Commission Action Memoranda (COM) for 2023

As a general policy, COMs and COMSECYs will be released to the public unless they contain specific limited types of information which warrant protection. Missing numbers in the listing indicate that these papers involve matters which the Commission has specifically agreed should be withheld: Classified, Safeguards, Allegation, Investigation, Security-Related, Proprietary, Privacy Act Information, Federal/State/Foreign Government and International Agency-Controlled Information, Adjudicatory, Enforcement, Lawyer-Client or Legal Work Product, and limited sensitive matters which contain a specific withhold recommendation and supporting justification. (Reference Internal Commission Procedures, Chapter II.)

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Document Number Description Date
COMSECY-23-0008 Request to Solicit for the Appointment of Two New Members on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 05/17/2023
Staff Requirements – Request to Solicit for the Appointment of Two New Members on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 06/13/2023
Commission Voting Record – Request to Solicit for the Appointment of Two New Members on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 06/13/2023
COMDAW-23-0001/COMAXC-23-0002 Measuring NRC Success 08/29/2023
COMJMB-23-0001 Establishing Commission Expectations for the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Timeliness of New Reactor Review 06/09/2023
Commissioner Crowell’s vote on COMJMB-23-0001 – Establishing Commission Expectations for the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Timeliness of New Reactor Reviews 07/26/2023
COMAXC-23-0001 Enabling the Mission - A Measured Approach to the Future of Work 04/06/2023
Staff Requirements – Enabling the Mission - A Measured Approach to the Future of Work 06/09/2023
Commission Voting Record – Enabling the Mission - A Measured Approach to the Future of Work 06/13/2023

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 30, 2023