Drug-Free Workplace Program (NUREG/BR-0135, Revision 3)

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Publication Information

Date Published: April 2003

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001


Achieving a drug-free America is one of our nation's highest priorities. President Reagan directed the Federal government to work toward a drug-free workplace and signed an Executive Order to assist in that effort. As a result of our national security and public health and safety responsibilities and the sensitive nature of our work, we at the NRC have a compelling obligation to detect and eliminate illegal drug use from our workplace. We can achieve that objective by increasing our understanding of the impact the use of illegal drugs will have on ourselves and our families, and by maintaining our commitment to counseling and rehabilitation. In this way, we uphold our responsibilities to ensure a drug-free workplace while protecting the rights and the dignity of the individual employee.

NRC developed a comprehensive Drug-Free Workplace Plan that includes extensive awareness and education opportunities for all employees, drug testing, counseling, and provisions for rehabilitation for employees who use illegal drugs. This brochure has been developed to provide general information and answer common questions employees may have regarding this plan. If you have any questions not addressed in this brochure, please obtain a copy of the NRC Drug-Free Workplace Plan (NUREG/BR-0134, Rev. 1) or call the Division of Facilities and Security, Office of Administration at 301-415-6546.

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