Records Management

The NRC Records Management Program is responsible for the development of policies and procedures for the creation and maintenance of records and information regardless of physical form or technology. Under the Office of the Chief Information Officer, the Digitization, Processing, and Records Branch ensures compliance with the Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, by promoting the management of records and information throughout their life cycle in an economical, efficient and effective manner. Implementation of this program facilitates:

  • the ability of NRC decision-makers to have the right information in support of mission accomplishments

  • the creation and maintenance of records to protect the rights and interests of the Commission and NRC Stakeholders

The Records and Information Management Vision is to organize, maintain, store and dispose/preserve all records and information in a systemic, defined manner in compliance with appropriate Federal government laws and regulations and meet agency business, historical, and reference needs.


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Management Directive 3.53, "NRC Records and Document Management Program," contains the requirements and responsibilities for conducting the NRC's records management program to ensure that the Commission is in compliance with federal laws and regulations, policies, and best practices. This directive also includes the management of documents and records in ADAMS.

Records maintained by the NRC are described in the disposition schedules listed in NUREG-0910, which provides mandatory instructions for how long to keep records (retention) and what to do with them afterwards (disposition). Federal records can only be destroyed, deleted, or transferred to another entity through the approval of a records disposition schedule by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NRC Records Disposition Schedules approved by NARA can be accessed via the following links:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 30, 2023