§ 75.2 Scope.
(a) The regulations in this part apply to all persons licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or an Agreement State; who hold a certificate of compliance, construction permit or authorization issued by the NRC; who have filed an application with the NRC to construct a facility or to receive source or special nuclear material; or who possess source or special nuclear material subject to NRC regulation under 10 CFR Chapter I.
(b) The regulations in this part do not apply to facilities or locations determined by the U.S. Government to be associated with activities or information of direct national security significance.
[45 FR 50711, July 31, 1980, as amended at 53 FR 43422, Oct. 27, 1988; 64 FR 48954, Sept. 9, 1999; 73 FR 78607, Dec. 23, 2008; 83 FR 19609, May 4, 2018]
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021