Fuel Cycle Sub-Arena

The Nation's fuel cycle facilities comprise one of two sub-arenas that the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) identified in considering which areas of the materials safety arena to target for greater use of risk information. This page summarizes the following aspects of this sub-arena with expanding menus:

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List of Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Activities

This list shows the ongoing licensing initiatives, projects, and activities that the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has targeted for greater use of risk information in the Fuel Cycle Facilities Sub-Arena within the Materials Safety Arena:

ANS Standard 57.11, "Integrated Safety Assessments for Fuel Cycle Facilities"

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Rulemaking – Cybersecurity for Fuel Cycle Facilities

double arrow head (chevron) pointing downward FY 2022

Proposed rule is still before the Commission.

For more information see Planned Rulemaking Activities - Rule website.

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Rulemaking for Reprocessing Facilities

double arrow head (chevron) pointing downward FY 2022


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Building Smarter Fuel Cycle Licensing and Inspection Programs

double arrow head (chevron) pointing downward FY 2022

The NRC staff incorporated the near- and mid-term Smarter Licensing Recommendations into its Division Instructions to enhance the review process by providing more opportunities to interact with the applicant, improve the efficiency of reviews, and provide more transparency for stakeholders to understand the review timeline and process. Implementation of the Smarter Inspection Program began in January 2021. Since most inspections are on a 3-year frequency, the Fuel Cycle Smarter Inspection Program Self-Assessment will be completed once a comprehensive set of data is available.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, September 05, 2023