Change Notice 97-013




  Number Date Number Date
1. ---- ---- IMC 1601 09/02/97
2. ---- ---- IMC 2641 09/02/97
3. IMC 2801 04/15/94 IMC 2801 09/02/97
4. IP 84900 03/07/94 IP 84900 09/02/97
5. IP 87100, App D 02/03/97 ---- ----
6. ---- ---- IP 87120 09/02/97
7. ---- ---- IP 87120, App A 09/02/97
8. ---- ---- IP 87654 09/02/97
9. ---- ---- IP 89001 09/02/97

TRAINING: No special training requirements have been identified for any documents issued with this change notice.


IMC 1601 (Communication Protocol For Assessing Offsite Emergency Preparedness Following a Natural Disaster) is issued to provide a communication protocol to NRR, Regional, and AEOD staff for coordinating communications within NRC and with power reactor licensees and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This protocol is intended to ensure that communications regarding the state of offsite emergency preparedness following a natural disaster in the area of a power reactor are rapid and reliable. This inspection manual chapter supersedes and replaces interim guidance for this activity provided in a memorandum from Brian K. Grimes, dated July 6, 1996.

IMC 2641 (In-Situ Leach Facilities Inspection Program) is issued to establish the routine safety inspection program for in-situ leach facilities.

IMC 2801 (Uranium Mill 11e.(2) Byproduct Material Disposal Site and Facility Inspection Program) has been revised to reflect additional inspection-related observations/needs identified since the original issuance of the IMC.

IMC 84900 (Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage) has been revised to reflect changes that have resulted from periodic reviews of inspection procedures as performed by IMNS.

IP 87100, Appendix D (Industrial Radiography Inspection Field Notes) is deleted. It has been replaced by IP 87120.

IP 87120 (Industrial Radiography Programs)

IP 87120, Appendix A (Industrial Radiography Inspection Field Notes) are issued to provide a comprehensive inspection program for materials inspections of industrial radiography licensees and to incorporate requirements established in the 1997 rule revision. IP 87120 replaces the guidance in IP 87100, Appendix D, for these licensees and centralizes radiography inspection guidance. A set of "field notes" is provided as an appendix to the procedure.

IP 87654 (Uranium Mill Site Decommissioning Inspection) is issued to supplement decommissioning-related guidance that is provided in IMC 2801.

IP 89001 (In-Situ Leach (ISL) Facilities) to address NRC inspection of uranium in-situ leach facilities. Most new uranium production in the USA is projected to use in-situ leach technology. The inspection of in-situ leach facilities involves significant differences from the inspection of conventional uranium mills. Inspections of in-situ facilities will be performed by inspectors based in the region or in headquarters. This procedure will provide consistency between inspections done by regional or headquarters staff. The objective of this procedure is to determine if licensed activities are being conducted in a manner that will protect the environment, the health and safety of the workers, and the general public.



Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, April 17, 2020