Region I

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Regional Administrator: Raymond Lorson
Deputy Regional Administrator: Daniel Collins

Executes established NRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, licensing, incident response, governmental liaison, resource management, and human resources.

Public Affairs Staff

Senior Public Affairs Officer: Diane Screnci
Field Public Affairs Officer: Neil Sheehan

Implements NRC policies and programs for Public Affairs in the Region.

Regional Counsel

Brett Klukan

Advises the regional administrator on legal issues.

Enforcement, Allegations & Government Liaison Team

Team Leader: Raymond McKinley

Serves as the Region's resource for implementation and coordination of the Agency's enforcement and allegations programs. Coordinates and carries out communications between NRC and the states and appropriate local governments within the Region regarding the regulation of power reactors, and nuclear materials and facilities.

State Liaison Officers

Douglas Tifft

Serves as the principal point of contact between NRC Region I Office and senior level State officials, regional governmental organizations and appropriate local governments within the Region to coordinate and address a broad range of requests pertaining to technical, political and legal issues. Implements policies and guidelines provided by the Office of State Programs and the Region relative to NRC relations with State and local governments within the Region.

Division of Operating Reactor Safety

Director: Daniel Collins
Deputy Director: Paul Krohn

Implements the NRC inspection oversight and operator licensing programs at all operating reactor facilities in Region I. Provides direction and supervision of the resident inspection staff at each reactor facility.  Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the specialized fields of mechanical and electrical engineering; plant systems, operations, and testing; aging management; cyber security; fire protection; and problem identification and resolution. Administers the Region's operator licensing program (initial examination and requalification).  Performs risk assessments to support reactive inspection determination, notice of enforcement discretion (NOED) decisions, and inspection finding significance.  The span of activities includes, but is not limited to, baseline, supplemental and reactive inspections; enforcement; and allegation follow-up.  Provides for prompt onsite response to reactor events. Serves as the primary contact with licensees, Headquarters offices, and the public for power reactors in Region I.

Reactor Projects Branches 1-4

Manages the implementation of the Reactor Oversight Program (ROP) for power reactors.  Provides initial response to site events and emergencies.  This includes inspection and assessment activities; allegation follow-up; and enforcement for assigned power reactor sites.  Recruits and trains the resident inspection staff.

Reactor Projects Branch #1

Chief: Erin Carfang

Ginna Resident Office
FitzPatrick Resident Office
Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 Resident Office

(See Reactor Projects Branch Description)

Reactor Projects Branch #2

Chief: Matthew Young

Millstone 2 & 3 Resident Office
Beaver Valley 1 & 2 Resident Office
Seabrook Resident Office

(See Reactor Projects Branch Description)

Reactor Projects Branch #3

Chief: Brice Bickett

Hope Creek Resident Office
Salem 1 & 2 Resident Office
Calvert Cliffs Resident Office

(See Reactor Projects Branch Description)

Reactor Projects Branch #4

Chief: Jonathan Greives

Limerick 1 & 2 Resident Office
Peach Bottom 2 & 3 Resident Office
Susquehanna 1 & 2 Resident Office

(See Reactor Projects Branch Description)

Technical Support and Administrative Team

Team Leader: Marc Ferdas

Provides regional program support regarding operational and strategic activities associated with the implementation of the operating reactor inspection, oversight, and assessment program, including the oversight of inspector qualifications and training: monitoring operational performance (i.e., metrics); and the implementation of continuous improvement activities and initiatives.

Engineering Branch 1

Chief: Melvin Gray

Engineering Branch 1 performs inspections and technical evaluations related to piping, reactor pressure vessels, heat exchangers and plant mechanical and structural systems and components.  Additionally, Engineering Branch 1 inspects performance related to aging management and material control and accountability processes.  Provides technical expertise and support to other branches within the reactor oversight divisions, as well as performs reactive and supplemental inspections as necessary.

Engineering Branch 2

Chief: Glenn Dentel

Engineering Branch 2 performs inspection and technical evaluation of reactor licensee activities in the areas of fire protection, cyber security, and electrical.  Provides technical expertise and support to other branches within the reactor oversight divisions, as well as performs reactive and supplemental inspections as necessary.

Operations Branch

Chief: Donald Jackson

The Operations Branch implements the operator licensing program by performing operator requalification training inspections and operator licensing examinations.  Provides technical expertise and support to other branches within the reactor oversight divisions, as well as performs reactive and supplemental inspections as necessary.

