December |
PNO-II-10-005 |
12/23/2010 |
Honeywell International, Inc.: Hydrofluoric Acid Release at the Honeywell Uranium Conversion Facility |
PNO-III-10-018A |
12/21/2010 |
NextEra Energy Point Beach: Point Beach Unit 2 Reactor Unplanned Shutdown Due to Control Rod Drive Problems (Update) |
PNO-III-10-018 |
12/17/2010 |
NextEra Energy Point Beach: Point Beach Unit 2 Reactor Unplanned Shutdown Due to Control Rod Drive Problems |
PNO-IV-10-006 |
12/03/2010 |
Pacific Steel and Recycling: Loss of Control of Licensed Material |
PNO-III-10-017 |
12/03/2010 |
Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2: Condensate Overflows Into Turbine Building |
November |
PNO-III-10-016 |
11/30/2010 |
Detroit Edison Company: Injured Person Transported Off-Site |
PNO-IV-10-005B |
11/29/2010 |
South Texas Project Unit 2 Reactor Trip and Notification of Unusual Event (Update) |
PNO-I-10-006A |
11/26/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Notification of Alert Declared Due to Explosion as a Result of 21 Main Transformer Failure at Indian Point Unit 2 (Update) |
PNO-IV-10-005A |
11/12/2010 |
South Texas Project Unit 2 Reactor Trip and Notification of Unusual Event (Update) |
PNO-I-10-006 |
11/08/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Notification of Alert Declared Due to Explosion as a Result of 21 Main Transformer Failure at Indian Point Unit 2 |
PNO-IV-10-005 |
11/03/2010 |
South Texas Project Unit 2 Reactor Trip and Notification of Unusual Event |
October |
PNO-IV-10-004A |
10/14/2010 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.: Wolf Creek Technical Specification Required Reactor Shutdown (Update) |
PNO-IV-10-004 |
10/05/2010 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.: Wolf Creek Technical Specification Required Reactor Shutdown |
September |
PNO-IV-10-003A |
09/07/2010 |
Entergy Operations, Inc.: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 Technical Specification Required Reactor Shutdown (Update) |
PNO-IV-10-003 |
09/07/2010 |
Entergy Operations, Inc.: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 Technical Specification Required Reactor Shutdown |
August |
PNO-III-10-015 |
08/31/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co.: Initiation of Reactive Inspection in Response to a Failure of the Mechanism that Cools Water Surrounding a Canister Containing Spent Fuel |
PNO-III-10-014A |
08/23/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co.: Braidwood Units 1 & 2 - Shutdown of Braidwood Reactors Unit 1 & 2 (Update) |
PNO-III-10-014 |
08/17/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co.: Braidwood Units 1 & 2 - Shutdown of Braidwood Reactors Unit 1 & 2 |
PNO-II-10-004A |
08/11/2010 |
Duke Energy Carolinas LLC.: Notification of Unusual Event Due to Loss of Annunciators (Update) |
PNO-II-10-004 |
08/11/2010 |
Duke Energy Carolinas LLC.: Notification of Unusual Event Due to Loss of Annunciators |
PNO-I-10-005 |
08/10/2010 |
PPL, Susquehanna, LLC: Susquehanna Station - Alert Declared Due to High Refrigerant Levels in the Unit 1 Reactor Building |
PNO-III-10-013 |
08/09/2010 |
Former Breckenridge Disposal Site: Potentially Hazardous Material Spill at the Former Breckenridge Disposal Site |
PNO-I-10-004A |
08/04/2010 |
PPL, Susquehanna, LLC: Susquehanna Unit 1 Manual Scram and Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to an Internal Flooding Event (Update) |
July |
PNO-111-10-012A |
07/22/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co.: LaSalle Units 1 and 2 Leakage of Tritium from Onsite Storage Tank (Update) |
PNO-I-10-004 |
07/20/2010 |
PPL, Susquehanna, LLC: Susquehanna Unit 1 Manual Scram and Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to an Internal Flooding Event |
PNO-II-10-002B |
07/08/2010 |
Carolina Power and Light Company: H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant - Fires Affecting Safety Related Equipment; Special Inspection Upgraded to an Augmented Inspection (update) |
PNO-III-10-010A |
07/06/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Update - Palisades Forced Shutdown for Greater than 72 Hours to Replace Leaking Control Rod Drive Seal |
PNO-III-10-012 |
07/02/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co.: LaSalle Leakage of Tritium from Onsite Storage Tank |
