Release Date |
Number |
Description |
SECY Paper |
cript |
12/30/2005 |
12/30/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
12/29/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0019 |
Protective Measures and Implementing Guidance for Groups 1 Through 4 Materials Licensees |
12/27/2005 |
SECY-05-0229 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 9, 2005 |
12/23/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0049 |
Delegation of Authority for Imminent Security Threats to NRC Licensees |
12/23/2005 |
SECY-05-0212 |
Proposed Rulemaking - Clarification of NRC Civil Penalty Authority over Contractors and Subcontractors Who Discriminate Against Employees for Engaging in Protected Activities (RIN 3150-AH59) |
12/23/2005 |
SECY-05-0187 |
Status of Safety Culture Initiatives and Schedule for Near-Term Deliverables |
12/22/2005 |
SECY-05-0219 |
Issuance of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2005-XX, “Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power” |
12/21/2005 |
SECY-05-0187 |
Status of Safety Culture Initiatives and Schedule for Near-Term Deliverables |
12/21/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0028 |
Staff Response to SRM for COMSECY-05-0015: Initiatives for Increasing Agreement State Participation in the Control of Sources |
12/21/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0015 |
Initiatives for Increasing Agreement State Participation in the Control of Sources |
12/21/2005 |
SECY-05-0227 |
Final Rule — AP1000 Design Certification |
12/20/2005 |
SECY-05-0045 |
Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking to Revise 10 CFR Part 50 to Require Offsite Emergency Plans to Include Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers (PRM-50-79) |
12/20/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
12/20/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Status of New Reactor Issues |
12/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0223 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 2, 2005 |
12/15/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program |
12/14/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0057 |
Fourth Annual Report - Broadcasting of Commission Meetings Over the Internet |
12/13/2005 |
12/08/2005 Commission Meeting: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
12/13/2005 |
SECY-05-0222 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 25, 2005 |
12/12/2005 |
12/12/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
12/12/2005 |
CLI-05-29 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC |
12/07/2005 |
SECY-05-0219 |
Issuance of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2005-XX, “Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power” |
12/06/2005 |
SECY-05-0212 |
Proposed Rulemaking - Clarification of NRC Civil Penalty Authority over Contractors and Subcontractors Who Discriminate Against Employees for Engaging in Protected Activities (RIN 3150-AH59) |
12/06/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0054 |
Policy Revision: Handling, Marking, and Protecting Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) |
12/02/2005 |
11/30/2005 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program |
11/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0217 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 18, 2005 |
11/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0200 |
Efforts by Western Nuclear, Inc., to Acquire Off-Site Properties in Conjunction with Decommissioning its Uranium Recovery Site and the Need for Institutional Controls |
11/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0215 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 11, 2005 |
11/28/2005 |
12/08/05 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
11/28/2005 |
11/21/2005 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Status of New Reactor Issues |
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
11/22/2005 |
11/21/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program |
11/21/2005 |
11/21/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
11/21/2005 |
CLI-05-28 |
Louisiana Energy Services, L.P. |
11/21/2005 |
CLI-05-27 |
U.S. Department of Energy |
11/18/2005 |
SECY-05-0048 |
Petition for Rulemaking on Protection of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Against Radiological Sabotage (PRM-50-80) |
Amendment to Staff Requirements - SECY-05-0048 |
11/17/2005 |
SECY-05-0209 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 4, 2005 |
11/17/2005 |
SECY-05-0202 |
Staff Review of the National Academies Study of the Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VII) |
11/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0200 |
Efforts by Western Nuclear, Inc., to Acquire Off-Site Properties in Conjunction with Decommissioning its Uranium Recovery Site and the Need for Institutional Controls |
11/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0199 |
Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan |
11/15/2005 |
11/21/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Status of New Reactor Issues |
11/14/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Implementation of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force (DBLLTF) Recommendations |
11/14/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0047 |
Semiannual Report - Status of Implementation of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Report Recommendations |
11/14/2005 |
SECY-05-0204 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 28, 2005 |
11/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0106 |
Proposed Rulemaking to Revise 10 CFR 73.1, Design Basis Threat (DBT) Requirements |
11/09/2005 |
SECY-05-0170 |
Proposed Agreement Between the State of Minnesota and the Commission Pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended |
11/09/2005 |
SECY-05-0203 |
Revised Proposed Rule to Update 10 CFR Part 52, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants" |
11/08/2005 |
SECY-05-0192 |
