Nuclear Materials Facilities (by Location or Name)
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) currently regulates fuel cycle facilities and uranium recovery facilities in Illinois, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. The following map depicts the locations of these facilities, while the Alphabetical List of Mapped Materials Facilities (below the map) identifies each facility by licensee, location, and type.
In addition to these mapped facilities, the NRC and its Agreement States have issued more than 20,000 licenses in the United States for Medical, Industrial, and Academic Uses of source, byproduct, and special nuclear materials. Of these active licenses, approximately 3,800 are administered by the NRC, while the rest are administered by Agreement States. For more detail, see Materials Licensees by State (on this page), or see the following related pages in the NRC's Facility Information Finder:
Depleted Uranium Deconversion Facility |
Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facility |
Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Facility |
Uranium Hexafluoride Production (Conversion) Facility |
Laser Separation Enrichment Facility |
Uranium Recovery Facility |
Region I oversees all materials licensees in Region II.
Region II oversees commercial nuclear fuel processing facilities in Illinois and Ohio (Region III), as well as New Mexico and Washington (Region IV).
Region III oversees materials licensees in Missouri (Region IV).
Alphabetical List of Mapped Materials Facilities
A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | U | W
Licensee/Facility |
Location |
Type |
Oak Ridge, TN |
Fuel Fabrication – Category 2 |
Materials Licensees by State
The following table reflects the number of materials licenses in each State, as well as the number administered by the NRC and its Agreement States. The NRC and Agreement State data are current as of June 2018. Select a State name for more information about its nuclear materials and other facilities. For additional detail, Find NRC-Licensed Facilities by NRC Region or State.
Agreement State |
States Pursuing Agreements |
* A zero in this column indicates that the given State is not an Agreement State (that is, it has not entered into an agreement with the NRC to exercise regulatory authority over nuclear materials)..
Notes: The NRC and Agreement State data are as of June 2018. These totals represent an estimate because the number of specific radioactive materials licenses per State may change daily. The NRC licenses Federal agencies in Agreement States.