Commission Meetings, Agendas, Slides, Transcripts, Meeting SRMs, and Full Written Explanation for Closed Meetings for 2023

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Date Description
10/19/2023 Affirmation Session
10/19/2023 Hearing on Construction Permit for Kairos Hermes Non-Power Test Reactor: Section 189a of the Atomic Energy Act Proceeding (Public Meeting)
10/05/2023 Affirmation Session
09/14/2023 Briefing on NRC International Activities (Closed Ex. 1 and 9)
09/12/2023 NRC All Employees Meeting
09/11/2023 Affirmation Session
08/14/2023 Affirmation Session
07/11/2023 Executive Branch Briefing on NRC International Activities (Closed Ex. 1 and 9)
06/20/2023 Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM) (Public)
06/13/2023 Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity
06/09/2023 Meeting with the Advisory Committee of Reactor Safeguards
05/18/2023 Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
05/16/2023 Update on 10 C.F.R. Part 53 Licensing and Regulation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors
04/20/2023 Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Fuel Facilities and the Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Business Lines
03/30/2023 Briefing on Nuclear Regulatory Research Program
03/28/2023 Briefing on the Annual Threat Environment (Closed Ex. 1)
03/17/2023 Affirmation Session
03/07/2023 Briefing on NRC International Activities (Closed Ex. 1 & 9)
02/09/2023 Advanced Reactor Licensing Under 10 C.F.R. Parts 50 and 52
02/07/2023 Briefing on Security Issues (Closed - Ex. 1)
01/26/2023 Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste and Nuclear Materials Users Business Lines

Overview of Accident Tolerant Fuel Activities

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, October 20, 2023