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Subpart A—General Provisions
76.1 Purpose.
76.2 Scope.
76.4 Definitions.
76.5 Communications.
76.6 Interpretations.
76.7 Employee protection.
76.8 Information collection requirements: OMB approval not required.
76.9 Completeness and accuracy of information.
76.10 Deliberate misconduct.
76.21 Certificate required.
76.23 Specific exemptions.
Subpart B—Application
76.31 Annual application requirement.
76.33 Application procedures.
76.35 Contents of application.
76.36 Renewals.
76.37 Federal Register notice.
76.39 Public meeting.
76.41 Record underlying decisions.
76.43 Annual date for decision.
76.45 Application for amendment of certificate.
Subpart C—Certification
76.51 Conditions of certification.
76.53 Consultation with Environmental Protection Agency.
76.55 Timely renewal.
76.60 Regulatory requirements which apply.
76.62 Issuance of certificate and/or approval of compliance plan.
76.64 Denial of certificate or compliance plan.
76.65 Inalienability of certificates.
76.66 Expiration and termination of certificates.
76.68 Plant changes.
76.70 Post issuance.
76.72 Miscellaneous procedural matters.
76.74 Computation and extension of time.
76.76 Backfitting.
Subpart D—Safety
76.81 Authorized use of radioactive material.
76.83 Transfer of radioactive material.
76.85 Assessment of accidents.
76.87 Technical safety requirements.
76.89 Criticality accident requirements.
76.91 Emergency planning.
76.93 Quality assurance.
76.95 Training.
Subpart E—Safeguards and Security
76.111 Physical security, material control and accounting, and protection of certain information.
76.113 Formula quantities of strategic special nuclear material—Category I.
76.115 Special nuclear material of moderate strategic significance—Category II.
76.117 Special nuclear material of low strategic significance—Category III.
76.119 Security facility approval and safeguarding of National Security Information and Restricted Data.
Subpart F—Reports and Inspections
76.120 Reporting requirements.
76.121 Inspections.
76.123 Tests.
Subpart G—Enforcement
76.131 Violations.
76.133 Criminal penalties.
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 122, 161, 193(f), 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2152, 2201, 2243(f), 2273, 2282, 2297f); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 206, 211 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5846, 5851); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
Source: 59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
[72 FR 63975, Nov. 14, 2007; 73 FR 63581, Oct. 24, 2008; 77 FR 39910, Jul. 6, 2012; 80 FR 54235, Sep. 9, 2015]
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021