Date |
Description |
12/18/1997 |
Affirmation Session
12/18/1997 |
Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW)
12/17/1997 |
Briefing on Integration and Evaluation of Results from Recent Lessons-Learned Reviews (Including 50.59 Process Improvements)
12/12/1997 |
Meeting with Northeast Nuclear on Millstone
12/11/1997 |
Affirmation Session
11/05/1997 |
Affirmation Session
11/05/1997 |
Briefing on Proposed Resolution to a Petition for Rulemaking Relating to Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) Following Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant
11/04/1997 |
Meeting with Commonwealth Edison
10/30/1997 |
All Employees Meeting - P.M. Session
10/30/1997 |
All Employees Meeting - A.M. Session
10/29/1997 |
Briefing on Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP)
10/15/1997 |
Briefing on PRA Implementation Plan
10/14/1997 |
Briefing on EEO Program
10/14/1997 |
Briefing on Severe Accident Master Integration Plan
10/08/1997 |
Affirmation Session
09/19/1997 |
Briefing by DOE and NRC on Regulatory Oversight of DOE Nuclear Facilities
09/19/1997 |
Affirmation Session
09/19/1997 |
Briefing on Senior Management Assessment Process for Operating Reactors
09/17/1997 |
Briefing by DOE on Plutonium Disposition Strategy and Program
09/03/1997 |
Affirmation Session
08/07/1997 |
Affirmation Session
08/07/1997 |
Meeting with NRC Executive Council
08/06/1997 |
Briefing on Shutdown Risk Proposed Rule for Nuclear Power Plants
08/06/1997 |
Meeting with Northeast Nuclear on Millstone
08/04/1997 |
Affirmation Session
06/25/1997 |
Briefing on Salem
06/25/1997 |
Briefing on Operating Reactors and Fuel Facilities
06/12/1997 |
Briefing on Status of License Renewal
05/21/1997 |
Affirmation Session
05/20/1997 |
Affirmation Session
05/20/1997 |
Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW)
05/15/1997 |
Briefing on Status of HLW Program
05/15/1997 |
Briefing on Performance Assessment Progress in HLW, LLW, and SDMP
05/14/1997 |
Briefing on Program to Improve Regulatory Effectiveness
05/14/1997 |
Briefing on Status of Activities with CNWRA and HLW
05/13/1997 |
Briefing by National and Wyoming Mining Associations
05/12/1997 |
Meeting with Boiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project and NRC Staff
05/08/1997 |
Meeting with Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI)
05/07/1997 |
Briefing on IPE Insight Report
05/06/1997 |
Briefing on PRA Implementation Plan
05/02/1997 |
Meeting with Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC)
05/02/1997 |
Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)
04/25/1997 |
Meeting with Commonwealth Edison on Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Letter
04/24/1997 |
Briefing on Staff Response to Arthur Anderson Study Recommendations
04/24/1997 |
Briefing on Electric Utility Restructuring
04/23/1997 |
Briefing on Millstone
04/23/1997 |
Briefing on Electric Grid Reliability
03/31/1997 |
Meeting with DOE on External Regulation of DOE Facilities
03/25/1997 |
Briefing on High-Burnup Fuel Issues
03/10/1997 |
Briefing on Implementation of Maintenance Rule, Revised Regulatory Guide, and Consequences
03/10/1997 |
Briefing on 10 CFR 50.59 Regulatory Process Improvements
02/20/1997 |
Briefing on EEO Program
02/19/1997 |
Briefing on Millstone and Maine Yankee Lessons Learned
02/18/1997 |
Briefing on Analysis of Quantifying Plant Watch List Indicators
02/18/1997 |
Briefing on BPR Project on Redesigned Materials Licensing Process
02/13/1997 |
Affirmation Session
02/13/1997 |
Briefing on Operating Reactor Oversight Program and Status of Improvements in NRC Inspection Program
02/04/1997 |
Briefing by Maine Yankee, NRR and Region I
01/31/1997 |
Briefing on Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program
01/30/1997 |
Briefing on Millstone by Northeast Utilities and NRC
01/29/1997 |
Affirmation Session
01/29/1997 |
Briefing on Operating Reactors and Fuel Facilities
01/27/1997 |
Briefing by DOE on Plutonium Disposition
01/22/1997 |
Briefing on Codes and Standards
01/22/1997 |
Affirmation Session
01/13/1997 |
Affirmation Session
01/13/1997 |
Briefing on NRC Strategic Assessment