December |
PNO-III-12-018A |
12/12/2012 |
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC: Unplanned Shutdown Expected to Last Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Electrical Ground Detected on the Main Generator Field – (Update) |
PNO-IV-2012-005A |
12/04/2012 |
Uranium One USA, Inc.: Uranium Concentrate (Yellowcake) Released Upon Handling of Product Drum Shipped by Uranium One USA to a Fuel Services Refinery in Ontario, Canada, Resulting in Exposure to Workers – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-018 |
12/03/2012 |
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC: Unplanned Shutdown Expected to Last Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Electrical Ground Detected on the Main Generator Field |

November |
PNO-III-12-017 |
11/29/2012 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Unusual Event Declared after Carbon Monoxide Detectors Alarmed in the Radwaste Building Control Room |
PNO-I-12-008A |
11/28/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Notification of Unusual Event Due to Fire in Main Transformer – (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-007A |
11/21/2012 |
Entergy Operations, Inc.: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Security Officer Lockout – (Update) |
PNO-I-12-007A |
11/14/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC; PSEG; Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC; and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Hurricane Sandy Causes Oyster Creek Alert and Shutdowns of Reactors at Nine Mile Point Unit 1, Indian Point Unit 3, and Salem Unit 1 – (Update) |
PNO-lll-12-016 |
11/13/2012 |
Detroit Edison Company, Fermi Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Due to Hydrogen In-Leakage to the Stator Water Cooling System |
PNO-I-12-008 |
11/13/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Notification of Unusual Event Due to Fire in Main Transformer and Bus Ducting |
PNO-III-12-015A |
11/09/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Leakage from the Main Steam System – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-015 |
11/05/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Leakage from the Main Steam System |
PNO-III-12-014 |
11/01/2012 |
Northern States Power Company: Notification of Unusual Event at Prairie Island |

October |
PNO-I-12-007 |
10/31/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC, PSEG, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Hurricane Sandy Causes Oyster Creek Alert and Shutdowns of Reactors at Nine Mile Point Unit 1, Indian Point Unit 3, and Salem Unit 1 |
PNO-III-12-013 |
10/23/2012 |
Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc./Kewaunee Power Station: Planned Shutdown and Decommissioning of Kewaunee Power Station |
PNO-II-12-004A |
10/22/2012 |
Virginia Electric Power Company (VEPCO): Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Decreased Unit 2 "A" Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) #1 Seal Leakoff Flow – (Update) |
PNO-II-12-004 |
10/09/2012 |
Virginia Electric Power Company (VEPCO): Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Decreased Unit 2 "A" Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) #1 Seal Leakoff Flow |
PNO-IV-12-007 |
10/01/2012 |
Entergy Operations, Inc.: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Security Officer Lockout |

September |
PNO-II-12-003A |
09/27/2012 |
Duke Energy/Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Potential 1B Recirculation Pump Seal Failure – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-012 |
09/25/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Leakage from the Service Water System |
PNO-III-12-011A |
09/20/2012 |
Detroit Edison Company/Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due To Loss Of The 120 Kilovolt Switchyard – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-011 |
09/18/2012 |
Detroit Edison Company/Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due To Loss Of The 120 Kilovolt Switchyard |
PNO-II-12-003 |
09/18/2012 |
Duke Energy/Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Potential 1B Recirculation Pump Seal Failure |
PNO-III-12-010A |
09/07/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC / Dresden, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours on August 30, 2012, Due to Circulating Water System Vacuum Vent Line Failure – (Update) |
PNO-I-12-006A |
09/05/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Three Mile Island Unit 1: Shutdown due to Reactor Coolant System Leak – (Update) |
PNO-IV-2012-006B |
09/05/2012 |
Waterford 3, River Bend Station and Grand Gulf: Region IV Response to Hurricane/Severe Weather on Gulf Coast – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-010 |
09/04/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC / Dresden, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours on August 30, 2012, Due to Circulating Water System Vacuum Vent Line Failure |

August |
PNO-III-12-007A |
08/30/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Palisades Nuclear Plant: Shutdown Due to Increase in Unidentified Reactor Coolant System Leakage - (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-006A |
08/30/2012 |
Waterford 3, River Bend Station and Grand Gulf: Region IV Response to Hurricane/Severe Weather on Gulf Coast - (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-006 |
08/29/2012 |
Waterford 3, River Bend Station and Grand Gulf: Region IV Response to Hurricane/Severe Weather on Gulf Coast |
PNO-I-12-006 |
08/23/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Three Mile Island: Shutdown due to Reactor Coolant System Leak |
PNO-III-12-009A |
08/20/2012 |
Northern States Power Co./ Monticello: Shutdown Due to Drywell Unidentified Leakage Above Technical Specification Limits - (Update) |
PNO-III-12-009 |
08/16/2012 |
Northern States Power Co./ Monticello: Shutdown Due to Drywell Unidentified Leakage Above Technical Specification Limits |
PNO-III-12-008 |
08/16/2012 |
Northern States Power Company, Minnesota/Prairie Island Unit 1: Unplanned Shutdown Due to Both Emergency Diesel Generators Being Declared Inoperable |
PNO-III-12-007 |
08/14/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Palisades Nuclear Plant: Shutdown Due to Increase in Unidentified Reactor Coolant System Leakage |

