December |
PNO-III-14-012A |
12/29/2014 |
Northern States Power Co.: Shutdown of Prairie Island Unit 1 due to Increasing Trend In Reactor Coolant System Leakage – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-012 |
12/12/2014 |
Northern States Power Co.: Shutdown of Prairie Island Unit 1 due to Increasing Trend In Reactor Coolant System Leakage |

November |
PNO-II-14-008C |
11/13/2014 |
Honeywell Specialty Chemicals/Honeywell International, Inc.: Honeywell Metropolis Works Shut Down Due to UF6 Leak - (Update) |
PNO-III-14-010A |
11/12/2014 |
Indiana Michigan Power Company: D.C. Cook Dual Unit Manual Trip resulting in a Shutdown for greater than 72 Hours on Unit 2 - (Update) |
PNO-III-14-010 |
11/04/2014 |
Indiana Michigan Power Company: D.C. Cook Dual Unit Manual Trip resulting in a Shutdown for greater than 72 Hours on Unit 2 |

October |
PNO-II-14-008A |
10/31/2014 |
Honeywell Specialty Chemicals/Honeywell International, Inc.: Honeywell Metropolis Works Shut Down Due to UF6 Leak - (Update) |
PNO-III-14-009A |
10/27/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (Perry Nuclear Power Plant): Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours due to a Loss of Feedwater – (Update) |
PNO-II-14-008 |
10/27/2014 |
Honeywell Specialty Chemicals/Honeywell International, Inc.: Honeywell Metropolis Works Shut Down Due to UF6 Leak |
PNO-III-14-009 |
10/24/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (Perry Nuclear Power Plant): Unplanned Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours due to a Loss of Feedwater |

August |
PNO-III-14-008A |
08/19/2014 |
Exelon Generation Company/LaSalle County Station, Unit 2: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Following a Reactor Scram – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-008 |
08/07/2014 |
Exelon Generation Company/LaSalle County Station, Unit 2: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours Following a Reactor Scram |
PNO-II-14-006A |
08/06/2014 |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)/Browns Ferry Unit 2: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours due to Increased Primary Coolant Leakage – (Update) |
PNO-II-14-006 |
08/05/2014 |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)/Browns Ferry Unit 2: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours due to Increased Primary Coolant Leakage |
PNO-II-14-007 |
08/04/2014 |
Honeywell Specialty Chemicals/Honeywell International, Inc.: Bargaining Unit Lockout at Honeywell - Metropolis Works |

July |
PNO-I-14-003 |
07/29/2014 |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc./Millstone Power Station Units 2: Shutdown Greater than 72 Hours due to a Technical Specification Required Shutdown for the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump |
PNO-II-14-005A |
07/24/2014 |
South Carolina Electric & Gas/V.C. Summer, Unit 1: Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Leaking Pressurizer Safety Valve – (Update) |
PNO-II-14-005 |
07/14/2014 |
South Carolina Electric & Gas/V.C. Summer, Unit 1: Shutdown Greater Than 72 Hours Due to Leaking Pressurizer Safety Valve |
PNO-III-14-007 |
07/09/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station: Unusual Event Due To Smoke Detector Alarm In Containment Building |

June |
PNO-III-14-006 |
06/11/2014 |
Execon Generation Co./Dresden, Unit 2 and Unit 3: Report of Tritium at Dresden Sewage Treatment Plant |
PNO-I-14-002A |
06/02/2014 |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc./Millstone Power Station Units 2 & 3: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power and Dual Reactor Trips – (Update) |
May |
PNO-I-14-002 |
05/28/2014 |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc./Millstone Power Station Units 2 & 3: Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of Offsite Power and Dual Reactor Trips |

April |
PNO-III-14-005A |
04/29/2014 |
Exelon Generation Co./Dresden Unit 2: Shutdown due to Main Transformer Damage – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-003A |
04/28/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Davis-Besse: Shield Building Restoration – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-005 |
04/15/2014 |
Exelon Generation Co./Dresden Unit 2: Shutdown due to Main Transformer Damage |
PNO-II-14-004 |
04/07/2014 |
Carolina Power & Light Co./Robinson Unit 2: Shutdown Due to Steam Generator Tube Leak – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-004 |
04/03/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Perry Nuclear Power Plant: Notification of Unusual Event Due to Toxic Chemical Leak |

March |
PNO-II-14-002A |
03/14/2014 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc./Palisades: Control Rod Drive Mechanism Housing Flaws |
PNO-II-14-004 |
03/10/2014 |
Carolina Power & Light Co./Robinson Unit 2: Shutdown Due to Steam Generator Tube Leak |
February |
PNO-III-14-003 |
02/19/2014 |
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company/Davis-Besse: Shield Building Voids |

January |
PNO-III-14-001A |
02/07/2014 |
Northern States Power Co./Monticello: Shutdown Due To Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure Boundary Leakage In Excess Of Technical Specification Limits – (Update) |
PNO-III-14-002 |
01/30/2014 |
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Palisades Control Rod Drive Mechanism Housing Flaws |
PNO-I-14-001 |
01/27/2014 |
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC/Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant: Dual Unit Trip Following the Loss of the '21' 13 kV Bus |
PNO-II-14-001 |
01/21/2014 |
Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PEC)/Harris Unit 1: Shutdown and Alert Declared due to Fire |
PNO-III-14-001 |
01/21/2014 |
Northern States Power Co./Monticello: Shutdown Due To RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage In Excess Of Technical Specification Limits |