05-011 |
08/24/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station: Unit 2 Shutdown to Repair Core Protection Calculators (CPCs) |
PNO-IV-05-010A |
08/24/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1: Update to Preliminary Notification PNO-IV-05-010, Shutdown to Repair Auto Voltage Regulator on Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Train B |
PNO-I-05-025 |
08/23/2005 |
GEO-EXPLOR, Inc.: Missing Portable Moisture Density Gauge |
PNO-I-05-024 |
08/19/2005 |
Princeton Technology Center: Loss of a Sealed Source Containing 1.5 Curies of Tritium (Hydrogen-3) |
PNO-I-05-023A |
08/17/2005 |
TJUH, Inc.: Update to Iodine-131 Contamination Event Resulting in a Skin Exposure Likely to Exceed 50 rem(0.5Sv) |
PNO-IV-05-010 |
08/15/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1: Shutdown to Repair Auto Voltage Regulator on Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Train B |
PNO-II-05-004 |
08/09/2005 |
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant: TS Required Shutdown Due to Inoperability of all Emergency Diesel Generators |
PNO-I-05-022 |
08/08/2005 |
AmerGen Energy Company - Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station: Alert Declaration at Oyster Creek |

July |
PNO-IV-05-009 |
07/07/2005 |
H&G Inspection Co., Inc.: Excessive TLD Reading |
PNO-I-05-020A |
07/12/2005 |
Entergy Nuclear Northeast/FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant: Supplement - Shutdown to Repair Small Crack in the Torus Portion of Primary Containment |
PNO-I-05-020 |
07/01/2005 |
Entergy Nuclear Northeast: Shutdown Expected to Be Greater than 72 Hours to Repair a Small Crack in the Torus Portion of Primary Containment |

June |
PNO-II-05-003 |
06/28/2005 |
Florida Power & Light Co.: Fire in the Main Transformer |
PNO-III-05-010 |
06/27/2005 |
Fermi Nuclear Power Plant: Fermi Forced Outage Due to Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System Leak in the Drywell |
PNO-IV-04-008 |
06/24/2005 |
Energy Northwest Columbia Generating Station: Energy Northwest Columbia Generating Station, Notice of Unusual Event Due to Detection of Flammable Gas in the General Services Building |

May |
PNO-II-05-002 |
05/24/2005 |
Southern Nuclear Company: Vogtle Unit 2 Shutdown to Repair Condenser Tube(s) Leak |
PNO-I-05-019A |
05/02/2005 |
Craig Testing Laboratories, Inc.: Update to Missing Portable Moisture Density Gauge |

April |
PNO-I-05-018A |
04/27/2005 |
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company - Haddam Neck: Supplement to Equipment Fire Inside Containment Structure at Decommissioning Reactor Site |
PNO-I-05-019 |
04/27/2005 |
Craig Testing Laboratories, Inc.: Missing Portable Moisture Density Gauge |
PNO-I-05-018 |
04/26/2005 |
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co./Haddam Neck Plant: Equipment Fire Inside Containment Structure at Decommissioning Reactor Site |
PNO-III-05-009 |
04/20/2005 |
Nuclear Management Company/Prairie Island: Technical Specification Required Shutdown of Prairie Island Unit 2 for Greater than 72 Hours |
PNO-I-05-017 |
04/18/2005 |
Millstone Unit 3 Power Station: Alert Declared at Millstone 3 Due to a Main Steam Safety Valve Not Reseating after an SI Actuation on Low Main Steam Line Pressure |
PNO-III-05-008 |
04/14/2005 |
University of Wisconsin: Medical Event Involving Yttrium-90 Zevalin |
PNO-I-05-015A |
04/08/2005 |
PSEG Nuclear, LLC: Supplement - Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours to Repair a Leak from a Chemical Decontamination Pipe on the ‘B’ Reactor Recirculation Loop |

March |
PNO-IV-05-007 |
03/29/2005 |
Union Electric Company Callaway Plant: Technical Specification Required Plant Shutdown |
PNO-III-05-006 |
03/29/2005 |
St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center: Two Medical Events Involving Unintended Doses to the Skin |
PNO-I-05-015 |
03/28/2005 |
PSEG Nuclear, LLC: Shutdown Expected to Be Greater than 72 Hours to Repair a Steam Leak from a Chemical Decontamination Pipe on the ‘B’ Reactor Recirculation Loop |
PNO-IV-05-006 |
03/22/2005 |
Conan MMP Inspections, Inc.: Overexposure During Radiography Operations |

February |
PNO-III-05-004 |
02/25/2005 |
Exelon/Clinton: Clinton Shutdown for Greater than 72 Hours to Repair Damaged Feedwater Extraction Steam Line |
PNO-IV-05-005 |
02/23/2005 |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Humboldt Bay Power Plant: Notification of Missing In-Core Detectors at Humboldt Bay |
PNO-III-05-003 |
02/23/2005 |
Nuclear Management Company, LLC/Kewaunee: Shutdown in Excess of 72 Hours Due to Auxiliary Feedwater System Declared Inoperable Due to High Energy Line Break Concerns |
PNO-IV-05-004 |
02/18/2005 |
SONGS: Shutdown to Repair Component Cooling Water Valve |
PNO-IV-05-003 |
02/10/2005 |
South Texas Project Operating Company: Shutdown to Repair Reactor Coolant System Leak |
PNO-IV-05-002 |
02/10/2005 |
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1: Technical Specification Required Shutdown Due to a Partial Loss of Offsite Power |

January |
PNO-IV-05-001 |
01/28/2005 |
San Diego Harbor, San Diego, CA: Discovery of Cobalt-60 Source Onboard a Cruise Ship |
PNO-III-05-002 |
01/28/2005 |
University of Minnesota: Medical Event Involving Under Dose to Treatment Area |
PNO-III-05-001 |
01/25/2005 |
Fermi 2: Manual Scram Due to Unidentified Leakage in Drywell |