Status of the Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Program and the Development of Standardized Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) Models |
11/04/2005 |
SECY-05-0187 |
Status of Safety Culture Initiatives and Schedule for Near-Term Deliverables |
11/04/2005 |
SECY-05-0151 |
Proposed Rule: 10 CFR parts 30, 31, 32, and 150 – Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing and Reporting Requirements (RIN 3150-AH41) |
11/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0151 |
Proposed Rule: 10 CFR parts 30, 31, 32, and 150 – Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing and Reporting Requirements (RIN 3150-AH41) |
11/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0172 |
Duke Power Company’s Request to Incorporate the Oconee Emergency Operations Facility into the EOF Shared by Catawba and McGuire Nuclear Stations |
11/03/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0046 |
Incorporation of Energy Policy Act Provisions into 10 CFR 73.55 Proposed Rule Package and Request for a Three Month Extension |
11/03/2005 |
11/01/2005 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Implementation of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force (DBLLTF) Recommendations |
11/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0197 |
Review of Operational Programs in a Combined License Application and Generic Emergency Planning Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria |
11/01/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Decommissioning Activities and Status |
10/31/2005 |
SECY-05-0196 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 21, 2005 |
10/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0193 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 14, 2005 |
10/27/2005 |
SECY-05-0172 |
Duke Power Company’s Request to Incorporate the Oconee Emergency Operations Facility into the EOF Shared by Catawba and McGuire Nuclear Stations |
10/26/2005 |
10/26/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
10/26/2005 |
CLI-05-26 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC and PSEG Nuclear, LLC |
10/26/2005 |
CLI-05-25 |
Amergen Energy Company, LLC |
10/26/2005 |
CLI-05-24 |
Dominoin Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. |
10/26/2005 |
CLI-05-23 |
U.S. Army |
10/26/2005 |
11/01/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Implementation of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force (DBLLTF) Recommendations |
10/25/2005 |
10/18/05 Comission Meeting: Briefing on Decommissioning Activities and Status |
10/20/2005 |
10/19/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
10/19/2005 |
CLI-05-22 |
Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. |
10/19/2005 |
CLI-05-21 |
Louisiana Energy Services, L.P. |
10/19/2005 |
CLI-05-20 |
Louisiana Energy Services, L.P. |
10/18/2005 |
SECY-05-0186 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 7, 2005 |
10/13/2005 |
SECY-05-0179 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 23, 2005 |
10/12/2005 |
SECY-05-0160 |
Phase I Report and Recommendations on Congressional District Outreach Effort |
10/12/2005 |
SECY-05-0182 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 30, 2005 |
10/12/2005 |
SECY-05-0164 |
Annual Fee Calculation Method |
10/11/2005 |
10/18/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Decommissioning Activities and Status |
09/29/2005 |
COMSECY-04-0068 |
Use of Insurance as a Method to Provide Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors |
09/29/2005 |
SECY-05-0171 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 16, 2005 |
09/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0051 |
Details and Projected Cost of a Demonstration Test Of a Full-Scale Spent Nuclear Fuel Rail Transportation Cask Under the Package Performance Study |
09/22/2005 |
SECY-04-0182 |
Status of Risk-Informed Regulation in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
09/22/2005 |
SECY-05-0156 |
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Participation in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Halden Reactor Project During 2006–2008 |
09/22/2005 |
SECY-05-0138 |
Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Alternatives to the Single-Failure Criterion |
09/20/2005 |
SECY-05-0165 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 9, 2005 |
09/20/2005 |
SECY-05-0120 |
Security Design Expectations for New Reactor Licensing Activities |
09/20/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0036 |
Evaluation of Agreement State Implementation of the Generally Licensed Device Amendment |
09/19/2005 |
SECY-05-0158 |
Periodic Assessment of the Activities of the Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR) |
09/16/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0036 |
Evaluation of Agreement State Implementation of the Generally Licensed Device Amendment |
09/14/2005 |
SECY-05-0130 |
Policy Issues Related to New Plant Licensing and Status of the Technology-Neutral Framework for New Plant Licensing |
09/14/2005 |
SECY-05-0156 |
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Participation in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Halden Reactor Project During 2006–2008 |
09/12/2005 |
SECY-05-0163 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 2, 2005 |
09/12/2005 |
Additional Meeting SRM -- OAS/CRCPD |
09/09/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0033 |
Staff Plan to Address Supplemental Staff Requirements Memorandum (M050419A-SUPP) - Discussion of Enforcement Issue |
09/09/2005 |
COMNJD-05-0006 |
Multinational Design Approval Program (MDAP), Stage 1 |
09/09/2005 |
09/09/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
09/09/2005 |
CLI-05-19 |
Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. |
09/08/2005 |
SECY-05-0153 |
Agencywide Documents Access and Management System: Semi-Annual Progress Report for January-June 2005 |
09/08/2005 |
SECY-05-0161 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 26, 2005 |
09/07/2005 |
SECY-05-0151 |
Proposed Rule: 10 CFR parts 30, 31, 32, and 150 – Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing and Reporting Requirements (RIN 3150-AH41) |
