The NMSS News Link (NUREG/BR-0117) was discontinued in 2018. Links to resources providing the recurring information from the newsletter can be found on this Web page.
On this page:
This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools for more information.
Enforcement Actions
The Escalated Enforcement Actions Issued to Materials Licensees Web page lists enforcement actions alphabetically by materials licensee. You can also browse all Enforcement Actions for materials licensees for a particular year.

Generic Communications
The Generic Communications Web page provides a list of all open Generic Communications. Additionally, there are links to all NRC Generic Communications organized by type and year.

Federal Register Notices
The NRC's Federal Register Notices Web page provides a year-by-year list of all Federal Register notices published by the agency.

Ongoing Rulemakings
The agency provides a database of the NRC's Ongoing Rulemakings. Using one of the many search functions, NMSS rules can be shown by selecting an area of responsibility, including:
- Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste
- Fuel Facilities
- Nuclear Materials Users
- Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, June 05, 2020