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Division of Radiological Safety and Security

Director: Blake Welling
Deputy Director: Tamara Bloomer

Implements the oversight and inspection programs in the areas of radiation safety, nuclear materials, independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSI), decommissioning, physical security, and emergency preparedness.  Also, implements licensing activities for materials licensees and the coordination of regional incident response programs.  Provides coordination and oversight of Agreement State programs and activities.  Provides response to events at materials facilities and sites undergoing decommissioning; as well as response to events at operating nuclear power reactors in coordination with the Division of Operating Reactors (DORS).  Manages enforcement and allegation follow-up activities for materials, decommissioning, and ISFSI related issues.  Provides specialized technical leadership in the areas of radiation protection, physical security, and emergency preparedness in Region I.  Serves as the primary contact with licensees, headquarters offices, and the public for areas of responsibility. Implements the oversight and inspection programs in the areas of radiation safety, nuclear materials, independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSI), decommissioning, physical security, and emergency preparedness.  Also, implements licensing activities for materials licensees and the coordination of regional incident response programs.  Provides coordination and oversight of Agreement State programs and activities.  Provides response to events at materials facilities and sites undergoing decommissioning; as well as response to events at operating nuclear power reactors in coordination with the Division of Operating Reactors (DORS).  Manages enforcement and allegation follow-up activities for materials, decommissioning, and ISFSI related issues.  Provides specialized technical leadership in the areas of radiation protection, physical security, and emergency preparedness in Region I.  Serves as the primary contact with licensees, headquarters offices, and the public for areas of responsibility. 

Decommissioning, ISFSI and Reactor Health Physics Branch

Chief: Anthony Dimitriadis

Conducts routine and reactive inspections of permanently shut down reactor facilities and independent spent fuel storage installations.  Conducts inspections of decommissioning activities at fuel facilities, reactor facilities and materials facilities.  Conducts inspections of operating reactor licensee activities in the area of radiation protection.  Processes allegations and enforcement casework associated with these inspections, and assesses licensee performance.  Performs reviews of decommissioning plan submittals assigned to Region I.  Provides outreach and serves as a point of contact for headquarters, licensees and the public on all related issues.

Medical and Licensing Assistance Branch

Chief: Anne DeFrancisco

Performs nuclear materials safety and security inspection and licensing activities for medical, veterinary, and radio-pharmacy facilities.  Processes allegations and enforcement casework associated with these inspections. Processes and tracks Region I materials event reports.  Provides administrative support for licensing activities.

Commercial, Industrial, R&D and Academic Branch

Chief: Christopher Cahill

Performs nuclear materials safety and security inspection and licensing activities for commercial, academic, research and development, and industrial licensees. Manages the financial assurance and bankruptcy programs for materials licenses in Region I.  Performs licensing and inspection activities for the Department of the Navy’s Master Materials License.  Provides oversight and coordination of reciprocity requests submitted to Region I.  Processes allegations and enforcement casework associated with inspections. Provides oversight over General Licensees and manages the Adverse Weather Response Program for materials licensees in Region I.

Security, Emergency Preparedness, and Incident Response Branch

Chief: Daniel Schroeder

Performs region-based baseline and supplemental inspections of reactor licensee activities in the areas of physical security and emergency preparedness, provides technical expertise and support for the physical security and emergency preparedness programs and provides physical security inspection support to the Decommissioning, ISFSI and Reactor Health Physics Branch for decommissioning reactor and ISFSI sites.  Provides technical expertise and support for incident response, maintains the Region Incident Response Center, reviews changes to emergency preparedness and security plans.
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Division of Resource Management

Director: Mary Walsh

Performs administrative functions in human resource management, contract administration, budget and fiscal management, ADP services, space and property management, telecommunications, and general administrative services, including licensee fee management and FOIA processing.

Financial Resources Branch

Chief: David Rule

Performs all fiscal activities for the Region including budget formulation and execution, accounting, procurement, contract management, travel services, vehicle functions, and property management and space utilization services.

Information Resources Branch

Chief: Michael Dean

Provides Regional information technology/information management support, including computer operations, telecommunications, mail, and records file management, including ADAMS and FOIA, and license fee reporting. Computer services include application/system development, end user support, and LAN administration.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 20, 2023