09/06/2005 |
SECY-05-0113 |
Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking to Revise Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50 and Associated Guidance Documents (PRM-50-76) |
09/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0146 |
Proposed Reorganization of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
08/31/2005 |
SECY-05-0144 |
Proposed Rule; 10 CFR Part 63: "Implementation of a Dose Standard after 10,000 Years" (RIN 3150-AH68) |
08/31/2005 |
SECY-05-0126 |
Summary of Activities Related to Generic Safety Issues (WITS198300621) |
08/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0155 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 19, 2005 |
08/26/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Meeting with Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) |
08/26/2005 |
SECY-05-0145 |
Semiannual Report on Status of Staff Information Technology/Information Management and Business Process Activities in Preparation for the High-Level Waste Repository Proceedings |
08/25/2005 |
SECY-05-0139 |
Semiannual Update of the Status of New Reactor Licensing Activities and Future Planning for New Reactors |
08/25/2005 |
SECY-05-0138 |
Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Alternatives to the Single-Failure Criterion |
08/24/2005 |
SECY-05-0144 |
Proposed Rule; 10 CFR Part 63: "Implementation of a Dose Standard after 10,000 Years" (RIN 3150-AH68) |
08/23/2005 |
SECY-05-0149 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 12, 2005 |
08/18/2005 |
SECY-05-0078 |
Staff Recommendations for Regulatory Improvements to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System Database |
08/18/2005 |
08/16/05 Commission Meeting: Meeting with Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) |
08/17/2005 |
SECY-05-0147 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 5, 2005 |
08/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0141 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 29, 2005 |
08/08/2005 |
08/16/05 Meeting Slides: Meeting with Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) |
08/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0121 |
Request to Consider Developing a Formal Tribal Consultation Protocol |
08/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0130 |
Policy Issues Related to New Plant Licensing and Status of the Technology-Neutral Framework for New Plant Licensing |
08/04/2005 |
COMJSM-05-0001 |
Staff Formal Membership in Committees and Outside Groups |
08/04/2005 |
CLI-05-18 |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. |
08/04/2005 |
08/04/2005 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
08/02/2005 |
SECY-05-0126 |
Summary of Activities Related to Generic Safety Issues (WITS198300621) |
07/29/2005 |
SECY-05-0052 |
Proposed Rulemaking for "Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements" |
07/28/2005 |
CLI-05-17 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC
Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC
System Energy Resources, Inc.
Louisana Energy Services, L.P. USEC, Inc. |
07/28/2005 |
07/28/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
07/27/2005 |
SECY-05-0133 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 22, 2005 |
07/26/2005 |
SECY-05-0123 |
Status of the Development of Memoranda of Understanding with Nebraska and Wyoming, Regarding the Regulation of Groundwater Protection at their In Situ Leach Uranium Recovery Facilities |
07/26/2005 |
SECY-05-0132 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 15, 2005 |
07/26/2005 |
COMSECY-05-0025 |
Renewal of Full-Power Operating License for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 |
07/25/2025 |
CLI-05-16 |
Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. |
07/22/2005 |
07/22/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
07/22/2005 |
SECY-05-0121 |
Request to Consider Developing a Formal Tribal Consultation Protocol |
07/21/2005 |
SECY-05-0125 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 8, 2005 |
07/20/2005 |
SECY-05-0118 |
Results of the Pilot Program to Improve the Effectiveness of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspections of Engineering and Design Issues |
07/19/2005 |
SECY-05-0117 |
Staff Comments on the Foundation Documents of the International Commission on Radiological Protection |
07/11/2005 |
SECY-05-0122 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 1, 2005 |
07/06/2005 |
SECY-05-0116 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 24, 2005 |
07/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0114 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 17, 2005 |
07/01/2005 |
COMGBJ-05-0001 |
Improving Transparency in the 10 CFR §20.2002 Process |
07/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0091 |
Task Force Report on Public Disclosure of Security-Related Information |
07/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0074 |
Proposed Rule to Amend the Fitness-For-Duty Requirements in 10 CFR Part 26 |
07/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0073 |
Implementation of New USNRC Responsibilities under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2005 in Reviewing Waste Determinations for the USDOE |
06/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0104 |
Options and Recommendation for the Potential Role of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission During the Development of the Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement on Disposal of Greater-Than-Class-C Radioactive Waste (SRM-M050215) |
06/30/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) |
06/30/2005 |
06/28/05 Commission Meeting: Commission Briefing on the EEO Program |
06/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0106 |
Proposed Rulemaking to Revise 10 CFR 73.1, Design Basis Threat (DBT) Requirements |
06/30/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting |
06/29/2005 |
CLI-05-15 |
Yankee Atomic Electric Company |
06/29/2005 |
