Health Physics Questions and Answers - Question 80

Question 80: The revised Part 20 (ยง20.1003) provides definitions of "member of the public," "public dose," and "occupational dose." These definitions are not consistent with the definition of "member (s) of the public" defined (for nuclear power plants) in Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement 1 (NUREGs 1301 and 1302).

Consider that typically, one would expect any individual entering the "restricted area" would be considered to be occupationally exposed and not classified as a "member of the public." All individuals, including utility employees, their contractors, and delivery people outside the "restricted area," in the "controlled area," would be considered as "members of the public." The only exceptionis where a utility employee or its contractor doing work in a portion of the "controlled area" where public access has been restricted due to radiological exposure considerations. This concept is consistent with the revised rule.

Will the definitions of "member (s) of the public" in Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement 1 (NUREGs 1301 and 1302)be changed to be consistent with the definition of "member of the public" in the revised Part 20?

Answer: Yes. The NUREGs themselves will not be changed; however, in a forthcoming Generic Letter on mode l Technical Specifications that incorporate provisions of revised Part 20, the definition of "member (s) of the public" will be changed to be consistent with revised Part 20. See Question 26 and answer in the fourth set of questions and answers for clarification of the definition of "occupational dose."

(References: 10 CFR 20.1003, NUREG-1301, NUREG-1302).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 13, 2017