Fire Research Projects

In orchestrating the Fire Research Program for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Fire Research Branch in the NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research plans, develops, and manages a variety of state-of-the-art projects. The following table lists the ongoing projects. See Chapter 7 of NUREG-1925 for additional detail on selected projects.


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Category Project/Program Description
Analysis and Experimentation Cable Response to Live Fire (CAROLFIRE) Complete publication of the three-volume NUREG/CR-6931 report, including data and pictures available on the NRC's public Web site, and on CD-ROMs accompanying the published volumes.
Extract additional data over and above that related to the “Bin 2 Items” (e.g., conductor-to-conductor hot short likelihood).
Low-Power and Shutdown (LP&SD) Fire PRA Methodology Develop a methodology for use in performing fire-related probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) for LP&SD (similar to the full-power methodology described in NUREG/CR-6850).
Fire PRA NFPA 805 Support Provide support regarding transition of pilot plants (Oconee and Harris) to 10 CFR 50.48(c) via participation in staff observation visits, staff audits of fire PRAs, and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) program related to NFPA Standard 805, "Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light-Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition" (NFPA 805).
Regulatory Guide 1.200 Oversee the technical quality of the staff position in RG 1.200 re: fire PRA standard and peer review guidance.
Fire Modeling and Experimentation Fire Model Users Guide Develop a guide to assist fire protection engineers in selecting and using the five fire models documented in NUREG-1824 to predict fire impact on nuclear power plants.
NUREG-1805 Maintenance/Revision Revise and improve existing spreadsheets in NUREG-1805 as experience necessitates.
Develop new spreadsheets (for inclusion in a supplement to NUREG-1805), which predict quantities of importance in estimating fire risk in nuclear power plants.
OECD PRISME Project Participate in international cooperative agreement with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in order to acquire high-quality real-scale experimental data to be used to validate the Thermally-Induced Electrical Failure (THIEF) model of cable failure and expand NUREG-1824.
Spent Fuel Cask Seal Testing Evaluate cask seal performance in beyond-design-basis fire events to determine leak rate.
Aircraft Impact Assessment Develop input on the effects of fire (following an aircraft impact on the certified standard design for the U.S. Advanced Pressurized-Water Reactor (US-APWR).
Cable Flammability Testing Conduct extensive small-, medium-, and large-scale testing to develop information on cable flame spread and heat release rate.
Fire Model Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) Conduct a PIRT study using fire modeling experts to identify and rank fire phenomena for importance in nuclear power plant scenarios.
Sandia National Laboratory/Factory Mutual (SNL/FM) Data Analysis Recover and analyze data from tests on control room fires performed by SNL/FM during 1986.
Fire-Related Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) Fire HRA Methods Development Develop a methodology and associated guidance for performing quantitative HRA for post-fire mitigative human actions modeled in a fire PRA [joint project with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)].
Fire HRA Introduction Develop an introductory guide on HRA for fire-generated conditions in nuclear power plant applications.
Fire Effects on Electrical Systems and Components Cable Fire Testing Perform circuit testing of risk-significant direct current (DC) circuits to allow for comparison of their spurious operation likelihood to that of alternating current (AC) circuits.
Reassessment of Spurious Actuation Probabilities Use cable testing data from CAROLFIRE, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and others to reassess, via an expert panel, the probabilities of spurious circuit actuation
Fire Chemistry Technical Assistance on the Red Oil Phenomenon Assist in reviewing red oil excursions of the mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility and the development of risk assessment methods that focus on issues important to safety and making risk-informed decisions during the review of fuel cycle facilities.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 28, 2022