This Web page includes the priority and estimated schedule for each planned rulemaking activity. Also listed are petitions for rulemaking that are under review.
On this page:
Planned Rulemaking Activities
The rulemaking tracking and reporting system provides near real-time information on NRC rules and petitions for rulemaking. The rule and petition information is updated every two weeks. To access information on the agency's rules, see "Rules" below. To access information on petitions for rulemaking before the agency, see "Petitions for Rulemaking" below. Every two weeks the changes are posted under the "Changes" tab that highlights significant changes since the last rulemaking and petition report.
Common Prioritization of Rulemaking Methodology
Our basic prioritization process considers four factors and assigns a score to each factor.
Factor A includes rulemaking activities that support our Strategic Plan goals of ensuring the safe and secure use of radioactive materials. Factor A is scored between 0 and 20.
Factor B includes rulemaking activities that support our Principles of Good Regulation, independence, openness, efficiency, clarity, and reliability in the conduct of regulatory activities. Factor B is scored between 0 and 5.
Factor C is a governmental factor representing the relative interest of the NRC, Congress, or other governmental bodies in the rulemaking activity. Factor C is scored between 0 and 10.
Factor D is an external factor representing the relative interest in the rulemaking activity to members of the public, non-governmental organizations, the nuclear industry, vendors, and suppliers. Factor D includes rulemaking activities that support our Strategic Plan goal of ensuring Stakeholder Confidence. Factor D is scored between 0 and 10.
The scores of the four factors are added together to determine the rulemaking priority. A high-priority rulemaking activity scores between 31-45, a medium-priority rulemaking activity scores between 16-30, and a low-priority rulemaking activity scores between 0-15. Please see the complete CPR methodology for more information about how we prioritize rulemaking activities.
Additional Information
The following documents and links provide additional information about our rulemaking activities.
Where to Address Your Inquiries
Address your inquires to —
Cindy Bladey, Chief
Regulatory Analysis and Rulemaking Support Branch
Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
… or call toll free 800-368-5642 to be connected to the Regulatory Analysis and Rulemaking Support Branch
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 23, 2023