06/29/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
06/27/2005 |
SECY-05-0104 |
Options and Recommendation for the Potential Role of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission During the Development of the Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement on Disposal of Greater-Than-Class-C Radioactive Waste (SRM-M050215) |
06/24/2005 |
SECY-05-0097 |
Options for Permitting Visitors of Hospitalized Patients to Receive Doses in Excess of Currently Permitted Levels |
06/23/2005 |
SECY-05-0108 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 10, 2005 |
06/22/2005 |
06/28/05 Meeting Slides: Commission Briefing on the EEO Program |
06/21/2005 |
06/02/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Office of International Programs (OIP) Programs, Performance and Plans |
06/21/2005 |
06/20/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
06/20/2005 |
CLI-05-14 |
Duke Energy Corporation |
06/20/2005 |
CLI-05-13 |
06/20/2005 |
CLI-05-12 |
Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. |
06/17/2005 |
SECY-05-0098 |
Status Report on Power Uprates |
06/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0105 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 3, 2005 |
06/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0097 |
Options for Permitting Visitors of Hospitalized Patients to Receive Doses in Excess of Currently Permitted Levels |
06/14/2005 |
SECY-05-0103 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 27, 2005 |
06/08/2005 |
SECY-05-0100 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 20, 2005 |
06/07/2005 |
06/02/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Office of International Programs (OIP) Programs, Performance and Plans |
06/02/2005 |
SECY-05-0089 |
Annual Report on Activities Associated with Evaluating Scientific Information and Radiation Protection Recommendations |
06/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0054 |
Proposed Rule: Radiological Criteria for Controlling the Disposition of Solid Materials (RIN 3150-AH18) |
06/01/2005 |
05/25/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting |
05/26/2005 |
SECY-05-0061 |
Final Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 9, Subpart A, "Freedom of Information Act Regulations," and Subpart B, "Privacy Act Regulations" |
05/26/2005 |
06/02/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Office of International Programs (OIP) Programs, Performance and Plans |
05/26/2005 |
SECY-05-0095 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 13, 2005 |
05/25/2005 |
05/25/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
05/19/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Grid Stability and Offsite Power Issues |
05/18/2005 |
05/25/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting |
05/18/2005 |
Staff Requirements: All Employees Meetings |
05/18/2005 |
SECY-05-0074 |
Proposed Rule to Amend the Fitness-for-Duty Requirements in 10 CFR Part 26 |
05/17/2005 |
SECY-05-0083 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 6, 2005 |
05/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0081 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 29, 2005 |
05/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0073 |
Implementation of New U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Responsibilities under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2005 in Reviewing Waste Determinations for the U.S. Department of Energy |
05/16/2005 |
05/11/05 All Employees Meeting
(Morning Session) |
05/16/2005 |
05/11/05 All Employees Meeting
(Afternoon Session) |
05/12/2005 |
05/12/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
05/12/2005 |
CLI-05-11 |
USEC, Inc. |
05/10/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Meeting with Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) |
05/10/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Status of New Site and Reactor Licensing |
05/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0070 |
Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment for Calendar Year 2004 |
05/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0069 |
FY 2004 Results of the Industry Trends Program for Operating Power Reactors and Status of the Ongoing Development of the Program |
05/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0068 |
Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan |
05/09/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Office of Research (RES) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
05/06/2005 |
SECY-05-0077 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 22, 2005 |
05/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0035 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2004 |
05/03/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on NRR Programs, Performance, and Plans |
05/02/2005 |
04/26/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Grid Stability and Offsite Power Issues |
04/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0071 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 15, 2005 |
04/28/2005 |
SECY-05-0061 |
Final Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 9, Subpart A, "Freedom of Information Act Regulations," and Subpart B, "Privacy Act Regulations" |
04/27/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Status of Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
04/27/2005 |
04/20/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on NRR Programs, Performance, and Plans |
04/26/2005 |
04/20/05 Commission Meeting: Meeting with Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) |
04/25/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
04/20/2005 |
4/21/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
04/20/2005 |
CLI-05-10 |
Duke Energy Corporation |
04/21/2005 |
SECY-05-0063 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 8, 2005 |
04/20/2005 |
4/20/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
04/20/2005 |
CLI-05-09 |
Exelon Generation Company, LLC
Dominion Nuclear North Anna, LLC
System Energy Resources, Inc.
