December |
PNO-III-13-008 |
12/13/2013 |
Exelon Generation Co., LLC: Clinton Manual Scram Following Transformer Failure |
PNO-IV-13-004A |
12/10/2013 |
Entergy: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Fire in Auxilary Transformer |
PNO-IV-13-004 |
12/09/2013 |
Entergy: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Notification of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-13-008A |
12/02/2013 |
Duke Power Co.: Oconee Unit 1 Shutdown due to Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure Boundary Leakage – (Update) |
November |
PNO-II-13-008 |
11/12/2013 |
Duke Power Co.: Oconee Unit 1 Shutdown due to Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure Boundary Leakage |
September |
PNO-III-13-007 |
09/20/2013 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station: Davis-Besse Shield Building Laminar Cracks |
August |
PNO-IV-13-002C |
08/08/2013 |
Entergy: Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, Return to Power Operation - (Update) |
July |
PNO-III-13-006A |
07/15/2013 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station: Davis-Besse Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours on June 29, 2013, Due to Trip of Reactor Coolant Pump and Subsequent Discovery of Reactor Pressure Boundary Leakage - (Update) |
PNO-III-13-006 |
07/02/2013 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station: Davis-Besse Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours on June 29, 2013, Due to Trip of Reactor Coolant Pump and Subsequent Discovery of Reactor Pressure Boundary Leakage |
June |
PNO-III-13-005 |
06/18/2013 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company: Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Due to a Pressure Boundary Leak |
PNO-III-13-004B |
06/17/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWT) Leakage - (Update) |
PNO-IV-13-003 |
06/07/2013 |
Southern California Edison Company: San Onofre Units 2 and 3: Licensee Announcement of Permanent Shutdown of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (Songs) Units 2 and 3 |
May |
PNO-III-13-004A |
05/06/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Safety Injection Refueling Water Storage Tank (SIRWT) Leakage - (Update) |
PNO-III-13-004 |
05/06/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Safety Injection Refueling Water Storage Tank Leakage |
April |
PNO-IV-13-002B |
04/30/2013 |
Entergy: Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2 Reactor Trip and Notification of Unusual Event - (Update) |
PNO-IV-13-001A |
04/23/2013 |
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company: South Texas Project Unit 2 Reactor Trip - (Update) |
PNO-II-13-005A |
04/23/2013 |
Tennessee Valley Authority: Notification of Unusual Event Due to Security Incident - (Update) |
PNO-II-13-005 |
04/21/2013 |
Tennessee Valley Authority: Notification of Unusual Event Due to Security Incident |
PNO-III-13-003 |
04/18/2013 |
Exelon Generation: LaSalle County Station Loss of Off-Site Power and Dual Unit Reactor Scram |
PNO-IV-13-002A |
04/09/2013 |
Entergy: Augmented Inspection Team Onsite at Arkansas Nuclear One - Update - (Update) |
PNO-IV-13-002 |
04/02/2013 |
Entergy: Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 2, Notification Of Unusual Event |
PNO-II-13-003A |
04/01/2013 |
Florida Power and Light Co.: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Closure Of B Train Steam Generator Main Steam Isolation Valve - (Update) |
March |
PNO-II-13-004A |
03/27/2013 |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Reactor Feedwater Heater Level Control Line Leak - (Update) |
PNO-II-13-004 |
03/21/2013 |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Reactor Feedwater Heater Level Control Line Leak |
PNO-II-13-003 |
03/14/2013 |
Florida Power and Light Co.: Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Closure of B Train Steam Generator Main Steam Isolation Valve |
PNO-II-13-001A |
03/11/2013 |
Florida Power and Light Co.: Unit Startup Following Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due To High Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Leak Off Rate - (Update) |
February |
PNO-III-13-002A |
02/22/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Leakage from the Component Cooling Water (CCW) System - (Update) |
PNO-II-13-001 |
02/19/2013 |
Florida Power and Light Co.: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Due to High Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Leak Off Rate |
PNO-I-13-001D |
02/19/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./ Pilgrim Station: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power During Winter Storm Nemo - (Update) |
PNO-III-13-002 |
02/15/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Shutdown Due to Leakage from the Component Cooling Water (CCW) System |
PNO-I-13-001C |
02/11/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./ Pilgrim Station: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power During Winter Storm Nemo - (Update) |
PNO-I-13-001B |
02/10/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./ Pilgrim Station: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power During Winter Storm Nemo - (Update) |
PNO-I-13-001A |
02/09/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./ Pilgrim Station: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power During Winter Storm Nemo - (Update) |
PNO-I-13-001 |
02/09/2013 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./ Pilgrim Station: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power During Winter Storm Nemo |
January |
PNO-III-13-001 |
01/29/2013 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Due to an Automatic Reactor Protection System Actuation |
PNO-IV-13-001 |
01/09/2013 |
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company: South Texas Project Unit 2 Reactor Trip |
PNO-lll-12-016A |
01/04/2013 |
Detroit Edison Company/Fermi Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2: Unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Due to Hydrogen In-Leakage to the Stator Water Cooling System – (Update) |