NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning
Of the 38 complex materials sites that are currently undergoing decommissioning in the United States, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) currently regulates 12 sites, located in 8 States, overseen by the agency's 4 regional offices, as illustrated by the following map. The table below the map identifies these sites and provides links to their descriptions, which include site status summaries, any major technical or regulatory issues, and the estimated date for closure of each site. For a quick summary in open format (Microsoft Excel), see Status of NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning, as well as the related Data Dictionary (both in Microsoft Excel format).
* Non-NRC regulated decommissioning site. The NRC staff is staying informed of the remediation at this site.
** Region III oversees all materials licensees in Missouri (MO).
Note: Region I oversees all materials licensees in Region II.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021