Medical Products Distribution Licensee Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to help licensees find key information easily.
On this page:
The NRC's regulations are found in Chapter I of Title 10, "Energy," of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Chapter I is divided into Parts 1 through 199. The following parts contain the requirements most relevant to medical products distribution licensing and possession:
Medical Product Manufacturers and Distributors
Part 32.72 – Manufacture, preparation, or transfer for commercial distribution of radioactive drugs containing byproduct material for medical use under
Part 35, or
Part 32.74 – Manufacture and distribution of sources or devices containing byproduct material for medical use, and
Commercial Nuclear Pharmacies
Part 30 – Rules of general applicability to domestic licensing of byproduct material
Part 32.72 – Manufacture, preparation, or transfer for commercial distribution of radioactive drugs containing byproduct materia for medical use under
Part 35
Note: The commercial nuclear pharmacy license is the only MD-distribution license that includes possession and use of licensed material as well as preparation and distribution of radioactive drugs in the same license. All other MD-distribution licenses prohibit the possession and use of licensed material. This is why on this page Part 30 is only listed as an applicable regulation for the commercial nuclear pharmacy.
See also the Medical, Industrial, Academic Uses of Nuclear Materials Regulations, Guidance, and Communications page.
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Consolidated materials guidance is published in "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses" (NUREG-1556).
Manufacturers and distributors:
- Volume 12, Program-Specific Guidance About Possession Licenses for Manufacturing and Distribution
- Volume 3, Applications for Sealed Source and Device Evaluation and Registration
Commercial nuclear pharmacies:
- Volume 13, Program-Specific Guidance About Commercial Nuclear Pharmacies
Regulatory guides (RGs) are issued in 10 divisions and are intended to aid licensees in implementing regulations. The guides most applicable to medical products distribution are—
Manufacturers and distributors
Web (HTML) versions of some regulatory guides are available for viewing or downloading at this site. In the index for each division of guides, the number of each guide available at this site is underscored. All active final and draft guides are also available in NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).
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License Types
Medical Product Distribution License Types
NRC assigns five-digit program code number(s) to each license according to the principal activities authorized in the license. NRC uses approximately 100 program codes to classify the activities of thousands of active licenses. The program codes that are assigned to a license may be used to identify the applicable fee categories in the schedules in 10 CFR Part 170 and 10 CFR Part 171. To learn more about program codes and their descriptions and the associated fee and inspection categories, see "Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Program Code Descriptions and Inspection Priorities."
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Medical product manufacturers, distributors, and commercial nuclear pharmacies license applicants are required to pay a fee to the NRC upon application for a new license and are required to pay an annual license fee to the NRC thereafter. Refer to the
schedule of materials fees for the fees required for each category of license and each type of fee.
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The Application for Material License
Form 313 may be used by all medical product manufacturers, distributors, and commercial nuclear pharmacies applicants as a guide to information needed by the NRC. Application checklists are also provided in the appendices to NUREG-1556 guidance so that applicants will better understand the type of information needed for NRC review of the application.