Louisana Energy Services, L.P. USEC, Inc. |
04/20/2005 |
04/26/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Grid Stability and Offsite Power Issues |
04/18/2005 |
SECY-05-0054 |
Proposed Rule: Radiological Criteria for Controlling the Disposition of Solid Materials (RIN 3150-AH18) |
04/13/2005 |
04/20/05 Meeting Slides: Meeting with Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) |
04/13/2005 |
04/07/05 Commission Meeting: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
04/13/2005 |
SECY-05-0058 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 1, 2005 |
04/13/2005 |
SECY-05-0052 |
Proposed Rulemaking for “Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements” |
04/13/2005 |
04/20/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRR Programs, Performance, and Plans |
04/11/2005 |
04/06/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Status of New Site and Reactor Licensing |
04/08/2005 |
04/05/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Office of Research (RES) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
04/07/2005 |
SECY-05-0055 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 25, 2005 |
04/06/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) |
04/01/2005 |
03/29/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Status of Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
03/31/2005 |
04/07/05 Meeting Slides: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) |
03/31/2005 |
SECY-05-0046 |
Agencywide Documents Access and Management System: Semiannual Progress Report for July-December 2004 |
03/30/2005 |
04/06/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Status of New Site and Reactor Licensing |
03/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0050 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 18, 2005 |
03/30/2005 |
SECY-05-0049 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 11, 2005 |
03/28/2005 |
04/05/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Office of Research (RES) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
03/23/2005 |
3/29/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Status of Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
03/22/2005 |
03/16/05 Commission Meeting: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) |
03/17/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Materials Safety |
03/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0044 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 4, 2005 |
03/16/2005 |
CLI-05-08 |
Private Fuel Storage L.L.C. |
03/16/2005 |
CLI-05-01 |
Private Fuel Storage L.L.C. |
03/16/2005 |
CLI-04-27 |
Private Fuel Storage L.L.C. |
03/16/2005 |
CLI-04-10 |
Private Fuel Storage L.L.C. |
03/16/2005 |
03/16/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
03/15/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Status of Office of Information Services (OIS) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
03/15/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Nuclear Fuel Performance |
03/15/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Status of Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
03/11/2005 |
SECY-05-0017 |
Proposed Rule - AP1000 Design Certification |
03/09/2005 |
SECY-05-0020 |
Final Rule: Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards (RIN 3150-AH19) |
03/09/2005 |
3/16/05 Meeting Slides: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) |
03/09/2005 |
03/07/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Materials Safety |
03/09/2005 |
SECY-05-0042 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 25, 2005 |
03/08/2005 |
03/07/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
03/08/2005 |
02/24/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Nuclear Fuel Performance |
03/04/2005 |
SECY-05-0034 |
Annual Report on Commission Adjudication |
03/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0029 |
Use of the NRC Public Web Site for Dissemination of the NRC Enforcement Policy |
03/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0039 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 18, 2005 |
03/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0033 |
Semiannual Report on Status of Staff Information Technology/Information Management and Business Process Activities in Preparation for the High-Level Waste Repository Proceedings |
03/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0029 |
Use of the NRC Public Web Site for Dissemination of the NRC Enforcement Policy |
03/01/2005 |
Staff Requirements: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Waste Safety |
02/28/2005 |
3/7/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Materials Safety |
02/25/2005 |
SECY-05-0037 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 11, 2005 |
02/25/2005 |
02/23/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Status of Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
02/24/2005 |