July |
PNO-I-12-005 |
07/31/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC/Oyster Creek: Reactor Shutdown and Unusual Event Due to a Loss of Offsite Power and Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours |
PNO-III-12-006A |
07/30/2012 |
Detroit Edison Company/Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Scram on June 25, 2012, Due To Loss of Reactor Feed Pump - (Update) |
PNO-I-12-004A |
07/26/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC/Limerick Unit 1: Notification of Unusual Event Declared Due to an Electrical Fault in a Non-Safety Related Transformer; Item of Potential Media Interest - (Update) |
PNO-I-12-004 |
07/19/2012 |
Exelon Generating Company, LLC/Limerick Unit 1: Notification of Unusual Event Declared Due to an Electrical Fault in a Non-Safety Related Transformer |
PNO-III-12-004A |
07/11/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Palisades Nuclear Plant: Shutdown Due to Safety Injection Refueling Water Storage Tank Leakage - (Update) |
PNO-I-12-002G |
07/09/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions and Status of Union Contract Negotiations - (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-005 |
07/05/2012 |
Uranium One USA, Inc.: Uranium Concentrate (Yellowcake) Released Upon Handling of Product Drum Shipped by Uranium One USA to a Fuel Services Refinery in Ontario, Canada, Resulting in Exposure to Workers |
PNO-I-12-003A |
07/05/2012 |
PPL Susquehanna, LLC/Susquehanna Unit 1: Shutdown Expected to be Greater Than 72 hrs to Repair Leak from Chemical Decontamination Pipe on '1A' Reactor Recirculation Loop - (Update) |
PNO-I-12-002F |
07/03/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions and Status of Union Contract Negotiations – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-007 |
07/02/2012 |
NextEra Energy Point Beach/Point Beach, Unit 2: Manual Reactor Trip and Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours |

June |
PNO-III-12-006 |
06/28/2012 |
Detroit Edison Company/Fermi Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Scram on June 25, 2012, Due To Loss of Reactor Feed Pump |
PNO-I-12-003 |
06/21/2012 |
PPL Susquehanna, LLC/Susquehanna Unit 1: Shutdown Expected to be Greater Than 72 hrs to Repair Leak from Chemical Decontamination Pipe on '1A' Reactor Recirculation Loop |
PNO-I-12-002E |
06/21/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Status of Union Lockout at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station – (Update) |
PNO-III-12-005 |
06/19/2012 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours |
PNO-III-12-004 |
06/14/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Palisades Nuclear Plant: Shutdown Due to Safety Injection Refueling Water Storage Tank Leakage |
PNO-IV-12-004B |
06/13/2012 |
River Bend Station: Augmented Inspection Team onsite at River Bend Station (Update) |
PNO-I-12-002D |
06/06/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions During Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Union Contract Negotiations – (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-004A |
06/05/2012 |
River Bend Station: Augmented Inspection Team onsite at River Bend Station (Update) |

May |
PNO-I-12-002C |
05/29/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions During Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Union Contract Negotiations – (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-004 |
05/29/2012 |
River Bend Station: Augmented Inspection Team onsite at River Bend Station |
PNO-I-12-002B |
05/25/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions During Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Union Contract Negotiations – (Update) |
PNO-I-12-002A |
05/17/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions and Status of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Union Contract Negotiations – (Update) |
PNO-I-12-002 |
05/16/2012 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: Current NRC Actions During Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Union Contract Negotiations |
PNO-I-12-001A |
05/09/2012 |
PSEG/Salem Generating Station: Salem Generating Station Unit 1 Inadvertent Safety Injection and Notification of Unusual Event due to Fire Alarm in Containment (Update) |
PNO-I-12-001 |
05/03/2012 |
PSEG/Salem Generating Station: Salem Generating Station Unit 1 Inadvertent Safety Injection and Notification of Unusual Event due to Fire Alarm in Containment |

April |
PNO-IV-11-009B |
04/24/2012 |
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company/South Texas Project Unit 2: Reactor Trip and Extended Outage - (Update) |
PNO-II-12-001 |
04/05/2012 |
Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2: Notification of Unusual Event due to Loss of Offsite Power |

March |
PNO-IV-12-002B |
03/27/2012 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp./Wolf Creek Generating Station: Plant Startup Following Reactor Trip and Loss of Offsite Power at Wolf Creek Generating Station - (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-003A |
03/16/2012 |
Southern California Edison Company/San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station: Augmented Inspection Team Onsite at San Onofre Unit 3 - (Update) |
PNO-III-12-003 |
03/14/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Byron Unit 1: Unplanned Shutdown for Greater Than 72 Hours |
PNO-III-12-002A |
03/02/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Byron Unit 1: Loss of Offsite Power and Declaration of a Notice of Unusual Event - (Update) |

February |
PNO-III-12-002 |
02/29/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Byron Unit 1: Loss of Offsite Power and Declaration of a Notice of Unusual Event |
PNO-III-12-001 |
02/07/2012 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC/Byron Unit 2: Restarts After a Loss of Offsite Power and Declaring a Notice of Unusual Event |
PNO-IV-12-003 |
02/01/2012 |
Southern California Edison Company/San Onofre Unit 3: Steam Generator Tube Leak and Rapid Shutdown |

January |
PNO-IV-12-002A |
01/30/2012 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp./Wolf Creek Generating Station: Augmented Inspection Team Onsite - (Update) |
PNO-IV-12-002 |
01/18/2012 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp./Wolf Creek Generating Station: Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-IV-11-009A |
01/12/2012 |
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company/South Texas Project Unit 2: Reactor Trip - (Update) |
