Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan (RIRIP) (2000 to 2007)

In SECY-99-211 (the last update to the PRA Implementation Plan), the NRC staff advised the Commission of its intention to restructure the PRA Implementation Plan to more clearly describe the agency's risk-informed activities, provide links between those activities and the agency's Strategic Plan, and change the frequency of updates from quarterly to semi-annually.

Then, in a memorandum to the Commission, dated January 13, 2000, the staff provided a proposed outline of the revised plan and noted intention to change the title from the "PRA Implementation Plan" to the "Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan" (RIRIP) to better characterize its nature and purpose. In addition, the memorandum noted that the RIRIP would have the following focuses:

  • Track the three principal arenas in the agency's Strategic Plan (Nuclear Reactor Safety, Nuclear Materials Safety, and Nuclear Waste Safety).

  • Provide clear objectives and links to the Commission's PRA Policy Statement and the agency's Strategic Plan.

  • Identify criteria for selecting and prioritizing the agency practices and policies that should be risk-informed, and provide guidelines for their implementation.

  • Identify significant programs associated with these efforts, and provide related major milestones, including plans for communicating information to the agency's stakeholders.

To request additional information, Contact Us About Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation.

SECY Title Date
00-0062 Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 03/15/2000
00-0213 Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 10/26/2000
01-0218 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 12/05/2001
02-0131 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 07/12/2002
03-0044 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 03/21/2003
03-0181 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 10/27/2003
04-0068 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 04/23/2004
04-0197 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 10/25/2004
05-0068 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 04/22/2005
05-0199 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 10/28/2005
06-0089 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 04/18/2006
06-0217 Improvement to and Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 10/25/2006
07-0074 Update on the Improvements to the Risk_Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 04/26/2007

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, August 28, 2023