SECY-04-0236 |
Southern Nuclear Operating Company's Proposal to Establish a Common Emergency Operating Facility at its Corporate Headquarters |
02/24/2005 |
02/22/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Status of Office of Information Services (OIS) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
02/22/2005 |
SECY-05-0029 |
Use of the NRC Public Web Site for Dissemination of the NRC Enforcement Policy |
02/22/2005 |
02/22/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
02/22/2005 |
CLI-05-07 |
Safety Light Corporation |
02/17/2005 |
02/15/05 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Waste Safety |
02/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0005 |
Options for Research Effectiveness Review Board |
02/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0019 |
Proposed Revision to NRC’s Relocation Policy |
02/16/2005 |
2/23/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Status of Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
02/16/2005 |
SECY-05-0031 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 4, 2005 |
02/15/2005 |
2/24/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Nuclear Fuel Performance |
02/15/2005 |
2/22/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Status of Office of Information Services (OIS) Programs, Performance, and Plans |
02/15/2005 |
SECY-05-0024 |
Annual Review of Need for Rulemaking on Low-Level Waste Storage |
02/10/2005 |
SECY-05-0021 |
Annual Report on Court Litigation (Calendar Year 2004) |
02/09/2005 |
SECY-05-0028 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 28, 2005 |
02/08/2005 |
02/15/05 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Programs, Performance, and Plans - Waste Safety |
02/08/2005 |
SECY-04-0229 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' 10 CFR 26.6 Exemption Request |
02/04/2005 |
SECY-05-0027 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 21, 2005 |
02/04/2005 |
SECY-05-0019 |
Proposed Revision to NRC’s Relocation Policy |
02/03/2005 |
SECY-05-0025 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 14, 2005 |
02/02/2005 |
SECY-05-0017 |
Proposed Rule - AP1000 Design Certification |
02/02/2005 |
SECY-05-0014 |
Submission of the Annual Freedom of Information Act Report |
02/01/2005 |
SECY-05-0013 |
Semiannual Update of the Status of New Reactor Licensing Activities and Future Planning for New Reactors |
01/31/2005 |
SECY-04-0226 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-20-22) Submitted by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District |
01/27/2005 |
SECY-05-0020 |
Final Rule: Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards (RIN 3150-AH19) |
01/25/2005 |
SECY-05-0006 |
Second Status Paper on the Staff's Proposed Regulatory Structure for New Plant Licensing and Update on Policy Issues Related to New Plant Licensing |
01/25/2005 |
SECY-05-0005 |
Options for Research Effectiveness Review Board |
01/21/2005 |
COMSECY-04-0077 |
Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Action Plan for the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste |
01/19/2005 |
CLI-05-06 |
All Power Reactor Licensees and Research Reactor Licenses Who Transport Spent Nuclear Fuel |
01/19/2005 |
01/19/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
01/19/2005 |
SECY-05-0018 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 7, 2005 |
01/18/2005 |
SECY-04-0233 |
Proposed Rulemaking—Post-Fire Operator Manual Actions (RIN 3150 AH-54) |
01/18/2005 |
CLI-05-05 |
Louisiana Energy Services, L.P. |
01/18/2005 |
CLI-05-04 |
System Energy Resources, Inc. |
01/18/2005 |
01/18/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
01/14/2005 |
SECY-04-0236 |
Southern Nuclear Operating Company’s Proposal to Establish a Common Emergency Operating Facility at its Corporate Headquarters |
01/13/2005 |
SECY-04-0194 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-40-28) - Donald A. Barbour, Philotechnics |
01/12/2005 |
SECY-04-0235 |
Litigation Report - 2004 - 05 |
01/11/2005 |
SECY-05-0007 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 31, 2004 |
01/11/2005 |
SECY-04-0233 |
Proposed Rulemaking—Post-Fire Operator Manual Actions (RIN 3150 AH-54) |
01/06/2005 |
COMSECY-04-0079 |
Fire Protection Rule 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) Interim Enforcement Discretion Policy Extension |
01/05/2005 |
SECY-04-0215 |
Final Report on Results of the National Materials Program Pilot Projects |
01/05/2005 |
SECY-04-0223 |
Request for Approval of Staff Comments on the 2005 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection |
01/05/2005 |
CLI-05-03 |
Rene Chun |
01/05/2005 |
CLI-05-02 |
Duke Energy Corporation |
01/05/2005 |
01/05/05 Commission Meeting: Affirmation Session |
01/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0003 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 24, 2004 |
01/05/2005 |
SECY-05-0001 |
Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 17, 2004 |