PRA Implementation Plan (1994 to 1999)

In a memorandum to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations, dated November 2, 1993, the directors from the agency's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS), Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD), and Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) concurred on the need to systematically expand the use of PRA within the agency. On that basis, the NRC subsequently developed the PRA Implementation Plan to ensure the increased use of PRA in regulatory activities. In particular, the PRA Implementation Plan was intended to provide an overview of each office's activities in the field of PRA. Toward that end, the PRA Implementation Plan was updated periodically until it was replaced by the RIRIP.

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SECY Title Date
94-219 Proposed Agency-Wide Implementation Plan for Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) 08/19/1994
95-079 Status Update of the Agency-Wide Implementation Plan for Probabilistic Risk Assessment 03/30/1995
96-218 Quarterly Status Update for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan, Including a Discussion of Four Emerging Policy Issues Associated With Risk-Informed Performance-Based Regulation 10/11/1996
97-009 Quarterly Status Update for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan 01/13/1997
97-076 Quarterly Status Update for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan 04/03/1997
97-158 Quarterly Status for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 07/22/1997
97-234 Quarterly Status for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 10/14/1997
98-012 Quarterly Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 01/23/1998
98-096 Quarterly Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 05/01/1998
98-186 Quarterly Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 07/31/1998
99-082 Quarterly Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 03/18/1999
99-211 Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan 08/18/1999

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