June |
PNO-III-10-011 |
06/29/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Start-Up Following Repairs of Control Rod Drive Mechanism Nozzle Flaw Indications |
PNO-II-10-003 |
06/29/2010 |
Honeywell International, Inc.: Bargaining Unit Lock-Out at Honeywell- Metropolis Works |
PNO-III-10-010 |
06/24/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades – Forced Shutdown for Greater than 72 Hours to Replace Leaking Control Rod Drive Seal |
PNO-I-10-003 |
06/23/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./American Electric Power: Unusual Event Declarations Due to Seismic Activity at Vermont Yankee and D.C. Cook Stations |
PNO-IV-10-002 |
06/23/2010 |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company: Alert at Diablo Canyon Power Plant Unit 1 |
PNO-III-10-009A |
06/17/2010 |
Detroit Edison Company: Fermi 2 Alert and Unplanned Shutdown for Greater Than 72 Hours (Update) |
PNO-III-10-009 |
06/07/2010 |
Detroit Edison Company: Fermi 2 Alert and Unplanned Shutdown for Greater Than 72 Hours |
May |
PNO-I-10-002 |
05/28/2010 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Loss of Normal Communications / Storm Impact Offsite at Vermont Yankee |
PNO-III-10-008 |
05/20/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Public Availability of Two NRC Employees Differing Professional Opinions Concerning Past Issues at Davis Besse |
PNO-III-10-007 |
05/19/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co./Quad Cities: Unusual Event Declared at Quad Cities Due to Freon Leak in the Access Building |
PNO-III-10-006A |
05/19/2010 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Perry Nuclear Power Station: Manual Reactor Scram Due to Loss of Control Rod Drive Charging Water Header Pumps (Update) |
PNO-III-10-006 |
05/14/2010 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Perry Nuclear Power Station: Manual Reactor Scram Due to Loss of Control Rod Drive Charging Water Header Pumps |
April |
PNO-II-10-002A |
04/15/2010 |
Carolina Power and Light Company: H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant - Fires Affecting Safety Related Equipment (Update) |
PNO-III-10-003A |
04/12/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Control Rod Drive Mechanism Nozzle Indications (Update) |
March |
PNO-III-10-005A |
03/31/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Turbine-Driven Feedwater Pump Fire Caused by Leak in Lube Oil System (Update) |
PNO-III-10-004A |
03/31/2010 |
Detroit Edison Company: Fermi 2 Scram and Unplanned Shutdown for Greater Than 72 Hours (Update) |
PNO-III-10-004 |
03/30/2010 |
Detroit Edison Company: Fermi 2 Scram and Unplanned Shutdown for Greater Than 72 Hours |
PNO-III-10-005 |
03/30/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Turbine-Driven Feedwater Pump Fire Caused by Leak in Lube Oil System |
PNO-II-10-002 |
03/29/2010 |
Carolina Power and Light Company: H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant - Fires Affecting Safety Related Equipment |
PNO-III-10-003 |
03/16/2010 |
First Energy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Control Rod Drive Mechanism Nozzle Indications |
PNO-I-10-001A |
03/01/2010 |
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, Inc.: Update - Calvert Cliffs Dual-Unit Trip Due to Partial Loss of Offsite Power |
February |
PNO-I-10-001 |
02/19/2010 |
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, Inc.: Calvert Cliffs Dual-Unit Trip Due to Partial Loss of Offsite Power |
PNO-II-10-001 |
02/19/2010 |
Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1: RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage identified on RTD Weld |
January |
PNO-III-10-002 |
01/21/2010 |
Prairie Island Units 1 and 2, Northern States Power-Minnesota: Fire in a Nonsafety-Related Diesel Generator |
PNO-IV-10-001A |
01/19/2010 |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company: Earthquake Near Humboldt Bay Power Plant (Update) |
PNO-IV-10-001 |
01/11/2010 |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company: Earthquake Near Humboldt Bay Power Plant |
PNO-III-10-001 |
01/11/2010 |
Exelon Generation Co., LLC: Braidwood Station Declaration of Unusual Event Due to Fire within the Protected Area |